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6. Discussion 55

6.1.4. Merging Algorithm

The post-process such as merging is necessary in the study of rigid domains in proteins estimation because it avoids the advents of very small and fragmented domains. One may reasonably ask whether users could skip the labeling step (the inference of the Viterbi al-gorithm on a line graph constructed from a coarse-grained graph) and apply the merging process directly on clusters from the coarse graining. This simplified version of my algo-rithm has shown good results on proteins with large-scale movements and less flexibility in their rigid domains, but failed on general cases.

Figure 6.4.: An edgee= (v1,v2)in the line graph represented by a pair of edges in the orig-inal graph. From (A) to (D): the labels of two vertices in the line graph (edges in the original graph) are unambiguously determined through mean-variances of two ended nodes of an edge and two vertices in the line graph. (E) & (F): an ambiguity of labeling two vertices in the line graph occurs when there are two signals indicating that three nodes should belong to one domain, but the other signal suggests the otherwise.

Figure 6.5.: Protein size versus running time (measured in seconds) evaluated for 487 pro-teins selected from the DynDom database.

6.2. Answers for Research Questions Concerning the Task of Novel Sequence-based Feature Engineering

The results from Section 5.2 show that the advent of the information theory-based feature fJSDclearly boosts the performance of the RF classifier in identifying the DNA-binding sites in proteins when it is combined with existing features such asfPSSM,fOBV andfSS. This section is based on the Discussion section in our paper [25] (see Appendix A.2).

In spite of both MSAs derived feature, my new feature and PSSMs are substantially different because they carry distinct kinds of evolutionary information. The PSSM feature which is a 20D vector computes a statistic of how likely an amino acid occurs at a certain position, meanwhile the JSD-based feature takes into account the divergences of a distri-bution of pairs of amino acids to a null distridistri-bution constructed from known non-binding sites. Even though the JSD-based feature is only a single scalar, it significantly improve the performance when concatenating with other existing high dimensional features.

In the RF classifier setting, the numbermof randomly selected features (see the descrip-tion of RF classifier in Secdescrip-tion 3.2.1 and Algorithm 3.2) depends on the problem and should be treated as a tuning parameter [97]. This parameter influences the generalization error of RF in two ways: strength of an individual tree and the correlations among trees. Whenmis

too big (close to the number of total featuresP), the strengths of trained trees are high, yet their correlations are also big which negatively affects to the RF performance. On the other hand, ifmis too small, the forest contains all weak but very small correlated trees. Accord-ing to Breiman [64], the number of used features in the classification problem is about the square root of the total features (m=bPc) [64, 97]. The author of RF [64] also suggested m=blog2P+1c[64]. In the study of DNA-binding sites in proteins prediction, I noticed that the first option (bPc) offered a better result, meanwhile other values ofmaround bPc gave similar results. Thus, I setbPcas the default parameter.

The number of trees in a forest is also an important parameters. As mentioned in [97], the RF classifier stabilized at about 200 trees. In my study, this classifier began to stabi-lize around 100 trees which was also the value I used for my study of DNA-binding sites prediction.

In DNA-protein complexes, only a small portion of proteins are directly responsible for the interaction with DNA. Thus, the class imbalance is arisen due to the fact that the number of DNA-binding sites in proteins is significantly less than the number of nonbinding sites. To deal with such imbalance issue, one could use data-driven techniques, algorithm-driven techniques, or the combination of these two. The data-algorithm-driven techniques employ data sampling methods to limit the affect of the data imbalance, meanwhile the algorithm-driven techniques use weights, cost schema as well as adapting underlying classifiers and their outputs as to avoid the bias toward the majority class [98].

In my study of DNA-binding sites in proteins prediction, I used data sampling methods to reduce the imbalance effect between positive and negative samples. The proportion of negative samples in each bootstrap sampling depends on how much sensitivity and speci-ficity of the designed algorithm. I noticed that I obtained the best result (according to MCC) when the number of negative samples in the training set is from twice to three times than the number of positive ones. Additionally, the number of RF classifiers in my method could be any arbitrary odd number. Nevertheless, it reached the stability with eleven RF classifiers in the method.

In this section, I conclude the thesis. For this, I provide a short summary and give an outlook on my potential future work.

7.1. Summary

In the course of this thesis, I present two methods which I developed aiming to solve the identifications of rigid domains as well as DNA-binding sites in proteins in a computational fashion.

In the study of rigid domains in proteins detection, I introduced a new algorithm to char-acterize structural changes in proteins. The new graph-based algorithm comprises several stages such as constructing a protein graph from multiple conformations, reducing graph complexity via the coarse graining, inferring the binary labeling of edges through a line graph transformation along with the generalized Viterbi algorithm. The crucial feature of this new method is that the number of rigid domains is learnt automatically. Yet users could relax the rigidity definition, thus be able to attain the desirable number of rigid do-mains. Overall, my segmentations and other methods such as DynDom [14], Spectrus [18], Habeck&Nguyen [19] have a strong agreement on various medium to large scale structural transitions.

In the second part of the thesis which studies DNA-binding sites in proteins, I propose a new sequence-based feature for such binding sites detection. My new feature applies Jensen–Shannon divergence to quantify the differences between the observed amino acids distribution of sites and the null distribution constructed from the amino acids distribution of non-binding sites. The results from several large benchmarks offer a strong evidence that the combination of existing features with my new sequence-based feature significantly improve the predictions of the RF classifier.

7.2. Outlook

In regard to the graph-based models of rigid domains in proteins detection, there are many aspects which are well worth being taken into consideration. First, the quality function con-sisting of feature functions on vertices and edges (EquationsΨ(1)(2)) could be designed

to integrate relevant information. As mentioned in the Discussion section, users could inte-grate their prior segmentations to help the coarse graining to reduce the error of inconsis-tency, thus resulting in the improvement of the rigid domains detection. Additionally, other useful information such as amino acids charge and secondary structure could be embedded in the algorithm either by modifying the graph construction (as described in the Discussion section) or via the designs of feature functions on vertices and edges. Second, instead of returning binary values, the feature functions could be designed to return continuous values which are beneficial for the analysis.

Concerning the study of identifying DNA-binding sites in proteins, it has been shown that a carefully designed doubly stochastic matrix could improve the predictions of DNA-binding sites in proteins [25]. Moreover, I was able to improve the effect of doubly stochas-tic matrix by harvesting biochemical signals which distinguishes binding and non-binding residues. Additionally, the results from Tables 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 have shown that in-corporating my new sequence-based feature with one existing feature such as PSSM signif-icantly improves the performance. Yet this positive effect is gradually faded with the advent of other features such as secondary structure (SS) and orthogonal binary vector (OBV).

Thus, there is a room to improve the performance by eliminating the redundancy in the feature space through a careful feature selection.

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