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8.6 Menu

This section outlines the menu bar available with the debugger.

8.6.1 Menu Structure

The menu bar has eight menus, each including frequently-used commands.

8.6.2 [File] Menu

[Load File...]

This menu item reads an object file in the IEEE-695 format into the debugger.

It performs the same function when the lf command is executed.

[Load Option...]

This menu item reads a program file, data file for the data ROM or an optional HEX file in Motorola-S format into the debugger. It performs the same function when the lo command is executed.

[Flash Memory Operation...]

This menu item reads/writes data from/to the Flash memory or erases the Flash memory contents. It performs the same function when the lfl, sfl or efl command is executed.


This menu item quits the debugger. It performs the same function when the q command is executed.

8.6.3 [Run] Menu


This menu item executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC. It performs the same function when the g command is executed.

[Go to Cursor]

This menu item executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC to the cursor position in the [Source] window (the address of that line). It performs the same function when the g <address> command is executed.

Before this menu item can be selected, the [Source] window must be open and the address line where the program is to break must be clicked. Selecting a break address by clicking on the address line is valid for only the lines that have actual code, and is invalid for the source-only lines.

[Go from Reset]

This menu item resets the CPU and then executes the target program from the program start address (0x0110). It performs the same function when the gr command is executed.


This menu item executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC. It performs the same function when the s command is executed.


This menu item executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC. If the instruction to be executed is calr, calz or int, it is assumed that a program section until control returns to the next address constitutes one step and all steps of their subroutines are executed. This menu item performs the same function when the n command is executed.

[Command File...]

This menu item reads a command file and executes the debug commands written in that file. It performs the same function when the com or cmw command is executed.

[Reset CPU]

This menu item resets the CPU. It performs the same function when the rst com-mand is executed.

8.6.4 [Break] Menu

[Breakpoint Set...]

This menu item displays, sets or clears PC breakpoints using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the bp command.

[Data Break...]

This menu item displays, sets or clears data break conditions using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the bd command.

[Register Break...]

This menu item displays, sets or clears register break conditions using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the br command.

[Sequential Break...]

This menu item displays, sets or clears sequential break conditions using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the bs command.

[Stack Break...]

This menu item displays or sets stack break conditions using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the bsp command.

[Break List]

This menu item displays the all break conditions that have been set. It performs the same function as executing the bl command.

[Break All Clear]

This menu item clears all break conditions. It performs the same function as executing the bac command.

8.6.5 [Trace] Menu

[Trace Mode Set...]

This menu item sets a trace mode and trace conditions using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the tm command.

[Trace Search...]

This menu item searches trace information from the trace memory under the condition specified using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the ts command.

[Trace File...]

This menu item saves the specified range of the trace information displayed in the [Trace] window to a file. It performs the same function as executing the tf com-mand.


This menu item activates the [Command] window.


This menu item opens or activates the [Source]

window and displays the program from the current PC address in the display mode selected from the sub menu items. These sub menu items perform the same functions as executing the u, sc, and m com-mand, respectively.

[Data Dump]

This menu item opens or activates the [Data] window and displays the data memory contents from the memory start address.


This menu item opens or activates the [Register] window and displays the current values of the registers.


This menu item opens or activates the [Trace] window and displays the trace data sampled in the ICE trace memory.


This menu item shows or hides the toolbar.

[Status Bar]

This menu item shows or hides the status bar.

8.6.6 [View] Menu

8.6.7 [Option] Menu


This menu item starts or stops logging using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the log command.


This menu item starts or stops recording of a command execution using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the rec command.

[Mode Setting...]

This menu item sets the on-the-fly display, break and execution counter modes using a dialog box. It performs the same functions as executing the md command.

8.6.8 [Windows] Menu


This menu item cascades the opened windows.


This menu item tiles the opened windows.

This menu shows the currently opened window names. Selecting one activates the window.

8.6.9 [Help] Menu


This menu item displays the contents of help topics.

[About Db63...]

This menu item displays an About dialog box for the debugger.