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body temperature [°C]

15 20 25 30 35 40

15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

general logistic regression model:

y = b0 / (1+b1 exp(b2 x) b0=38.14, b1=7.15, b2=-0.10 R²=0.87, p<0.001

Tb = Ttent

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

Fig. 7 – Spectral transmission of six Eriogaster lanestris silk layers of different thickness. Different bars at the bottom of the graph show the visible range of the light (white), ultraviolet light (dashed), near-infrared (tightly dashed) and the proportion of the solar spectrum which is not transmitted through the earth’s atmosphere under natural conditions (black).


Our results show that caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris are typical thermoregulators which are able to maintain high and relatively constant body temperatures over a wide range of ambient temperatures. Thermoregulation is improved considerably by the tent, a multi-layered silk texture which creates a heterogeneous microclimate. In E. lanestris, the effectiveness of thermoregulation does not only depend on the incoming solar radiation, but is likewise mediated by the caterpillars’ behavior and the physical properties of their tent.

wavelength [nm]

transmission increasing density of silk layer


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

At the onset of their development, caterpillars of E. lanestris are active at a time of year when the average daily ambient temperature is often far below the optimum temperature required for growth and development. However, univoltine early spring larvae are frequently under great time pressure to complete their life cycles because availability of high quality larval resources is restricted to a short period of the year (cf. Parry et al. 1998). It is well known that leaf quality is best shortly after budbreak and that nutrient as well as water content rapidly decrease during the following weeks (Hunter & Lechowicz 1992, Slansky 1993).

Caterpillars of E. lanestris failed to grow if they hatched about eight weeks after budbreak (C. Ruf, unpubl. obs.).

In insect larvae increased body temperatures raise rates of digestion and growth (Rawlins & Lederhouse 1981, Knapp & Casey 1986, Fischer & Fiedler 2001) and thereby shorten development time. However, most social caterpillars restrict foraging to the night or special daytimes in order to avoid exposure to natural enemies. Thus, they might not be able to benefit from increased body temperatures. In contrast, caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris show plastic foraging patterns that are strongly influenced by temperature (Ruf & Fiedler 2002). If temperatures are high, caterpillars are able to process food quickly and perform more foraging bouts per day than on cool days. Consequently, effective thermoregulation in this species should play a central role in enhancing food intake and growth.

It proved difficult to explicitly describe the position of the caterpillars in or on the tent solely on the basis of temperature. Obviously, additional, non-tested parameters including factors other than thermal constraints, influence decision-making of caterpillars. As a rule, however, caterpillars rested on the surface of the tent during the cold phases of a day, when radiation penetrating the tent possibly was too low to effectively warm the caterpillars (i.e. in the early morning or during phases of sunshine after rain). At higher temperatures, but also during phases of rainfall and in the absence of radiation at night, caterpillars made use of the multiple advantages of the tent like reduced convective heat loss, optimized surface-to-volume ratio, and protection from natural enemies, and retreated into the tent. When radiation was even higher,

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

temperatures in the tent rapidly exceeded physiological tolerable temperatures (>30-35°C) and caterpillars left the tent to rest in the shade. Laboratory studies with different arthropod species showed that developmental rates are often maximal at about 30°C but rapidly decrease at temperatures above 35°C (Logan et al. 1976, Taylor 1981, Lactin et al. 1995, Kingsolver 2000). Only few species of soft-bodied caterpillars are known to survive at temperatures slightly higher than 40°C at least for limited periods of time (Casey 1976). However, aggregation behavior has been shown to reduce water losses under high heat loads in a tropical saturniid caterpillar (Klok & Chown 1999).

The tent facilitates a three-dimensional clumped formation of the caterpillars that are thus able to form a composite body with an optimal volume-to-surface ratio that minimizes convective heat loss. Full grown larvae of E. lanestris that still form a social unit achieve body weights of about 1.3±0.1g (mean±SD, N=20) resulting in an effective body mass of ca. 260g for an average colony that comprises 200 caterpillars. Simulations suggest that such an increase in body mass may double the maximum temperature gain achievable by basking (Stevenson 1985a,b).

Other experimental studies showed that aggregations of caterpillars maintain body temperatures far in excess of single caterpillars of the same size independent of their orientation to the sun (Joos et al. 1988, Klok & Chown 1999) and that large groups achieve higher temperature gains than small groups (Halperin 1990). In addition to thermal benefits group basking serves to keep the entire colony at about the same Tb, thereby facilitating synchronous growth of the colony despite low Ta and high thermal sensitivity of growth.

Under laboratory conditions, in the absence of forced convection, caterpillars of E. lanestris are able to store metabolic warmth by tightly aggregating in the tent (Ruf & Fiedler 2000). Temperature in the tent is thus influenced by the caterpillars’ presence or absence. We were, however, not able to measure this effect under field conditions as these effects are overridden by environmental fluctuations of radiation and temperature. Yet, the observation that temperature

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

gains in tents with caterpillars were much larger (up to 25K) than in an empty tent (<5K) also emphasize the significance of the caterpillars’ composite body mass for thermoregulation.

Dark bodied caterpillars may be effective behavioral thermoregulators (e.g.

Porter 1982) even without a tent. Nevertheless, the use of a tent is an enormous advantage compared to individualistic or nomadic foraging caterpillar groups. The spinning of silk provides caterpillars with a material to alter their environment adaptively and consequently to improve their heat balance considerably.

For tent caterpillars of the related lasiocampid genus Malacosoma it has been hypothesized that the tent may function in the way of a greenhouse (Joos et al.

1988). The general characteristic of a greenhouse material should be to transmit radiation with relatively short wavelengths (such as sunlight), but block radiation of longer wavelengths (such as heat) (Goetzberger & Wittwer 1993).

This tendency leads to a build-up of heat within the space enclosed by the material layer. Incoming radiation is usually absorbed by a mass enclosed in the

‘greenhouse’ and re-radiated in form of infrared energy. Multiple layer constructions further reduce heat loss.

Judging from our measurements of spectral characteristic of the tent material, the silk of Eriogaster lanestris does not match these specifications. Short-wave radiation only poorly penetrated the silk and transmittance was much lower than in transparent materials. Although we were not able to photometrically measure the transmittance of the silk for long-wave radiation (λ> ca. 3µm) we expect the heat storing capacity of the material to be rather low, since temperature in the tent always rapidly decreased within an hour during dusk.

Obviously the tent rather functions like an ordinary tent than a greenhouse: The silk presumably absorbs a portion of the incoming short-wave radiation and emits long-wave radiation into the interior space of the tent as long as solar irradiation is sufficient. After sunset this effect expires at once and the tent cools down.

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

Nevertheless, the silk retards heat exchange of the caterpillars in the tent with the surrounding air (cf. Fitzgerald & Underwood 2000). The multiple layer structure should diminish convective heat loss, and air movement within intact tents has been reported to be negligible (Knapp & Casey 1986). In pine processionary caterpillars temperature gains in the tent (inhabited by the caterpillars) compared to ambient temperature were correlated to nest thickness, with only tightly woven nests gaining considerable heat (Breuer et al.

1989). These findings corroborate the notion that the transmittance of the silk does not determine the efficiency of the tent to build up high temperatures.

Instead, direct heating of the silk by sunlight and the reduction of convective heat loss for the mass of caterpillars (further improved by the multi-layer structure) are responsible for the observed effect.

In contrast, in Mexican Eucheira socialis temperature differences between the tent’s interior and the surroundings were lower in more densely woven tents (Fitzgerald & Underwood 2000). In contrast to other species investigated so far, E. socialis uses its tent in a completely different way, seeking out the coldest parts of the tent, exhibiting voluntary hypothermia. This may suggest that in E.

socialis very dense silk layers nearly totally reflect incoming radiation. However, no spectral measurement data on the silk of Eucheira and Thaumetopoea are thus far available that would allow for a rigorous comparison with our data on Eriogaster lanestris.

It is also noteworthy in this context that the interior of the tent itself did not exhibit greatly elevated temperatures when empty which was also recorded by Knapp & Casey (1986). Evidently the thermoregulatory function of the tent primarily depends on the mass of caterpillars storing heat.

The weak transmittance of solar radiation probably explains why E. lanestris caterpillars always rest outside on the tent during the early morning when solar radiation is weak. Only a small amount of radiation will then penetrate the silk, too low to allow the caterpillars to thermoregulate effectively.

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

There is a strong trade-off between the advantages provided by the tent and its disadvantages. Costs of sociality are numerous and may even be reinforced by the tents. Among these are the fast spreading of diseases (Hochberg 1991), food shortage which may occur on small sized crippled blackthorns on xerothermic slopes (C. Ruf, pers. obs.), and the conspicuousness of the tents to visually guided natural enemies (Costa 1993). This is especially true for the tightly woven tents formed by central-place foraging social caterpillars which are among the largest and most conspicuous structures built by insects and which are visible, to humans at least, over tens of meters. Furthermore, caterpillars are in a risk to overheat in summer and may thus be forced to stay outside the tent and be even more conspicuous. Besides, building a tent means an enormous energetic investment as silk protein is costly to produce for a herbivore (Berenbaum et al. 1993).

Besides their thermal function tents of caterpillars serve other purposes like facilitating of mass assembly and recruitment to food (Fitzgerald & Peterson 1983), or reduction of water loss (Wellington 1974). Furthermore, the tent is thought to transmit vibrations to ensure cohesion of group members and to help to keep caterpillars behavior synchronous (Fitzgerald & Costa 1999).

However, the use of a tent opens up thermoregulatory capacities far in excess of those of solitarily thermoregulating caterpillars and therefore is an important selective factor for the evolution and the maintenance of sociality in Eriogaster lanestris. A comprehensive understanding of the thermal biology of this species will further need the integration of physiology, ecology and behavior.


We thank Bernd Kornmaier and Jörg Hager for providing help with the processing of the experiments. We also thank Thomas Foken for methodological hints and comments on the manuscript as well as Jörg Gerchau for attaining radiation sensors and providing data. Spectral photometer measurements were kindly conducted by Stefan Forero. The district government of Bayreuth kindly issued a permit to collect individuals in the field for starting the laboratory population. Gregor Aas permitted access to the Botanical Garden. This work was supported by a grant from the Bayerische Graduiertenförderung to CR and by DFG grant Fi 547/8-1.

Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation


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Chapter five: Tent-based thermoregulation

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Chapter 6

Plasticity in foraging patterns of larval colonies