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7.2 Materials

7.2.8 Materials for immunofluorescence

Demecolcine (10µg/ml in HBSS) Sigma (#D1925)

Digitonin Sigma (#D141)

poly-L-lysine solution (0.1 % w/v in H2O) Sigma (#P8920)

Taxol (paclitaxel) Sigma (#T7191)

Monoclonal anti-α-tubulin, DM1A FITC conjugate Sigma (#F2168)

Pierce Streptavidin UltraLink Resin Thermo Scientific (#53114) VECTASHIELD Mounting Medium with DAPI Vectorlabs (#H-1200)


pARNO(E156K)-GFP2 pARNO-GFP2 (ZEO) ARNO-E156K sp ARNO-E156K ap (QuickChange)

pCMVTag2-ARNO(E156K) pCMVTag2-ARNO(KAN) ARNO-E156K sp ARNO-E156K ap (QuickChange)

pCMVTag2-ARNO-Sec7(E156K) pCMVTag2-ARNO-Sec7 ARNO-E156K sp ARNO-E156K ap (QuickChange)

pASK-IBA-Grb2 cDNA pASK-IBA 43 plus (Amp) KpnI-Grb2 Grb2-XhoI KpnI, XhoI

pASK45-Cyt2-∆CC pCMVTag2-ARNOdCC pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII

pASK45-Cyt2-∆PH pCMVTag2-ARNO-CC-Sec7 pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII

pASK45-Cyt2-Full pCMVTag2-ARNO pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII

pASK45-Cyt2-Full(E156K) pCMVTag2-ARNO(E156K) pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII

pASK45-Cyt2-Sec7 pCMVTag2-ARNO-Sec7 pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII

pASK45-Cyt2-Sec7(E156K) pCMVTag2-ARNO-Sec7(E156K) pASK-IBA 45 plus (Amp) nonea EcoRI, HindIII pCMVneo-EGFR-NLuc pGL4.12[luc2CP] pEGFR-RLuc (KAN)b KpnI-N-FLuc N-FLuc-XbaI KpnI, XbaI pCMVzeo-EGFR-CLuc pGL4.12[luc2CP] pEGFR-GFP2 (ZEO)b KpnI-C-FLuc C-FLuc-XbaI KpnI, XbaI pCMVzeo-EGFR-FLuc pGL4.12[luc2CP] pEGFR-GFP2 (ZEO)b KpnI-N-FLuc C-FLuc-XbaI KpnI, XbaI

pET11-ARNOpbr pET11-ARNO (Amp) ARNOpbr sp ARNOpbr ap (QuickChange)

pET15b-mmCyh3pbr pET15b-mmCyh3 (Amp) mmCyh3pbr sp mmCyh3pbr ap (QuickChange)

pGEX-GST-EGFR pEGFR-RLuc pGEX-2T (Amp) BamHI/EspI-EGFR GST-EGFR ap Esp3I (insert)

BamHI, EcoRI (vector)

pGST-GFP2 pGEX-2T pGFP2-N2 (ZEO) PstI-GST sp GST-BamHI ap PstI, BamHI

pGST-RLuc pGEX-2T pRLuc-N2 (KAN) PstI-GST sp GST-BamHI ap PstI, BamHI

Table 7.3: Plasmid constructs cloned- ZEO: Zeocin; KAN: kanamycin; Amp: Ampicillin.

aThe inserts were obtained by digestion of the template plasmid.

bXbaI is methylation sensitive. The vectors were purified from DamE.Coli.


Keep a cell alone, nothing will happen. Give it signals, it will grow. Allow it to communicate with various different cells, you will get a fully functional organism.

The same is true for a PhD student. Therefore I would like to gratefully thank not only my colleagues who helped me to scientifically grow, but also my family, friends and all those persons who in the most disparate ways created the right environment for my development. My special thanks go to (in alphabetical order):

- Alexander, Adrian, Monika and Ulf and the Lebenshilfe Rhein-Sieg e.V., for offering me a perfect recreation opportunity. A&A: your sincere smiling when seeing me, always gave me energy for a week.

- Anke, for our friendship, for explaining me the difference between a sheet full of spots and a Western blot and for our very diversified experiences in and outside the lab.

- Christina, who always realised when I needed some encouragement and for her gift of surprising me.

- Christine, for the paper-coffees and the coffees without papers and for offering regular highlights to my writing phase.

- Damian, for his invaluable help in synthesis design, HPLC, MS and espe-cially for his support in the difficult times.

- my boyfriend Daniel, for the wholehearted support through the ups and downs and for always trying to show me the positive face of the situation.

- the members of my distributed proofreader team, who accepted to read and comment some short or long parts of this work: Toni, Christine, Daniel, Damian, Martin, Gen and Jeff.

- Esteban, for his active participation to the SPR adventure and all the side effects.

- my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Famulok, for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.

- the whole Famulok and Mayer labs for their help, friendliness and the availability for a chat when necessary.

- all my friends, who never abandoned me, even if I didn’t contact them for months.

- Gen and Christian, for the good neighbourhood and the motivating time spent together.

- Giosiana, for always finding some time for me during my flying visits in Ticino.

- my grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, ... for their support and friend-ship.

- the GRK804 members, for the good time spent together and the interesting scientific (and less scientific) activities.

- Heike, who volunteered as supporter for immunofluorescence and always had some good words and compound solutions for me.

- Jan, for taming with me the LC-MS instrument.

- Jeff, for its help in chemical questions and for the long evening chats.

- Justina for preventing our sinking in chaos and for the appreciated Korean catering.

- Martin, for sharing with me his microscopy knowledge and for its posi-tiveness.

- Prof. Dr. Mayer, for his realistic and pragmatic vision of life and for accepting the role of 2nd referee.

- Prof. Dr. Piel for accepting within 2 minutes and 32 seconds to be my 3rd referee.

- Dr. Rich and Dr. Myszka, for their unconventional reviews and their com-mitment in establishing quality standards for SPR.

- the Roche Research Foundation and the GRK804, for financial support.

- my parents, Paola and Silvano for their constant encouragement, for adapt-ing their plans to my holidays and for doadapt-ing their best to understand what I’m doing in the lab.

- Sven, for his straightforward help in all administrative issues and for his engagement in the reanimation of the MS-computer.

- my brother Tazio, for his helpfulness at every time and for keeping me (and my cellar) up-to-date on the (agricultural) technical advances.

- Toni, for the patience in answering my questions, the unlimited tipps&tricks and his perseverance in looking for new solutions.

- Volkmar, for the help in molecular cloning and protein purification.

- the Zheng Lab, for turning my thoughts into music.

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