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1.4 Clusters and groups of galaxies

1.4.4 Mass determination

The total mass is a fundamental property of a galaxy cluster and can be derived from observations at different wavelengths by applying suitable theoretical models. The determination of galaxy cluster masses is relevant for precision cosmology in order to study the evolution of the halo mass function. In addition individual mass measurements are needed to calibrate observed scaling relations.

Galaxy velocity dispersion

Photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies can be used to follow-up and identify cluster candidates by obtaining their redshifts and measuring the galaxies radial velocities. As-suming that the velocity distribution of member galaxies is Gaussian due to being in a common

1.4 Clusters and groups of galaxies 17

gravitational potential, a fit to the velocity distribution of the targeted galaxies allows to separate member galaxies from projected galaxies at different redshifts. Typical velocity dispersions in galaxy clusters are of the order of 103km s−1 (Sarazin, 1986), which corresponds to crossing times of approximately 1 Gyr. This lead to the assumption that galaxy groups and clusters are relaxed systems, which allow us to calculate the total mass using the virial theorem because the total kinetic energy of the galaxies is related to the total gravitational potential energy for a sta-ble, self-gravitating, spherical distribution of objects with equal mass. A spherically symmetric system with gravitational radiusrG and mass-weighted radial velocity dispersion σr has a total virial mass of

Mvir = 3rGσ2r

G . (1.40)

We note that the assumption of spherical symmetry and relaxation might not be valid in interact-ing systems that undergo dynamical formation.

Gravitational lensing

General relativity predicts that the path of photons traveling from a distant source to the observer gets bent by an intervening distribution of matter, a so-called gravitational lens (e.g., Schneider et al.,1993). The deflection of light and thus the distortion of the background source is inversely proportional to the distance to the optical axis defined perpendicular to the source and lens plane.

Photons that pass closer to the lens are therefore bent more and the source appears more tangen-tially stretched. One distinguishes two main regimes of lensing, depending on the geometrical configuration expressed by the critical surface density of the lens Σcrit = c2DS/(4πGDLDLS).

Here, DS, DL, and DLS are the distances between observer and source plane, observer and lens plane, as well as source and lens plane, respectively. If the projected lens-mass density is greater than the critical surface density, multiple magnified and distorted source images are observed.

This regime is referred to as strong lensing. In the weak lensing regime just slightly distorted single images of the background sources are observed. This requires a statistical analysis by averaging over many lensed images to determine the mass distribution of the lens out to large radii. This is done by creating a shear profile by measuring the intrinsic alignment and shear induced due to gravitational lensing of each background source. This shear profile is fitted by a model that reconstructs the mass distribution of the lens as a function of radius. One of the sim-plest model is the singular isothermal sphere, which describes the mass distribution according to ρ = σ2/2πGr2. Another common model is the NFW profile (see Eq. 1.35). If a galaxy cluster acts as a lens (Zwicky, 1937), weak lensing allows to determine the cluster’s mass independent of its dynamical state or the type of matter the cluster is made off. This makes lensing masses reliable cluster mass estimates. There are however systematic biases in cosmic shear results, for example due to the incomplete knowledge of a telescope’s point-spread function (PSF) shape and size (Massey et al.,2013). In addition, the LSS of the Universe acts as lens too, a weak effect that is the so-called cosmic shear. This, together with the superposition of other mass distributions along the line of sight, reduces the accuracy in the measurement of weak gravitational lensing.

Hydrostatic X-ray mass

In the X-ray regime, galaxy cluster masses are derived under the main assumptions of spherical symmetry and hydrostatic equilibrium between the gas and the gravitational potentialΦ

1 ρg


dr =−dΦ

dr = −GM(<r)

r2 , (1.41)

where the total mass within radiusr defines the gravitational potential. The pressure is charac-terized by the ideal gas equation

Pg= kB

µmpρgTg, (1.42)

with mean molecular weightµand the proton massmp. The hydrostatic mass of a galaxy cluster is derived by combining Eqs. 1.41 and 1.42 to

M(< r)= −kBTgr Gµmp

d lnρg

d lnr + d lnTg d lnr


. (1.43)

The measurement of the total hydrostatic mass therefore relies on extracting gas density and temperature profiles out to large radii. The assumptions of spherical symmetry and hyrdostatic equilibrium might be violated for interacting systems. In addition, numerical simulations imply that neglecting kinetic gas motions, mainly turbulence and bulk motions, might bias hydrostatic mass estimates low by approximately 10% to 15% as a result of a fraction of the galaxy cluster’s energy content that is not yet thermalized (Nagai et al., 2007;Meneghetti et al., 2010). A sim-ilar bias is found when comparing hydrostatic masses to weak lensing masses (e.g., Mahdavi et al., 2013;Applegate et al., 2016). X-ray measurements of the non-thermal pressure support to calibrate the biases in hydrostatic mass estimates find a lower bias of approximately 6% at r500(Eckert et al.,2019). Once substructure is excised properly, profiles of ICM properties tend to follow the predictions of simple gravitational collapse beyond the cooling region (Ghirardini et al.,2019).

Gas mass

The gas mass within a given radiusr can be derived by integrating the gas-density profile over the corresponding volume according to

Mg(< r)=Z


ρg(r)dV0 (1.44)

=4πZ r 0

r02ρg(r0)dr0, (1.45)

where the last equation holds under the assumption of spherical symmetry. The ratio between gas mass and total mass of a cluster defines the gas-mass fraction fg B Mg/Mtot. Compared to the mass fraction of hot gas fg(z) = Υ(z)(Ωb/Ωm) (Allen et al., 2011), the gas-mass fraction in cluster outskirts typically converges toward the cosmological ratio of Ωb/Ωm ≈ 15%. Star formation and other baryonic effects are taken into account byΥ(z).

1.4 Clusters and groups of galaxies 19

Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect

Cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons that pass through the galaxy cluster interact in approximately 1% of the cases through inverse-Compton scattering with the energetic electrons of the ICM. As a result, the CMB spectrum is blue-shifted on average. This spectral distortion is known as the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect (Sunyaev and Zeldovich,1972) and is observed in the millimeter-wavelength regime. The interaction of the CMB radiation with the hot electrons of the ICM causes a less than 1 mK distortion of the blackbody spectrum of the CMB by boost-ing the energies of CMB photons by approximately kBTe/mec2 per collision. As a result, the CMB intensity below 217 GHz decreases, whereas the intensity at greater frequencies increases compared to the average CMB signal (see Fig. 1.5). This spectral distortion of the thermal SZ (tSZ) effect can be expressed as a relative change in the CMB temperature


= fν(x)y= fν(x) Z


mec2σTdl, (1.46)

where x B hν/kBTCMBrepresents a dimensionless frequency, ythe Compton-yparameter, mec2 the electron’s rest mass, σT the Thompson cross-section, and fν(x) is the frequency dependent function including relativistic correctionsδSZaccording to

fν(x)= xex+1 ex−1−4


[1+δSZ(x,Te)]. (1.47) The total SZ-signal is calculated by integrating the Compton-y parameter over the projected surface area


ydΩ∝ Z

neTedV ∝ MgTg. (1.48)

The so-called integrated y-parameterYSZ depends directly on the mass and temperature of the gas and is therefore expected to have a tight correlation with the total cluster mass for a given gas mass fraction. The linear dependence of the tSZ signal on the electron density makes it less sensitive to inhomogeneities of the ICM than X-ray emission. Comparing Eq. 1.46 to the pressure of an ideal gas (see Eq. 1.42) shows that the Compton-yparameter is proportional to the integrated pressure along the line of sight. The absolute calibration therefore requires additional data. The advantage of the tSZ effect is its redshift independence, making it a unique tool to observe galaxy clusters at high redshift.