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a) Walter Howard Frere, Antiphonale Sarisburiense

B. The Manuscript

Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds latin 12044 is an antiphoner from the monastery of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés from the early 12th-century. Library records kept at Saint-Germain-des-Prés during the time of the sale of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés holdings show that this antiphoner held the library mark 53 while at its abbey of origin. The shelf mark given to it upon its arrival at Saint-Germain-des-Prés was 1076. During a later revision of the library codes, it received the number 189. Another strong indication that this manuscript does, indeed, come from Saint-Maur-des-Fossés is the inclusion of all the local important feasts, including those for Babolenus and Maurus. A palaeographical comparison with other manuscripts thought to have originated at Saint-Maur-des-Fossés159, confirms this provenance.

The manuscript is in generally good condition. A sticker on the inside of the back hard cover of the volume attests to its restauration in 1979 ―sous no. 1631‖. The edges of many folios seem to have been reinforced with newer material; a note on the first flyleaf, dated July 26th, 1894, remarks that folios 15, 24, 39, 58, 104, 173, 230, 234 and 235 ―sont mutilés‖.

However, these are not the only folios to be graphed onto a newer leaf in this way. The hair sides of the parchment are the recto sides of the folios. The manuscript is made up of 16 gatherings of 15 leaves. Its overall dimensions (hard cover, probably added during its restauration in 1979, included) are 33.5 cm long by 23 cm wide, 7.5 cm thick. The folio leaves are 32 cm long and 20.5 cm wide and the principal writing space measures 26.5 cm by 18 cm. The length of the horizontal ruling measures the same as the width of the writing space: 18 cm. There are no guide-holes in the manuscript and the distance between the ruled lines is not always uniform (measuring between 4 and 5 cm). The staff is 15 mm high and the text measures 5 mm vertically. Four different colours of ink are used in this antiphoner. The chant texts are written in brown with alternating green and red initials. Blue initials are also occasionally found throughout the manuscript and are consistently used from 144 recto – 149 verso, a section which appears to have been written by a second hand. The staff lines are brown, with the exception of the aforementioned section, where they are red.

159 Paris 12054, (11th-century Missal), Paris 12072 (mid-12th century Sacramentary) and Paris 12042 (Collectionary, Benedictionary and Hymnary) are compared with Paris 12044 in Renaudin 1972, 110-111

The neumes are consistently written in a darker brown ink. The rubrics are found in green, red and (occasionally) blue ink.

The manuscript contains 241 folios, but both the beginning and end of the original manuscript are now missing. The first folio begins in the middle of the last responsory for the second nocturn of Matins for the third Sunday in Advent. The subsequent 99 folios contain the Winter Temporale and Sanctorale. Folios 99 verso to 143 recto contain the Summer Temporale. The Summer Sanctorale begins after the Temporale and continues to 226 recto.

The Commune of Saints, Martyrs, Confessors and Virgins are found from folio 226 recto to the end of the manuscript. The manuscript ends in the middle of a responsory in the third nocturn of Matins for the Common of Several Virgins. There is a lacuna on folio 5 verso, between the end of the fourth Sunday of Advent and the Great 'O' Antiphons for Advent.

Also, near the end of the manuscript, several leaves (between folios 235 – 236, 238 – 239 and 240 – 241) have been cut out, leaving only centimetre-wide strips of parchment sewn into the volume. However, the foliation here continues uninterrupted and there is no lacuna in the repertory on these folios. A lacuna does seem to exist between folios 237 – 238, where a leaf of parchment again seems to have been cut away: the responsory verse (cao7580b) begun at the bottom of folio 237 verso is not continued on folio 238 recto. This is the section of the manuscript where a long list of responsories for the Common of One Confessor is found. The folio cut away lies between the end of one responsory verse and the beginning of another responsory (Sancte Gregori confessor; non-cao) for the Common of One Confessor. Therefore it is difficult to tell what the missing folio might have contained.

The only other extant antiphoner from Saint-Maur-des-Fossés is also held in the Bibliothèque nationale de France: fonds latin 12584. The contents of this 11th-century antiphoner were inventoried by René-Jean Hesbert in Corpus Antiphonalium Officii (manuscript "F"). André Renaudin holds that this manuscript could have served as the model for Paris 12044, since their contents are very similar.160 Paris 12044 was written a century later than Paris 12584 and includes four additional offices: those for Babolenus, Mary Magdalene, Arnulfus of Metz and Crispin and Crispinian. In several respects the choice and order of chants in Paris 12044 corresponds specifically to Cluniac usage, which reflects the institutional history of the abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés. The antiphons for the ferial Office contained here are identical to those found in the Cluny breviary, F-Pn lat. 12601.161 Using the resources available for comparison on CANTUS‘ website, it can be established that the responsory series for the third and fourth Sundays in Advent in Paris 12044 correspond to those in several Cluniac sources including Fribourg, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire, L. 46; London, British Library, Add. 49363; Montserrat, Monasterio de Montserrat, 36; Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, 369; Oxford, University College, 101; Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, 2628; Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Brev.

85 and Bruxelles (Brussels), Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er, 674. Using the same CANTUS resource, the responsory series for Ember Days in Advent in Paris 12044 are shown to correspond with the aforementioned Cluniac sources, as well as several sources from

160 Renaudin 1972, 110-111

161 See the description of this manuscript by Ruth Steiner and Keith Glaeske at:


The Manuscript 51 Rheims162, Vézelay163, Tours164, Moissac165, Limoges166 and Angers167 where monasteries are known to have followed the use of Cluny.

Paris 12044 is notated on a four black lines. It is written in French notation, with the characteristic verticality of the ascending figures and the slanted descending lines. The clivis and the porrectus are written in the "lorrain" style, forming a "7" and a "V" shape, respectively. The most common clefs are F and C, although D, e and g are also frequently present. B-flats and B-naturals are used. The notation is consistent throughout, with the exception of the presence of a second hand from folio 144 recto to 149 verso. The feasts of John the Baptist and Babolenus and the first six chants of the feast for John and Paul are written in this second hand, on five lines instead of four. The tables below give the neumes as written by both hands.

Table 2: Neumes in Paris 12044

Sign Name Primary hand Secondary hand

Modern Transcription Single notes






162 Reims 312, 314, 315 and 316

163 Lyon 555

164 Lund, Univ.bibl., Med. Hand. 38

165 Paris, Bibl. de l'Inst. Catholique, lat. 1

166 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 1088, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 743

167 Paris, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Collection Masson 10

Sign Name Primary hand Secondary hand

Modern Transcription Climacus

-jhg-Pes subbipunctis



-hfh-Porrectus flexus

-hghf-Torculus resupinus

-fgfg-Repeated notes Bipuncta + virga

-hh-k-Bipuncta + tractulus

-g-g-gg-Oriscus Oriscus

-h-The Manuscript 53 Sign Name Primary hand Secondary


Modern Transcription Clivis + oriscus

-hg-g-Liquescent neumes Epiphonus



-hgf-Combined neumes Pes subbipunctis + pes

-hjhgfg- -cgfefg

Pes + porrectus + clivis

-fghgh-gf- -ghgfg-gf

Porrectus + bisubpunctis

-hghgf-Torculus + clivis


-fhffe-Bipunctis + pes + clivis

-hgfg-gf-Table 3: Extra-notational signs in Paris 12044

Extra-notational Signs Primary hand Secondary hand

Modern Transcription Flat sign

-i-Natural sign

-I--f - cle-I--f F

d - clef D

c - clef C

e - clef e

g - clef g

R = "respond" R