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Major Omissions


The following facilities have not been implemented in Mint.


Exotic devices


Tables of Contents

I do not see any difficulty in providing these. The index for the reference section was produced semi-automaqcally, so I am confident that the mechanisms work satisfactorily; all that is now required is to make the mechanisms available to users.

Mint generates output suitable for the Perq, and Press files for the Dover.

Extending Mint to generate Press files for any other device that takes Press files is trivial, and I will do that shortly. I also have a grubby interface to the Canon printers that you don't want to know about.

To make life easier for myself, I programmed the calls to the style-setting routines into the code, rather than use a definitions file as Scribe does. I have extended Mint's prescanner to accept definitions in documents, and it is now possible to alter most of the defaults that I selected. As I get more familiarity with users' requirements, I will write a set of definitions files to modify Mint's actions.

However, this isn't the document to describe these facilites; read the reference manual to find the information.

I do not see any difficulty in providing these.

3.2 Environnlents

In Mint environments are classified into two sorts - those that control the general appearance of boxes, and those that control the appearance of slugs. They will be termed box environments and slug environments respectively. (As it turns out, slug environments correspond to the Scribe environments that have TabExport set to a default value ofT rue.)

3.2.1 Box Environments

The following are implemented: Display, Centre3, Example, FlushLeft, FlushRight, Verbatim, Format,Quotation, Itemize,Enumerate,Description,MajorHeading,Heading, SubHeading,Section,SubSection, Paragraph, Figure, Caption, Report, Thesis,Article, Manual, Slides, Foot, TitlePage, TitleBo~x, ResearchCredit, Abstract. In addition, environments particular to Mint are DP and Plot, which are described in section 3.7.2, and Commentary and G los s, which allow text to have a gloss against it, as the following example shows:

For the elaboration of a discriminant constraint, the expressions given in the discriminant associations are elaborated in some order that is not defined by the language;

the expression of a named association is evaluated once for each named discriminant

This rule and the rules defining the elaboration of an object declaration ensure that the discriminants always have a value. In particular, if a discriminant constraint is imposed on an object declaration, each discriminant is initialized with the value specified by the constraint

A complete list is given on page 26. Box environments take a number of parameters that are set up with the defaults you would expect from Scribe. The environment parameters are as follows.

Parameters similar to those of Scribe Width, Above, Below, Need.

Parameters that differ slightly from those of Scribe Line spacing


Gap specifies the distance between the bottom of one line and the top of the next. Used instead of Spac i ng.

Justification in Mint is done with four parameters that take values from (T rue, Fa 1 5e). The parameters are Just i fyLeft; Just i fyR i 9 ht which control the justification of all except the last slug of a box, and Just ifyLeftLast,

Just i fyR ig htLast which control the justification of the last slug.

3 I use this spelling to revenge myself for all those times in the past that I have had to re-Scribe documents for misspellings. If you



Page layout

These are controlled by LeftMarg in and Ri ghtMarg i n. The indentation of the first line is controlled by the document style parameter in de n t that can only be set in the @make command.

It is possible to simultaneously and separately underline, overline and draw delete lines through text, spaces and punctuation. The parameter Un de r 1 i n e takes values from the set (None, NonBlank, All, AlphaNumeric, OverNonBlank, OverAll, OverAlphaNumeric, EraseNollBlank, E raseA 11, E raseA 1 p haNume ric). Several non-conflicting values may be set simultaneously.

Page layout is controlled by the parameter PageStyl e. It takes values from (Sk i p, Def au 1 t, Tit 1 eP ag e). You probably shouldn't fiddle with this yet.

Parameters that differ significantly from those of Scribe Fonts





With each galley is associated a two dimensional array of fonts, indexed by

~_ F antS i ze, taking values (11, 1, n, s, ss), for extra large down to extra small, and by FaceCode, taking values from (r, i, b, c, g, t, p, z, a, fO, fl, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9). Fonts are associated with (a subset ot) the elements of the array, and are selected by independent use of FontS i ze and F aceCode.

Tabulations are a part of the box environment. TabSet takes a distance as parameter, and sets (another) tab at that point, TabD i v i de divides up the width of the box into some number of tabs, and TabCl ear clears all the tabs. Defaults are inherited from the parent environment in the usual way. Tabs can also be set dynamically, see page 18.

Mint allows you to draw borders round a box. Two parameters are used:

Bo rde r sets the width of the frame around the box, and Bo rde rStyl e specifies the pattern drawn in the frame. (You can draw borders which are wider than the frame, but then the border may overprint some of the box contents.) Border styles can be defined to satisfy the most exotic of tastes, but the details are beyond this document. However, one border style that is freely available is Wi dth 1, which draws a boring narrow line around a box.

If the device you have can paint using one of several raster functions, R a s t e r Fun c t ion specifies which it will be. Since the functions are device-dependent, I have specified the ones for the Perq, Dover and Canon printer only. For the Perq and Canon, use (RRp 1, RNot, RAnd, RAndNot, ROr, ROrNot, RXOr, RXNo r), for the Dover use only ROr (the default anyway).

There are two parameters: Imag eCo lou rand BackG roundeo lou r. These are not a great deal of use at the moment, since both the Perq and Dover are not very good at colours. Currently they take values from the set (Wh i te, Grey), and allow backgrounds to be filled in.

3.2.2 Modification of Box Environment Parameters

The box parameters can be altered locally, or can be altered globally using Oef i ne and Mod i fy. Mint nests modifications and definitions. Length parameters can be set to absolute lengths, using in, ins, inch, in che s, cm, cms, po in t, po i n ts, mi ca, mi cas. They can also be set relative to existing values using +,

-. *. I, or using Raste r, Ras te rs which are device-specific, or Em, Ems and Line, Lines which are font-specific. During page layout, PageHei ght and PageWi dth can be used.

3.2.3 Slug Environments

These are generally identical to those of Scribe, but they cannot be modified. The environments are:

Face codes . Font sizes

SomeScripts Raster functions Overprinting Underlining

3.3 Tabulations

r, i, b, c, g, t, p, Z, a, fO ••. f9 .

11, 1, n, s, s s.

+, -.

RRp1, RNot, RAnd, RAndNot, ROr, ROrNot, RXOr, RXNor.


u, ux, un, 0, OX, on, e, ex, en.

Mint supports both @\ and @t. The other tabulation facilities of Scribe are incorporated into more general facilities for laying out tables. (See, for example, the tables in section 4.4.2.)