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evaluation, the model is capable of capturing the structure in this matrix and can there-fore compute meaningful feedback for the learning programmer.

This application exemplifies the expressive power of the factor model presented in this thesis, as the model was applied to the problem in a straight-forward manner. So even while purpose-built models are likely to perform even better, the factor model can serve as the underlying model for a wide range of Machine Teaching applications.

It therefore provides Detailed Feedback Machine Teaching with a foundation just as supervised machine learning forms the base of General Feedback Machine Teaching.

7.2 Future Work Use of Hierarchies: In many instances, the rows or columns of the input matrix form a hierarchy. In Recommender Systems, these hierarchies can be the result of e. g.

movie sequels, editions or, for the users, the hierarchy induced by the addresses of the users. Hierarchies almost naturally occur in the software engineering ap-plication of the Machine Teaching approach:

• Statements are part of methods; methods are part of classes and they them-selves are organized into packages, name spaces or modules.

• Programmers belong to a team which belongs to a department which is part of a larger institution. The coding style and conventions can be assumed to be increasingly detailed from the top to the base of this hierarchy.

Using these and other hierarchies can not only increase the predictive perfor-mance of a factor model, it can also allow it to fail in a more grateful manner by suggesting at least a movie from the right genre if failing to suggest the most likely movie. In Machine Teaching, a system could e. g. fail to suggest the right call, yet be able to predict thatacall on a certain object is missing.

There are currently no systems that can make use of this information in the factor models realm. The topic is, however, in the focus of a track of research in super-vised machine learning under the term “feature hierarchies“. Further research could investigate the transfer, adaptation and augmentation of these results to factor models.

Fixed Memory Factor Models: Many Recommender Systems are faced with millions of items and users. Another large-scale problem, which Collaborative Filter-ing has been recently applied to, is advertisement placement, where one essen-tially deals with as many “users” as the number of websites as described e. g.

in [ABC+07]. Storing the matricesRandCin main memory is infeasible for these scenarios.

There is a growing interest in what is calledhash modelsin machine learning that compress the model by depending on the collisions of a hash function. Follow-ing [WDA+09], this idea can be transferred to factor models by defining a hash function on the rows and columns. Depending on the application, the collisions of this hash function may either be entirely random, or based upon features known about the rows and columns. One can then scale the memory requirement by fixing the hash function to output only a certain number of results to escape the linear scaling of factor models.

Note that this is not the same application of hash functions as in feature hashing as used e. g. by Vowpal Wabbit as described in [LLS07]. In these on-line learning approaches, the number of features in the input domain is reduced to a fixed size in order to gain computational efficiency. In our terms, that would be similar to reducing the number of factors dby means of hashing. In our approach, this is unnecessary asdis a parameter in our case, while it is fixed in normal classifica-tion or regression problems where it represents the number of features. In these

types of problems that number can be huge, e. g. when dealing with text where the presence of every word is typically treated as a feature.

Online Learning: As introduced above, the factor model is trained in offline mode:

Given the data matrixY, the system finds the model matricesCandR. In many cases, an online training is more appropriate where the model is built from a constant stream of new entries inY. As we have seen in Section 4.5.3 on page 96, the model can be adapted to new rows easily. The same idea cannot be extended to new columns under the assumptions of Chapter 4, as we explicitly support per-row loss functions.

If one assumes element-wise losses, it is well known that Factor Models can be built in an online fashion using algorithms such as the Stochastic Gradient De-scent. Future research is necessary to investigate possible approximations or for-mulations of the model with per-row losses that facilitate online updates.

Factor Models with Context Aware Biases: Recently, a factor model was proposed for the field of Recommender Systems that explicitly models the temporal effect of a Recommender System by essentially making the row and column biases time dependent in [Kor09]. The reasoning for Recommender Systems is that the pref-erences of users change over time and that the overall preference changes over time, too, e. g. because of a successful product placement in a national TV show.

As hinted above, this proposal can be integrated into the framework of this thesis by having different column and row biases for different times.

In a broader view, this recent development hints at context-aware factor mod-els. In the example above, time served as the context and as such linked the row and column biases. It would be interesting to extend this concept to features of the matrix elements. In Recommender Systems, that would be features of a rat-ing and the premier example of such a feature is the time at which the ratrat-ing is given or asked to be predicted. Other useful sources of context for e. g. the movie Recommender System would be the intended audience of the movie as the rec-ommendations in e. g. a family should differ depending on whether a movie is sought for just the parents or the whole family.

In Machine Teaching, such a system opens additional avenues for tailoring the suggestions to the user by using the user features as context. Informally, the sys-tem would no longer form predictions like “In other instances, people also did A.” to more personalized ones like “In other instances, people like youalso did A.” This raises subsequent questions in the application domain such as how to define a similarity measure on learners and under which circumstances a person-alization helps or hinders the learning.

Sequence Prediction: In many Machine Teaching scenarios, ordered entries in the rows occur naturally, e. g. in the software engineering domain where a file needs to be closedafterit has been opened. One naive way of supporting this is to encode in Yi,jthe position at which calljwas made in contexti. Then, the ordinal regression

7.2 Future Work loss function can be used to build a model that can predict these orderings. How-ever, this approach is rather ad-hoc and is rather impractical for the following reasons:

• There is no principled way to deal with repetitions which frequently occur in real data.

• Such a model can only predict the ordering of the calls, but not the presence of them. This could be solved by yet another ad-hoc fix by building a second model e. g. based on the logistic regression loss.

Thus, a more principled solution to this task is needed. Markov Models probably can serve as an inspiration in finding one. A solution would likely be based on the following idea: The prediction rule of the model needs to be extended such that a predictionFi,jdepends not only onRiandCjbut also a number of thoseCk which occurred prior toYi,j inYi,. It is plausible that a model around this notion can be build by extending the one presented here.

As we have shown, Machine Teaching opens a wide range of research questions in its application but also poses new challenges to the underlying machine learning models.

7.2 Future Work

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang des Autors

2007 und 2008: Forschungsaufenthalte in Australien. Mitarbeit in der Gruppe ,,Sta-tistical Machine Learning” von NICTA, Canberra unter Leitung von Prof. Alex Smola.

2006, 2007 und 2008: Teilnahme an den Machine Learning Summer Schools in Can-berra (Australien), T ¨ubingen und Kioloa(Australien).

2005: Abschluss des Diplomstudiengangs Wirtschaftsinformatik an der TU Darmstadt mit Auszeichnung.

2005: Diplomarbeit ,,Genetic Mineplanning – a genetic algorithm approach to mine planning” bei Prof. Karsten Weihe.

2004: Studienaufenthalt am Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control at The University Of Newcastle (Australien) zur Erstellung der Studienarbeit ,,Optimiz-ing Flexibility – a new approach to cope with uncertainty in the min,,Optimiz-ing industry and beyond”. Betreuer: Prof. Karsten Weihe und Prof. Wolfgang Domschke.

2002: Studienarbeit ,,Entwicklung eines Mechatronik-Frameworks f ¨ur das Projekt L¨aufer”

bei Prof. Sorin Huss, TUD.

1999: Aufnahme des Diplomstudiengangs Wirtschaftsinformatik an der TU Darmstadt 1998: Abitur an der F ¨urst-Johann-Ludwig Schule in Hadamar in den Leistungskursen

Mathematik und Physik.


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