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Logistic Regression

Im Dokument A practical introduction to statistics (Seite 112-119)

6.3 Generalized linear models

6.3.1 Logistic Regression

Thus far, we have been concerned with observations involving measurements. In many experiments, however, outcomes are not real numbers, but take one of two possible val-ues: head or tail, success or failure, correct versus incorrect, regular or irregular, direct object construction versus prepositional object construction, etc. For data sets with such BINARYdependent variables, we would like to be able to estimate the probability of given outcome (e.g., head, or success, or regular, or direct object construction) given the predic-tors. This is accomplished with logistic regression, a technique that is widely used in sociolinguistics where it is known asVARBRULanalysis.

To see how logistic regression works, we return to the visual lexical decision data (english), but now consider the accuracy of the responses. In lexical decision, subjects have to decide whether the letter string presented on the screen is a word. If they press theNObutton when a real word is presented, this is counted as an error. Is the probability of an error determined by the same predictors that we observed to be significant for the reaction times? The columnCorrectLexdeclists for each word the number of subjects, out of a total of30, that provided the correct (yes) response. Let’s look at the counts of correct responses for the first ten words in the data frame:

> nCorrect = english2$CorrectLexdec[1:10]

> nCorrect

[1] 27 30 30 30 26 28 30 28 25 29

At first, you might think that it would be useful to transform these counts into proportions (or percentages, when multiplied by 100),



> proportions = nCorrect/30

> proportions

[1] 0.9000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.8666667 [5] 0.9333333 1.0000000 0.9333333 0.8333333 0.9666667

and to use these proportions as the dependent variable in a standard linear regression model. There are several considerations that argue against this approach. First, propor-tions are bounded between0and1, butlm()andols()don’t know about this and might come up with predicted proportions greater than one or smaller than zero. Second, proportions have the property that the variance increases with the mean. Butlm()(and ols()) presuppose that the variance is constant and does not vary with the values of any of the predictors. Third, proportions don’t provide information about how many obser-vations went into the calculation of the proportion. In a lexical decision experiment, for instance, observations are sometimes lost due to failure of the button box. Suppose that only four responses are available, two correct and two errors, and compare this with the case that30responses are available,15correct and15incorrect. With30responses, we can be more confident that the probability of an error is0.5than for just four responses. What needs to be done is to weight the proportions for the number of contributing observations.

The solution is to model the probabilities indirectly through aLINK FUNCTION. For binary data, this link function is theLOGITtransformation of the probability. For the above proportions, we obtain the corresponding logits (log odds ratios) as follows:

> logits = log(nCorrect/(30 - nCorrect))

> logits

[1] 2.197225 Inf Inf Inf 1.871802

[6] 2.639057 Inf 2.639057 1.609438 3.367296

Note that there are four cases where the logit is infinite. This happens when there are no errors, in which case we are dividing30 by0, to whichRresponds with the error codeInf. Fortunately, theRfunctions for logistic modeling have principled methods for backing away from zero, so we will not calculate logits ourselves. Instead, we will leave these calculations to the proper functions,glm()and, in theDesignpackage,lrm(). The choice between these functions depends on the form of your data frame. When there is a single elementary observation in a row of the data frame, with a column specifying the value of the binary predictor, we uselrm(). If our data is in a format in which the numbers of successes and failures are listed for each line in the data frame, we useglm(). We begin with an example requiringglm(), an acronym for Generalized Linear Model.

As always,glm()requires us to specify the model that we want to fit to the data by means of a formula. The dependent variable requires special care:glm()needs to know both the number of successes and the number of failures. This information is supplied in the form of a two-column matrix, which we create with thecbind()(column bind) function as follows:

> cbind(english$CorrectLexdec, 30 - english$CorrectLexdec) [,1] [,2]



[1,] 27 3

[2,] 30 0

[3,] 30 0

[4,] 30 0

[5,] 26 4

[6,] 28 2


We specify the same model for the error data as for the decision latencies, usingenglish2 (which includesPC1–PC4as predictors) as input data frame.

> english2.glm =

+ glm(cbind(english2$CorrectLexdec, 30 - english2$CorrectLexdec) ˜ + Voice + PC1 + MeanBigramFrequency + LengthInLetters + Ncount + + WordCategory + NVratio + poly(WrittenFrequency, 2) +

+ poly(WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio, 2) + poly(FamilySize, 2) + + InflectionalEntropy + NumberComplexSynsets + AgeSubject, english2, + family = "binomial")

The last line of this command is new:family = "binomial". It tellsglm()to expect two-column input, to use the logit link function, and to assume that the variance increases with the mean according to the binomial distribution.

> summary(english2.glm) Deviance Residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-8.5238 -0.6256 0.4419 1.3549 6.5136 Coefficients:

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) 2.282741 0.144491 15.798 < 2e-16

Voicevoiceless 0.010561 0.019964 0.529 0.597

PC1 -0.020694 0.004857 -4.261 2.03e-05

MeanBigramFrequency -0.131139 0.023195 -5.654 1.57e-08 LengthInLetters 0.269007 0.023088 11.651 < 2e-16

Ncount 0.002157 0.002694 0.800 0.423

WordCategoryV 0.138718 0.031253 4.439 9.06e-06

NVratio 0.021836 0.005156 4.235 2.28e-05

poly(WrittenFrequency, 2)1 40.896851 1.099373 37.200 < 2e-16 poly(WrittenFrequency, 2)2 -14.810919 0.757810 -19.544 < 2e-16 poly(WrSpFrequencyRatio, 2)1 -10.882376 0.717038 -15.177 < 2e-16 poly(WrSpFrequencyRatio, 2)2 0.181922 0.549843 0.331 0.741 poly(FamilySize, 2)1 6.962633 1.060134 6.568 5.11e-11 poly(FamilySize, 2)2 -10.258182 0.703623 -14.579 < 2e-16 InflectionalEntropy 0.361696 0.023581 15.338 < 2e-16 NumberComplexSynsets 0.120928 0.011454 10.558 < 2e-16 AgeSubjectyoung -0.873541 0.020179 -43.290 < 2e-16



(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 24432 on 4567 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 12730 on 4551 degrees of freedom AIC: 21886

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

After repeating the call toglm()(not shown), the summary provides a brief overview by means of quartiles of the distribution of the deviance residuals , the differences between the observed and expected values. These deviances are comparable to the residuals of an ordinary least squares regression. However, the deviance residuals are expressed in logits, and unlike the residuals oflm()orols(), they need not follow a normal distri-bution.

The next part of the summary lists the estimates of the coefficients. These coefficients also pertain to the logits. The coefficient forAgeSubject, for instance, which expresses the contrast between the old subjects (the reference level mapped onto the intercept) and the young subjects is negative. Negative coefficients indicate that the probability of a correct response (the first column of the two-column matrix for the dependent variable) goes down. A positive coefficient indicates that the probability increases. What we see here, then, is that the older subjects were more accurate responders. This ties in nicely with the observation that they were also slower responders.

Each estimated coefficient is accompanied by its estimated standard error, aZ-score, and the associatedp-value. Thep-value for the Noun-to-Verb frequency ratio, for instance, can be calculated simply with

> 2 * (1 - pnorm(4.235)) [1] 2.285517e-05

The next line in the summary mentions that the dispersion parameter for the binomial family is taken to be1. This note is to remind us that the variance of a binomial random variable depends entirely on the mean, and that the model assumed that this property characterizes our data. The next two lines in the summary provide the information nec-essary to check whether this assumption is met.

The null deviance is the deviance that you get with a model with only an intercept.

In the present example, this is a model that thinks that the probability of an error is the same for all words. By itself, the null deviance is uninteresting. It is useful, though, for ascertaining whether the predictors in the full model jointly earn their keep. The difference between the null deviance and the residual deviance approximately follows a chi-squared distribution with as degrees of freedom the difference between the degrees of freedom of the two deviances:

> 1 - pchisq(24432 - 12730, 4567 - 4551) [1] 0



The very smallp-value shows that we have a model with explanatory value. The reason thatglm()does not list thisp-value is that the approximation to the chi-square distribu-tion is valid only for large expected counts. So be warned: Thesep-values may provide a rough indication only.

The residual deviance is used to examine whether the assumption of non-constant, binomial variance, holds. We again use a test based on the chi-square approximation, that again is approximate only (perhaps even useless, according to Harrell 2001:231):

> 1 - pchisq(12730, 4551) [1] 0

The very smallp-value indicates that the assumption of binomial variance is probably not met. The variance is much larger than expected — if it had been in accordance with our modeling assumption, the residual deviance should be approximately the same as the number of degrees of freedom. Here it is more than four times too large. This is called OVERDISPERSION. Overdispersion indicates a lack of goodness of fit. We may be missing crucial predictors, or we may have missed nonlinearities in the predictors.

The final line of the summary mentions the number of scoring iterations,5 in the present example. The algorithm for estimating the coefficients of a general linear model is iterative. It starts with an initial guess at the coefficients, and refines this guess in subsequent iterations until the guesses become sufficiently stable.

Recall that there is a second function summarizing the model,anova(). Forlm() andglm()it has two functions. Its first function is to allow us to carry out a sequential analysis in which terms are added successively to the model. In the summary table shown above, we see thatVoiceis not predictive. But the analysis of deviance table produced by theanova()function seems to provide a different verdict:

> anova(english2.glm, test = "Chisq") Analysis of Deviance Table

Model: binomial, link: logit

Terms added sequentially (first to last)

Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|)

NULL 4567 24432.1

Voice 1 52.6 4566 24379.5 4.010e-13

PC1 1 169.2 4565 24210.3 1.123e-38

MeanBigramFrequency 1 109.4 4564 24100.9 1.317e-25

LengthInLetters 1 11.7 4563 24089.2 6.370e-04

Ncount 1 27.0 4562 24062.2 2.003e-07


This is becauseVoice is explanatory only when there are no other predictors in the model. If we enterVoiceandNcountlast to the model formula, then the results are in harmony with the table of coefficients:



> english2.glm =

+ glm(cbind(english2$CorrectLexdec, 30 - english2$CorrectLexdec) ˜ + MeanBigramFrequency + LengthInLetters + WordCategory + NVratio + + poly(WrittenFrequency, 2) + WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio +

+ poly(FamilySize, 2) + InflectionalEntropy + NumberComplexSynsets + + AgeSubject + PC1 + Voice + Ncount, data=english2, family="binomial")

> anova(english2.glm, test = "Chisq") ...

Voice 1 0.3 4553 12730.9 0.6

Ncount 1 0.6 4552 12730.2 0.4

The second function ofanova()is to allow us to evaluate the overall significance of factors. When a factor has only two levels, the test for the (single) coefficient based on itsZ-score is very similar to the test in theanova()function when the relevant factor is entered last into the model equation. But when a factor has more than two levels, the table of coefficients lists at-value or aZ-score for each coefficient. In order to assess whether the factor as a whole is explanatory, theanova()table is essential.

You may have noted that we called theanova()function with an argument that we did not need before,test = "Chisq". This is because there are two kinds of tests that one can run for a logistic model, a test that makes use of the chi-square distribution, and a test that makes use of theF-distribution. The latter test is more conservative, but is some-times recommended [see, e.g., Crawley, 2002] when there is evidence for overdispersion.

The most recent implementation of theanova()function , however, adds a warning that theF-test is inappropriate for binomial models.)

Let’s look at the predictions of the model by plotting the predicted counts against the observed counts. The left panel of Figure 6.10 shows that the model far too optimistic about the probability of a correct response, especially for words for which many incorrect responses were recorded. Our model is clearly unsatisfactory, even though it supports the relevance of most of our predictors. What is needed is model criticism.

First, however, we consider how to obtain the left panel of Figure 6.10. We extract the predicted probabilities of a correct response withpredict(), which we instruct to produce probabilities rather than logits by means of the optiontype = "response". In order to proceed from probabilities (proportions) to counts, we multiply by the total number of subjects (30):

> english2$predictCorrect = predict(english2.glm, type = "response")*30 The plot is now straightforward:

> plot(english2$CorrectLexdec, english2$predictCorrect, cex = 0.5)

> abline(0,1)

Let’s now remove observations from the data set for which the standardized residual falls outside the interval(−5,5), in the hope that this will reduce overdispersion.

> english2A = english2[abs(rstandard(english2.glm)) < 5, ]



0 5 10 20 30





5 10 20 30



predict(english2A.glm, type = "response") * 30


Figure 6.10: Predicted and observed counts of correct responses for the visual lexical de-cision data inenglish2(left panel). This model seriously overestimates the number of correct responses for words were many mistakes are observed. The right panel shows the improvement obtained after removal of data points with extreme residuals.

It is easy to see that this amounts to removing slightly more than 1% of the data points.

> (nrow(english2) - nrow(english2A)) / nrow(english2) [1] 0.01357268

We now refit our model,

> english2A.glm =

+ glm(cbind(english2A$CorrectLexdec, 30 - english2A$CorrectLexdec) ˜ + MeanBigramFrequency + LengthInLetters + WordCategory + NVratio + + poly(WrittenFrequency, 2) + WrittenSpokenFrequencyRatio +

+ poly(FamilySize, 2) + InflectionalEntropy + NumberComplexSynsets + + AgeSubject + Voice + PC1 + Ncount, english2A, family = "binomial") and inspect the table of coefficients.

> summary(english2A.glm) Deviance Residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-5.3952 -0.6600 0.3552 1.2885 4.7383 220



Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 2.905725 0.151493 19.181 < 2e-16 MeanBigramFrequency -0.195028 0.024326 -8.017 1.08e-15 LengthInLetters 0.303197 0.024159 12.550 < 2e-16 WordCategoryV 0.123030 0.032056 3.838 0.000124

NVratio 0.023568 0.005226 4.510 6.48e-06

poly(WrittenFrequency, 2)1 40.133735 1.092606 36.732 < 2e-16 poly(WrittenFrequency, 2)2 -17.077597 0.753239 -22.672 < 2e-16 WrSpFrequencyRatio -0.153989 0.009509 -16.194 < 2e-16 poly(FamilySize, 2)1 5.327479 1.082136 4.923 8.52e-07 poly(FamilySize, 2)2 -8.887187 0.715517 -12.421 < 2e-16 InflectionalEntropy 0.334942 0.024447 13.701 < 2e-16 NumberComplexSynsets 0.107175 0.011763 9.111 < 2e-16 AgeSubjectyoung -0.882157 0.020997 -42.013 < 2e-16 Voicevoiceless 0.060491 0.020699 2.922 0.003473

PC1 -0.020570 0.005076 -4.052 5.07e-05

Ncount -0.001153 0.002792 -0.413 0.679692

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 20894 on 4505 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 10334 on 4490 degrees of freedom

Voicenow emerges as significant. This illustrates the importance of model criticism:

The distorting presence of just a few atypical outliers may obscure effects that character-ize the majority of the data points. Also note that the residual deviance is substantially reduced, from12730to10334, but with4490degrees of freedom, we still have overdis-persion. This leads to the conclusion that there may be important predictors for subjects’

accuracy scores that we have failed to take into account. As can be seen in the right panel of Figure 6.10, the removal of a few atypical outliers has led to a visible improvement in the fit.

> plot(english2A$CorrectLexdec,

+ predict(english2A.glm, type = "response")*30, cex = 0.5)

> abline(0,1)

This completes this example of a logistic regression for a data set in which the suc-cesses and failures are available in tabular format. The next example illustrates thelrm() function from theDesignpackage for logistic regression modeling of data inLONG FOR -MAT, i.e., data in which each row of the data frame specifies a single outcome, either a suc-cess or a failure. We consider a data set reported by Tabak et al. [2005] that specifies, for 700Dutch verbs that belong to the Germanic stratum of the Dutch vocabulary, whether that verb is regular or irregular, together with a series of other predictors, such as the auxiliary selected by the verb in the present and past perfect, its frequency, and its mor-phological family size. Further information is available throughhelp(regularity).



We begin with creating a data distribution object, and specify that this is the current data distribution object withoptions().

> regularity.dd = datadist(regularity)

> options(datadist = "regularity.dd")

> xtabs( ˜ regularity$Regularity) regularity$Regularity

irregular regular

159 541

Fitting a logistic regression model withlrm()is straightforward.

> regularity.lrm = lrm(Regularity ˜ WrittenFrequency+rcs(FamilySize,3)+

+ NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency + NVratio + + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = regularity, x = T, y = T)

Theanova()function applied to anlrmobject doesnotproduce a sequential analysis of deviance table, but a table listing the partial effects of the predictors, which, in the present example, are all significant. Significance is evaluated by means of the chi-square test statistic.

> anova(regularity.lrm)

Wald Statistics Response: Regularity

Factor Chi-Square d.f. P

WrittenFrequency 8.76 1 0.0031

FamilySize 15.92 2 0.0003

Nonlinear 11.72 1 0.0006

NcountStem 14.21 1 0.0002

InflectionalEntropy 9.73 1 0.0018

Auxiliary 16.12 2 0.0003

Valency 10.29 1 0.0013

NVratio 7.79 1 0.0053

WrittenSpokenRatio 4.61 1 0.0318

TOTAL 126.86 10 <.0001

A table with the coefficients of the model and further summary statistics is obtained by typing the name of the fitted model to the prompt.

> regularity.lrm

Logistic Regression Model

lrm(formula = Regularity ˜ WrittenFrequency + rcs(FamilySize, 3) + NcountStem + InflectionalEntropy + Auxiliary + Valency +

NVratio + WrittenSpokenRatio, data = regularity, x = T, y = T) Frequencies of Responses

irregular regular



159 541

Obs Max Deriv Model L.R. d.f. P C

700 1e-05 215.62 10 0 0.843

Dxy Gamma Tau-a R2 Brier

0.687 0.688 0.241 0.403 0.121

Coef S.E. Wald Z P Intercept 4.4559 0.97885 4.55 0.0000 WrittenFrequency -0.2749 0.09290 -2.96 0.0031 FamilySize -1.2608 0.31684 -3.98 0.0001 FamilySize’ 1.1752 0.34333 3.42 0.0006 NcountStem 0.0730 0.01937 3.77 0.0002 InflectionalEntropy 0.9999 0.32049 3.12 0.0018 Auxiliary=zijn -1.9484 0.57629 -3.38 0.0007 Auxiliary=zijnheb -0.6974 0.28433 -2.45 0.0142 Valency -0.1448 0.04514 -3.21 0.0013 NVratio 0.1323 0.04739 2.79 0.0053 WrittenSpokenRatio -0.2146 0.09993 -2.15 0.0318

The summary first lists how the model object was created, as well as the frequencies of the two levels of our dependent variable:159irregulars, and541regulars. The regulars (listed last) are interpreted as successes, and the irregulars as failures. The next section of the summary lists a series of statistics that assess the goodness of fit. It starts off with the number of observations,700. The most important statistics areModel L.R.,C,Dxy andR2.Model L.R.stands for model likelihood chi-square, the difference between the Null Deviance and the Residual Deviance that we encountered above withglm(). In the summary, it is followed by its associated degrees of freedom andp-value. The very small p-value indicates that jointly the predictors are explanatory.

The remaining statistics address the predictive ability of the model. Recall that for normal regression models, theR2measure provides insight into how accurate the pre-dictions of the model are. The problem with dichotomous response variables such as Regularityis that the model produces estimates of theprobabilitythat a verb is regular, whereas our observations simply statewhethera verb is regular or irregular. We could dichotomize our probabilities by mapping probabilities greater than0.5onto success and probabilities less than0.5onto failure, but this implies a substantial loss of information.

(Consider the consequences for a data set in which success probabilities all range between 0and0.4.) Fortunately,lrm()provides a series of measures that deal with this problem in a more principled way.

The measure namedCis an index of concordance between the predicted probability and the observed response. Cis obtained by inspecting all pairs of verbs with both a regular and an irregular verb for which the regular verb does indeed have the higher expected probability of being regular. WhenCtakes the value0.5, the predictions are random, when it is1, prediction is perfect. A value above0.8indicates that the model may have some real predictive capacity. SinceCis listed with the value0.843, our confidence in



the model is strengthened. A related measure is Somers’Dxy, a rank correlation between predicted probabilities and observed responses. This measure,0.687for our data, which can be obtained fromC(0.843) as follows,

> 2 * (0.843 - 0.5) [1] 0.686

ranges between0(randomness) and1(perfect prediction). Finally, theR2mentioned in the table is a generalized index that is calculated from log-likelihood ratio statistics, and also provides some indication of the predictive strength of the model.

Bootstrap validation provides further evidence that we have a reasonable model.

> validate(regularity.lrm, bw = T, B = 200) Backwards Step-down - Original Model No Factors Deleted

Factors in Final Model

[1] WrittenFrequency FamilySize NcountStem [4] InflectionalEntropy Auxiliary Valency [7] NVratio WrittenSpokenRatio


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...

Frequencies of Numbers of Factors Retained

4 5 6 7 8

1 11 24 46 118

index.orig training test optimism index.corrected

Dxy 0.6869 0.7026 0.6713 0.0313 0.6556

R2 0.4032 0.4216 0.3839 0.0377 0.3655

Intercept 0.0000 0.0000 0.0758 -0.0758 0.0758 Slope 1.0000 1.0000 0.9128 0.0872 0.9128

Emax 0.0000 0.0000 0.0336 0.0336 0.0336

D 0.3066 0.3234 0.2896 0.0339 0.2727

U -0.0029 -0.0029 0.0019 -0.0047 -0.0019

Q 0.3095 0.3263 0.2877 0.0386 0.2709

B 0.1210 0.1175 0.1243 -0.0068 0.1278

The fast backwards elimination algorithm reports that all predictors are retained. During the bootstrap runs, it does eliminate predictors, most likely those with weakp-values in thesummary()andanova()tables. Except for12out of200bootstrap validaition runs, at most two predictors are deleted. The optimism with respect toDxy, andR2N

is somewhat larger than in the previous example of bootstrap validation. The changes in slope and intercept are also more substantial. In all, there is evidence that we are somewhat overfitting the data.

Overfitting is an adverse effect of fitting a model to the data. In the process of select-ing coefficients that approximate the data to the best of our abilities, it is unavoidable that



noise is also fitted. Data points with extreme values due to noise are taken just as seri-ously as normal data points. Across experiments, it is unlikely that the extreme values will be replicated. As a consequence, coefficients in the fitted model run the risk of

noise is also fitted. Data points with extreme values due to noise are taken just as seri-ously as normal data points. Across experiments, it is unlikely that the extreme values will be replicated. As a consequence, coefficients in the fitted model run the risk of

Im Dokument A practical introduction to statistics (Seite 112-119)