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Appendix A – Explanation of the dynamics in the face diagram

( )

t t

q = −R H +vqt (3)

t ( )

H =I q H (4) Above qt =0

At any point above qt =0 indicated by the line aa and the arrows A and D.

Equation (3) secures that qt for any given value ofHt will be larger than 0. An investor would be willing to take over the full give housing stock Ht if he expects that the prices will increase more, whereas the investor would buy the asset today with the expectation of increasing prices tomorrow. This is the case of a speculative housing bubble where prices will go towards infinity.

At any point below qt =0 indicated by the line aa and the arrows B and C.

Equation (3) secures thatqt for any given value ofHt will be smaller than 0. Investors expect capital losses tomorrow, whereas the demand for housing stock Ht would decrease. Prices will fall and this will initiate a reinforcing process with prices going towards 0.


At any point belowHt=0 indicated by the line bb and the arrows A and B.

Equation (4) secures thatHtfor any given value of will be smaller than 0. The aggregated investment is smaller than what is needed to keep up the existing housing stock, which makes the housing stock



At any point aboveHt=0 indicated by the line bb and the arrows C and D.

Equation (4) secures thatHt for any given value of will be larger than 0. Very similar to the case above then the aggregated investment, because of the high on the existing housing stock, is larger than what is needed to keep up the existing housing stock, which makes the housing stock



Htincrease (capital is accumulated).

Appendix B – Overview of data Norway

Variable Year Details Source Link

House Prices -1995 Price indices, compiled, Property registers (4 cities)

Norges Bank http://www.norgesbank.no/

Historical Statistics, Chapter 9

1995- House Price index for


Statistics Norway, StatBank


GDP -2003 Norges Bank http://www.norgesbank.no/

Historical Statistics,

CPI Norges Bank http://www.norgesbank.no/

Historical Statistics, Chapter 3

Interest rate -1945 Hypoteksbank long bond

The Netherlands

Variabel Year Details Source Link

House Prices -1959 City center of Amsterdam.

1970- OECD, JBM www.oecd.org

GDP -2004 Tweehondred jaar statistiek in tijdreeksen

Statistics Netherlands


Rent -1958 CPI Statistics


CPI -2004 Tweehondred jaar statistik in


Statistics Netherlands


Interest rate -1991 Governmental Bonds, Rentestanden, Lange For all countries it has been necessary to splice time series data together when combining different sources over time. The data has been indexed using 1995 as base year.

United Kingdom

Interest rate -1980 U.K. Long-Term

USA Interest rate -2004 Long

Government bond, 10y

Robert Shiller


Appendix C– Overview of price increases and decreases

Detailed overview of price increases and decreases


Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Year 1993-2005 1992-2005 1995-2005 1994-2005

Length 12 13 10,00 11,00

Annual change 7,33 6,81 8,27 5,05

Year 1977-1988 1988-1993 1986-1991 1991-1992 1982-1989 1989-1995 1982-1989 1989-1994

Length 11 5 5 1 7 6 7 5

Annual change 6,42 -10,67 3,99 -3,24 7,61 -1,35 2,02 -1,52 Year 1955-1973 1973-1977 1954-1979 1979-1986 1977-1980 1980-1982 1975-1978 1978-1982

Length 18 4 25 7 3 2 3 4

Annual change 2,72 -3,29 4,98 -9,66 6,66 -10,12 5,26 -4,47 Year 1954-1973 1973-1977 1933-1973 1973-1975

Length 19 4 40 2

Annual change 4,77 -9,92 1,02 -3

Year 1945-1950 1950-1955 1940-1946 1946-1954 1942-1947 1947-1954

Length 5 5 6 8 5 7

Year 1802-1810 1810-1816

Appendix D – Size of price increases and decreases

Aggregated real house prices changes


Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Decrease

112,7 -46,6

120,3 -15,9

21,7 -19,5

48,7 -23,5

34,0 -35,4

32,3 -56,2

95,7 -34,8

46,1 -23,4

24,4 -27,6

79,9 -12,9

51,2 -46,4

37,5 -20,1

37,0 -14,6

137,0 -52,6 28,7 -30,2

41,2 -18,4 19,6 -58,3

67,9 -38,7 36,8 -55,0

131,5 -27,8 93,1 -36,3

125,1 -16,0 55,7 -16,9

85,2 -22,8 144,0 -23,6 11,8 -19,5 -5,0

13,5 -47,6 25,0 -20,5 27,3 -17,4 51,6 -24,0

88,7 -36,4 24,0 -41,1 52,9 -30,1 91,7 -39,4

11,5 -29,6 35,5 -38,6 142,3 -34,2 137,9 -5,9

62,2 -12,5 236,9 -50,9 21,3 -19,2 16,6 -16,7

98,2 -43,1 21,6 -3,2 67,1 -7,8 15,0 -7,4

133,6 125,5 121,4 72,1

Mean 83,0 -31,4 63,5 -31,3 63,5 -21,4 64,1 -16,4 Interval [11,5;137,0] [-52,6;12,5] [19,6;236,9] [-58,3;-3,2] [11,8;142,3] [-34,2;-7,8] [15,1;137,9] [-39,4;-5,0]

Appendix E - Statistical measures Correlation coefficient

The correlation coefficient between x and y is given by: 1 ½

2 2

It describes how well to variables follow each other and will in this thesis be considered as a base of the LR equilibrium.

R2- Squared multiple correlation coefficient

R2 is the proportion of the variance of the dependent variable which is explained by the variables in the regression. By adding more variables to a regression, R2 will never decrease, and it may increase even if nonsense variables are added. Hence, R2 may be misleading.

Also, R2 is dependent on the choice of transformation of the dependent variable (for example, p versus Δp) -- as is the F-statistic below. The equation standard error, σ, however, provides a better comparative statistic because it is adjusted by the degrees of freedom.

Residual sum of squares (RSS)


The null hypothesis is that the populationR2is zero, or that all the regression coefficients are zero (excluding the intercept). The value for the F-statistic is followed by its probability value between square brackets. F-tests are shown as: F(num,denom) = Value [Probability] /*/**, where the test statistic has an F-distribution with x degree of freedom in the numerator and y in the denominator. The probability of getting a value or larger is printed beside. Significant outcomes at a 1%-level are shown by two stars. 5% will appear with one star.


( | , ) / 2 log /

c c

l β y X =KT RSS T , where Kc = −T/ 2(1 log 2 )+ π Durbin Watson test (DW)

This is a test for autocorrelated residuals and is calculated as:

2 1 2

2 1

ˆ ˆ

( )



t t

t T

t t

u u DW





DW is most powerful as a test of (ut) being white noise against:


t t

uut, where

(0, 2)

t IID z

ε σ

If 0<DW<2, then the null hypothesis is H0:ρ=0, that is, zero autocorrelation (so DW=2) and the alternative is H1:ρ>0, that is, positive first-order autocorrelation.

If 2<DW<4, then H0:ρ=0 and H1:ρ<0, in which case DW*=4-DW should be computed.

The significance values of DW are widely recorded in econometrics' textbooks. However,

The significance values of DW are widely recorded in econometrics' textbooks. However,