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List of Literary Texts Discussed in Shame as Narrative Strategy

V. Corpus and Bibliography

V. 1 List of Literary Texts Discussed in Shame as Narrative Strategy

Hird, Laura, Born Free. Edinburgh 1999.

Kay, Jackie, Trumpet. London 1998.

Kennedy, Alison Louise, “The Moving House,” in: Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains.

Short Stories. London 1990, pp. 35-41.

Kennedy, Alison Louise, Looking for the Possible Dance. London 1993.

Kennedy, Alison Louise, Everything You Need. London 1999.

Smith, Ali, Like. London 1997.

Smith, Ali, The Accidental. London 2005.

Adamson, Joseph (1997): Melville, Shame, and the Evil Eye. New York.

Adamson, Joseph/Clark, Hilary (eds.) (1998): Scenes of Shame. Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing. Albany, NY.

Alfes, Henrike F. (1995): Literatur und Gefühl. Emotionale Aspekte literarischen Schreibens und Lesens. Opladen.

Allrath, Gaby/Gymnich, Marion (2002): “Feministische Narratologie,” in: Nünning/Nünning (eds.) 2002, 35-72.

Allrath, Gaby/Surkamp, Carola (2004): “Erzählerische Vermittlung, unzuverlässiges Erzählen, Multiperspektivität und Bewusstseinsdarstellung,” in: Nünning/Nünning (eds.) 2004, 143-179.

Anderson, Carol/Christianson, Aileen (eds.) (2000): Scottish Women’s Fiction 1920s to 1960s:

Journeys into Being. East Linton.

Anderson, Linda (2000): “Autobiographical Travesties: The Nostalgic Self in Queer Writing,”

in: Alderson, David /Anderson, Linda (eds.): Territories of Desire in Queer Culture:

Refiguring Contemporary Boundaries. Manchester, 68-81.

Andrews, Bernice (1998): “Shame and Childhood Abuse,” in: Gilbert, Paul/Andrews, Bernice (eds.): Shame. Interpersonal Behaviour, Psychopathology, and Culture. New York/

Oxford, 176-190.

Andriga, Els/Schreier, Margrit (2004): “How Literature Enters Life: An Introduction,”

in: Poetics Today 25 (2), 161-169.

Arana, R. Victoria (ed.) (2007): “Black” British Aesthetics Today. Newcastle upon Tyne.

Astley, Neil (ed.): New Blood. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1999.

Bacal, Howard A./Newman, Kenneth M. (1990): Theories of Object Relations: Bridges to Self Psychology. New York.

Bartky, Sandra Lee (1990): Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression, New York.

Bauer, Joachim (2005): Warum ich fühle, was du fühlst. Intuitive Kommunikation und das Geheimnis der Spiegelneurone. Hamburg.

Bell, Eleanor (ed.) (2004): Scotland in Theory: Reflections on Culture and Literature.

Amsterdam/New York.

Böhm, Nadine (2009): “‘I am leaving myself to you ... You will understand or you won’t.’ Jackie Kays Trumpet (1998) als Inszenierung hermeneutischer Ethik,” in: Wagner, Hedwig/

Ernst, Christoph/Sparn, Walter (eds.): Kulturhermeneutik—Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Umgang mit kultureller Differenz. München (forthcoming).

Bouson, Brooks J. (1989): The Empathic Reader. A Study of the Narcissistic Character and the Drama of the Self. Amherst, MA.

Bouson, Brooks J. (2000): Quiet as It’s Kept: Shame, Trauma, and Race in the Novels of Toni Morrison. Albany, NY.

Bråten, Stein (ed.) (2007): On Being Moved: From Mirror Neurons to Empathy. Amsterdam.

Broucek, Francis J. (1991): Shame and the Self. New York / London.

Brown, Georgia (2004): Redefining Elizabethan Literature. Cambridge.

Carruthers, Gerard/Goldie, David/Renfrew, Alastair (eds.) (2004): Beyond Scotland: New Contexts for Twentieth-Century Scottish Literature. Amsterdam/New York.

Charlton, Michael/Pette, Corinna/Burbaum, Christina (2004): “Reading Strategies in Every-day Life: Different Ways of Reading an Novel Which Make a Distinction,” in: Poetics Today 25 (2), 241-263.

Christianson, Aileen/Lumsden, Alison (eds.) (2000): Contemporary Scottish Women Writers.


Clandfield, Peter (2002): “‘What Is in My Blood?’ Contemporary Black Scottishness and the Work of Jackie Kay,” in: Hubel, Teresa/Brooks, Neil (eds.): Literature and Racial Ambiguity. Amsterdam, 1-25.

Cosmides, Leda/ Tooby, John (2000): “Evolutionary Psychology and the Emotions,” in: Lewis, Michael/Haviland-Jones, Jeanette M. (eds.): Handbook of Emotions. New York, 91-115.

Craig, Cairns (1999): The Modern Scottish Novel: Narrative and the National Imagination.


Currie, Mark (2007): About Time: Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time. Edinburgh.

Demos, E. Virginia (ed.) (1995): Exploring Affect: The Selected Writings of Silvan Tomkins.

Cambridge/New York.

Deslandes, Jeanne (2004): “A Philosophy of Emoting,” in: Journal of Narrative Theory 34 (3), 335-372.

Devine, T. M. (ed.) (2000): Scotland’s Shame? Bigotry and Sectarianism in Modern Scotland.

Edinburgh/London 2000.

Dunnigan, Sarah M.: “A.L. Kennedy’s Longer Fiction: Articulate Grace,” in: Christianson/

Lumsden (eds.) 2000, 144-155.

Eckstein, Lars (2006): “Performing jazz, defying essence: music as a metaphor of being in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet,” in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 54 (1), 51-65.

Edelmann, Robert (1987): The Psychology of Embarrassment. Chichester.

Ekman, Paul (1994): “Moods, Emotions, and Traits,” in: Ekman, Paul/Davidson, Richard J.

(eds.): The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions. New York/Oxford, 56-58.

Felka, Rike (1991): Psychische Schrift. Freud – Derrida – Celan. Wien/Berlin.

Fernie, Ewan (2002): Shame in Shakespeare. London/New York.

Fludernik, Monika (1996): Towards a ‘Natural’ Narratology. London/New York.

Flynn, Elizabeth A./Schweickhart, Patrocinio P. (eds.) (1986): Gender and Reading: Essays on Readers, Texts, and Contexts. Baltimore/London.

Frijda, Nico H. (1986): The Emotions. Cambridge.

Frijda, Nico H. (1987): “Emotion, Cognitive Structure and Action Tendency,” in: Cognition and Emotion 1, 115-144.

Frijda, Nico H. (1989): “Aesthetic Emotions and Reality,” in: American Psychologist 44, 1546-1547.

Frijda, Nico H. [2007]: “On the Nature and Function of Pleasure,” in: Berridge, Kent/

Kringelbach, Morten (eds.): Pleasures of the Brain: the Neural Basis of Sensory Rewards. [1-22] (Still to be published)

Fuchs, Anne/Ridley, Hugh (eds.) (2003): Sentimente, Gefühle, Empfindungen: Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Affektiven von 1770 bis heute. Tagung zum 60. Geburtstag von Hugh Ridley im Juli 2001. Würzburg.

Gallese, Vittorio/Goldman, Alvin (1998): “Mirror Neurons and the Simulation Theory of Mind-reading,” in: Trends in Cognitive Science 2 (12), 493-501.

Gerbe, Kathrin (2007): Narrative Techniques in Ali Smith’s Like. Online publisher Grin.

Gerberding, Daniela (2002): “Vom Glück der Täuschung. Die Schriftstellerin Jackie Kay und ihre kreativen Selbstfindungen,” in: Feministische Studien 20 (2), 254-260.

Gifford, Douglas/McMillan, Dorothy (eds.) (1997): A History of Scottish Women’s Writing.


Gilbert, Paul /Andrews, Bernice (eds.) (1998): Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology, and Culture. New York/Oxford.

Gilman, Sander L. (1985): Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness. Ithaca/London.

Goffmann, Erving (1963): Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings. London.

Gonda, Caroline (ed.) (1992): Tea and Leg-Irons: New Feminist Readings from Scotland.


Gray, Jeremy R./Braver, Todd S./Raichle, Marcus E. (2002): “Integration of Emotion and Cognition in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex,” in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A (PNAS) 99 (6), 4115-4120.

Gutenberg, Andrea (2000): Mögliche Welten. Plot und Sinnstiftung im englischen Frauenroman.


Gymnich, Marion (2000): Entwürfe weiblicher Identität im englischen Frauenroman des 20. Jahrhunderts. Trier.

Gymnich, Marion (2004): “Konzepte literarischer Figuren und Figurencharakterisierung,” in:

Nünning/Nünning (eds.) 2004, 122-142.

Hagemann, Susanne (2003): “Homosexuality and Blackness in Naomi Mitchison and Jackie Kay. A Speech-Act Approach,” in: Études Écossaises 9, 121-139.

Harder, David W. (1995): “Shame and Guilt Assessment, and Relationships of Shame- and Guilt-Proneness to Psychopathology,” in: Tangney, June Price (ed.) (1995): Self-Conscious Emotions: The Psychology of Shame, Guilt, Embarrassment, and Pride. New York, 368-392.

Hargreaves, Tracy (2003): “The Power of the Ordinary Subversiv in Jackie Kay's Trumpet,” in:

Feminist Review 74, 2-17.

Herman, David (ed.) (2003): Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences. Stanford, CA.

Hidi, Suzanne/Baird, William (1986): “Interestingness: A Neglected Variable in Discourse Processing,” in: Cognitive Science 10 (2), 179-194.

Hidi, Suzanne (2006): “Interest: A Unique Motivational Variable”, in: Educational Research Review 1 (2), 69-82.

Hilgers, Micha (2006): Scham: Gesichter eines Affekts. Göttingen.

Holly, Carol (1995): Intensely Family: The Inheritance of Family Shame and the Autobiographies of Henry James. Madison, WI.

Hotz-Davies, Ingrid (2007): “Scham in den Romanen Jane Austens, oder: Wie die Gender Studies auf den Affekt gekommen sind,” in: Hotz-Davies, Ingrid/Schahadat, Schama (eds.): Ins Wort gesetzt, ins Bild gesetzt: Gender in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur.

Bielefeld, 181-207.

Iser, Wolfgang (2000): The Range of Interpretation. New York.

Jacoby, Mario (1991): Scham-Angst und Selbstwertgefühl: Ihre Bedeutung in der Psychotherapie.

Olten/Freiburg i. Breisgau

Jones, Carole (2004): “‘An Imaginary Black Family’: Jazz, Diaspora, and the Construction of Scottish Blackness in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet,” in: Symbiosis 8 (2), 191-202.

Kaufman, Gershen (1989): The Psychology of Shame: Theory and Treatment of Shame-based Syndromes. New York.

Keen, Suzanne (2006): “A Theory of Narrative Empathy,” in: Narrative 14 (3), 207-236.

Keen, Suzanne (2008): “Strategic Empathizing: Techniques of Bounded, Ambassadorial, and Broadcast Narrative Empathy,” in: Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für

Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 82 (3), 477-493.

Kilian, Eveline (2004): GeschlechtSverkehrt: Theoretische und literarische Perspektiven des Gender-bending. Königstein.

King, Jeanette (2001): “‘A Woman’s A Man, For A’ That’: Jackie Kay’s Trumpet,” in: Scottish Studies Review 2 (1), 101-108.

Klein, Uta/Mellmann, Katja/Metzger, Steffanie (eds.): Heuristiken der Literaturwissenschaft:

Disziplinexterne Perspektiven auf Literatur. Paderborn.

Kohut, Heinz (1971): The Analysis of the Self. New York.

Kohut, Heinz (1978): The Search for the Self. Vol. 2. Madison, CN.

Koppenfels, Martin von (2007): Immune Erzähler. Flaubert und die Affektpolitik des modernen Romans. München.

Kuch, Hannes (2007): “Vergeschlechtlichung des Schamgefühls,” in: AG Gender-Killer (ed.):

Das Gute Leben. Linke Perspektiven auf einen besseren Alltag. Münster, 33-48.

Laird, James D. (2007): Feelings: The Perception of the Self. New York.

Landweer, Hilge (1999): Scham und Macht: Phänomenologische Untersuchungen zur Sozialität eines Gefühls. Tübingen.

Lansky, Melvin R./Morrison, Andrew P. (eds.) (1997): The Widening Scope of Shame.


Lansky, Melvin R. (2005): “The Impossibility of Forgiveness: Shame Fantasies as Instigators of Vengefulness in Euripides’ Medea,” in: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 53 (2), 437-464.

Lauer, Gerhard (2007): “Über den Grund des Wohlgefallens an der Nachahmung” in:

Eibl, Karl/Mellmann, Katja/Zymner, Rüdiger (eds.), Im Rücken der Kulturen, Paderborn, 137-163.

LeDoux, Joseph (1998): The Emotional Brain. New York/London.

Lehtinen, Ullaliina (1998): Underdog Shame: Philosophical Essays on Women’s Internalization of Inferiority. Göteborg.

Levinson, Jerrold (1997): “Emotion in Response to Art: A Survey of the Terrain,” in: Hjort, Mette/Laver, Sue (eds.): Emotion and the Arts. New York/Oxford, 20-34.

Lewis, Helen Block (ed.) (1987): The Role of Shame in Symptom Formation. Hillsdale, NJ.

Lewis, Michael (1992): Shame: The Exposed Self. New York.

Leys, Ruth (2007): From Guilt to Shame: Auschwitz and After. Princeton, NJ.

Lickel, Brian/Schmader, Toni/Curtis, Mathew/Scarnier, Marchelle/Ames, Daniel R. (2005):

“Vicarious Shame and Guilt,” in: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 8 (2), 145-157.

Lietzmann, Anja (2007): Theorie der Scham: Eine anthropologische Perspektive auf ein menschliches Charakteristikum. Hamburg.

Lumsden, Alison (2000a): “Jackie Kay’s Poetry and Prose: Constructing Identity,” in:

Christianson/Lumsden (eds.) 2000, 79-94.

Lumsden, Alison (2000b): “Scottish Women’s Short Stories: ‘Repositories of Life Swiftly Apprehended,’” in: Christianson/Lumsden (eds.) 2000, 156-169.

Lynd, Helen Merrell (1959): On Shame and the Search for Identity. New York.

March, Cristie L. (2002): Rewriting Scotland: Welsh, McLean, Warner, Banks, Galloway, and Kennedy. Manchester/New York.

Marks, Stephan (2007): Scham: Die Tabuisierte Emotion. Düsseldorf.

Martinsen, Deborah (2003): Surprised by Shame: Dostoevsky’s Liars and Narrative Exposure.

Columbus, OH.

McGonigal, James/Stirling, Kirsten (eds.) (2006): Ethically Speaking. Voices and Values in Modern Scottish Writing. Amsterdam/New York.

Mellmann, Katja (2002): “E-Motion: Being Moved by Fiction and Media? Notes on Fictional Worlds, Virtual Contacts and the Reality of Emotions,” in: PsyArt 6,


Mellmann, Katja (2006a): Emotionalisierung: Von der Nebenstundenpoesie zum Buch als Freund. Eine emotionspsychologische Analyse der Literatur der Aufklärungsepoche.


Mellmann, Katja (2006b): “Literatur als emotionale Attrappe. Eine evolutionspsychologische Lösung des ‘paradox of fiction’,” in: Klein/Mellmann/Metzger (eds.) 2006, 145-166.

Menninghaus, Winfried (1999): Ekel. Theorie und Geschichte einer starken Empfindung.


Mergenthal, Silvia (2008): “Teaching Jackie Kay’s Trumpet”, unpublished manuscript.

Metz, Katharina (2005): “‘More Scottish Than Anything Else:’ Zur Literatur Schottischer Autorinnen der Gegenwart am Beispiel von Zoë Strachans Spin Cycle”, in: Hard Times 78, 57-64.

Mitchell, Kaye (2008): A. L. Kennedy. Basingstoke.

Morrison, Andrew (1989): Shame: The Underside of Narcissism. Hillsdale, NJ.

Norquay, Glenda: “Janice Galloway’s Novels: Fraudulent Mooching,” in: Christianson/

Lumsden 2000, 131-143.

Nünning, Ansgar/Nünning, Vera (eds.) (2000): Multiperspektivisches Erzählen: Zur Theorie und Geschichte der Perspektivenstruktur im englischen Roman des 18. bis 20. Jahr-hunderts. Trier.

Nünning, Ansgar/Nünning, Vera (eds.) (2002): Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie. Trier.

Nünning, Vera/Nünning, Ansgar (eds.) (2004): Erzähltextanalyse und Gender Studies.


Oatley, Keith (1994): “A Taxonomy of the Emotions of Literary Response and a Theory of Identification in Fictional Narrative,” in: Poetics 23, 53-74.

Oliver, Fiona (1996): “The Self-Debasement of Scotland’s Postcolonial Bodies,” in: SPA N: Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies 42-43, 114-121.

Phelps, Elizabeth A./Ling, Sam/Carrasco, Marisa: “Emotion Facilitates Perception and

Potentiates the Perceptual Benefits of Attention,” in: Psychological Science 17 (4), 292-299.

Probyn, Elspeth (2005): Blush: Faces of Shame. Minneapolis, MI.

Radford, Colin/Weston, Michael (1975): “How Can We Be Moved by the Fate of Anna Karenina?” in: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Supplement 49, 67-80.

Rice, Alan (2003): “‘Heroes Across the Sea’: Black and White British Fascination with African Americans in the Contemporary Black British Fiction of Caryl Phillips and Jackie Kay,” in: Raphael-Hernandez, Heike/Gilroy, Paul (eds.): Blackening Europe: The African American Presence. New York, 217-231.

Ricks, Christopher (1974): Keats and Embarrassment. Oxford.

Rizzolatti, Giacomo/Corrado, Sinigaglia (2008): Mirrors in the Brain: How Our Minds Share Actions, Emotions, and Experience. Oxford.

Rodríguez González, Carla (2007): “Biographical Improvisation in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet,” in:

Scottish Studies Review 8 (1), 88-100.

Rose, Irene (2003): “Heralding New Possibilities: Female Masculinity in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet,”

Lea, Daniel/Schoene, Berthold (eds.): Posting the Male: Masculinities in Post-War and Contemporary British Literature. Amsterdam, 141-157.

Roseman, Ira J./Spindel, Martin S./Jose, Paul E. (1990): “Appraisals of Emotion-eliciting Events: Testing a Theory of Discrete Emotions,” in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 59 (5), 899-915.

Sander, David/Grandjean, Didier/Scherer, Klaus R. (2005): “A Systems Approach to Appraisal Mechanisms in Emotion,” in: Neural Networks 18, 317-352.

Schabert, Ina (1992): “The Authorial Mind and the Question of Gender,” in: Lehmann, Elmar/Lenz, Bernd (ed.): Telling Stories: Studies in Honor of Ulrich Broich on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday.Amsterdam/Philadelphia.

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Scherer, Klaus R. (1994): “Emotion Serves to Decouple Stimulus and Response,” in: Ekman, Paul/Davidson, Richard J. (eds.): The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions.

New York/Oxford, 127-131.

Scherer, Klaus R. (1999): “On the Sequential Nature of Appraisal Processes: Indirect Evidence from a Recognition Task,” in: Cognition and Emotion 13 (6), 763-793.

Scherer, Klaus R./ Zentner, Marcel R. (2001): “Emotion effects of music: Production rules,” in:

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Oxford/New York, 361-392.

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Schmitz, Hermann (2006): “Kann man Scham auf Dauer stellen?” in: Berliner Debatte Initial 17, 100-104.

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in: Bentley, Nick (ed.): British Fiction of the 1990s. London, 135-149.

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