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2.5 Discussion

2.5.3 Limitations and Future Research

The limitations of our empirical study may offer valuable avenues for future research. Our sample concentrates on a target group of young app users but could be expanded to a wider range of app users, as the retail customer segments belong to all age groups. Furthermore, we do not cover dynamic and competitive components of grocery retailing, which could be addressed in field studies comparing the long-term aspects of loyalty. In addition, external validity is limited by the use of a single retail context and the reliance on self-reports. Future research should implement actual use situations and provide a comparison of specific game app design elements that can foster social value in games across various retail sectors.

Moreover, our choice of stimuli has highlighted the existence of different retailer strategies for implementing games. Future research might therefore opt to focus on a specific game and differentiate game elements within the app to determine appropriate game design elements for retailer games.

In summary, we offer a new perspective to examine retailer apps, specifically games. This study is among the first to address the link between social value-in-use, app word-of-mouth,

and retailer loyalty. The findings have implications for not only retailers but also app developers. Taken together, the results of this study provide a detailed view on the experiential aspects of advergames and apps in retailing.

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