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3.1 Introduction

3.4.4 Limitations and future directions

Although BOLD activation patterns resulting from both dPul and LIP stimulation were consistent between the two animals, further analysis based on BOLD response amplitudes within each ROI should be used to test the robustness of effects revealed by the statistical t maps (Premereur et al., 2015b). Furthermore, our analyses were restricted to positive activation induced by high-frequency electrical microstimulation. However, microstimulation of a brain area can also lead to activity suppression in connected regions, especially when using a lower frequency of current pulses (Logothetis et al., 2010). Thus, the pattern of brain activity, including suppression, resulting from dPul and LIP stimulation at different frequencies could be the objective of future work. Finally, our ROI analyses were based on average BOLD responses within the entire memory period starting with the offset of the visual cue in the memory saccade task or the corresponding time window in the fixation task.

Due to the delay of the hemodynamic response, one would expect to find responses related

3.4 Discussion 121 to both the presentation of the visual stimulus and working memory and motor preparation processes (Kagan et al., 2010). Hence, further analyses are needed to investigate whether dPul and LIP stimulation have differential effects on purely visual BOLD responses and BOLD signals related to higher cognitive functions.

3.4.5 Conclusions

dPul and LIPd share a functional network comprising dlPFC, the dorsal bank and the fundus of STS, PPC, PCC, somatosensory areas, and primary and extrastriate visual cortex providing evidence that dPul plays a functional role in the brain network involved in visuospatial attention and visuomotor processing. Importantly, neuronal activity induced by electrical microstimulation was transmitted monosynaptically as well as polysynaptically. Moreover, electrical microstimulation of dPul and LIPd may change space representations within the activated brain network dependent on the current cognitive task and the spatial tuning of the activated areas. Task-dependent effects of microstimulation may further lead to preferential recruitment of brain regions which are not strongly involved in the current cognitive task.


We thank Elena Spanou for collecting a subset of the MRI data from monkey C, Dr. Sebastian Moeller for sharing the design of the MR-compatible electrode drive, helping with the microstimulation setup, and for valuable suggestions related to fMRI measurements, Jochen Weber for providing support for NeuroElf, and Ira Panolias, Sina Plümer, Leonore Burchardt, Klaus Heisig, and Dirk Prüße for technical support.

Chapter 4

General discussion

In this PhD thesis I presented data showing that unilateral electrical microstimulation of dPul biases visuomotor response selection towards responses to contralateral visual stimuli even if the selected response does not yield a reward. This implicates that dPul is involved in the facilitation of visuomotor responses towards contralateral stimuli rather than in filter-ing contralateral visual distractors. Interestfilter-ingly, the behavioral outcome of the enhanced contralateral response facilitation due to microstimulation depended on the strength of the signal driven by the contraversive stimulus, i.e. the stimulus contralateral to the side of stimulation. Moreover, using the combination of fMRI and electrical microstimulation in monkeys performing three different cognitive tasks (contraversive memory saccades, ipsiversive memory saccades, or fixation) we were able to identify dPul as a subcortical node of the functional brain network involved in visual attention and visuomotor processing typically described as comprising cortical areas in frontal, parietal, and temporal lobe. More specifically, we found great overlap between the effective connectivity patterns of dPul and LIPd. Importantly, stimulation-induced BOLD activity was not only transmitted to brain regions which are directly connected with pulvinar but also to regions connected through multiple synapses such as areas in the opposite hemisphere. Moreover, the magnitude of BOLD activity enhancement due to stimulation differed between cognitive tasks suggesting that the stimulation-induced activation might be modulated depending on the extent of task responsiveness of the stimulated area. Task-dependent effects of stimulation may also lead to differential changes in space presentations in the whole activated brain network. However, spatial tuning of the activated areas may also determine the strength of stimulation effects on neuronal activity in the different tasks which might result in the preferential recruitment of areas not showing strong involvement in the respective task in the first place.

Electrical microstimulation has often been used in behavioral paradigms to study the causal role of cortical areas such as LIP as well as subcortical regions including dPul and the

behavioral outcomes of dPul and LIP stimulation are strikingly similar. LIP microstimulation facilitates saccade responses towards visual stimuli in the receptive field of the stimulated neurons, typically located in the contralateral hemifield, only under conditions of response competition between potential saccade goals presented in opposite hemifields (Dai et al., 2014; Hanks et al., 2006). Previous research (Dominguez-Vargas et al., 2017) and the behavioral study presented in the first chapter of this PhD thesis yielded very similar findings for dPul stimulation. The great similarity between the causal role of dPul and LIP is further supported by studies using pharmacological inactivation. Again, inactivation of both LIP (Wardak et al., 2002; Wilke et al., 2012) and dPul (Wilke et al., 2013, 2010) bias saccade responses towards visual stimuli in the ipsilesional hemifield only under conditions of behavioral choice between saccade options presented in opposite hemifields.

However, the combination of microstimulation with neuronal measures to study neuronal correlates of stimulation effects on visuomotor behavior is quite rare (Premereur et al., 2014). The combination of fMRI and electrical microstimulation may help to understand the neuronal mechanisms underlying stimulation-induced changes in behavior. For instance, in monkey C, who served as a subject in both studies presented in this PhD thesis, unilateral dPul stimulation facilitated saccade responses towards contraversive visual stimuli even when the contraversive stimulus was a visual distractor. In the same subject, dPul stimulation led to a stronger representation of the contraversive side of space in the visuomotor brain network which may be the neuronal mechanism underlying the specific changes in saccade behavior.

Similarly, changes in space representations due to LIP microstimulation as indicated in the current fMRI study may be a neuronal correlate of behavioral changes observed in the studies described above. However, our fMRI study did not include experimental conditions resembling competition between multiple response options. Future studies could use the combination of fMRI and electrical microstimulation to study the effects of dPul stimulation on the representation of saccade targets and visual distractors in the visuomotor brain network under conditions of response competition.

It is important to note that it is not possible to infer the directionality of information flow from effective connectivity patterns because electrical stimulation creates both ortho-dromically and antiortho-dromically propagating action potentials (Grill et al., 2008). Moreover, high-frequency stimulation as was used in the two studies presented in this thesis may lead to "neural hijacking", i.e. the stimulation-evoked firing of cortical neurons might block and replace the natural neuronal activity (Griffin et al., 2011). On the other hand, our finding that the strength of stimulation effects in activated areas depended on the current cognitive task supports the hypothesis that the stimulation-induced activity interacts with the existing natural activity. Another limitation that should be taken into account is the observation that


the typical current strength used in fMRI studies in awake monkeys, ranging from 200 to 300 µA (Moeller et al., 2008; Premereur et al., 2016) is higher than the current intensities used in behavioral studies, which typically do not exceed 75µA (Dai et al., 2014; Fetsch et al., 2014; Pezaris & Reid, 2007). It is noteworthy, however, that robust effective connectivity patterns were also found using current strengths below 50 µA (Ekstrom et al., 2008) and, importantly, in the two studies presented in this PhD thesis current strengths were matched.

Taken together, our findings suggest that behavioral changes in visuomotor behavior resulting from electrical microstimulation of both dPul and nodes of the cortical frontotem-poroparietal network may result from changes in space representations in the same functional brain network through both corticocortical interactions as well as interactions between dPul and cortical areas.


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