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Limitations and Future Directions


8.2 Limitations and Future Directions

8.1.3 Impact and Research Influence of RQ3 & RQ4 Contributions

The last two research questions are futuristic in nature and we have addressed them only in a one direction.

way in this thesis. This thesis has laid a foundation for a discussion in the research community not only on how to capture relevant information from KGs, but to design approaches for encoding this information for optimal use with machine learning models.

• Incorporation of inferential knowledge from KGs: The power exhibited by semantic web representations such as OWL and RDF has not been fully harnessed. In our work, we have been able to evaluate features obtained from the directly modelled data. However these tools expose more power that include inference of new knowledge. The open question is therefore whether research can induce ontology reasoning approaches as a form of knowledge context?

• Dynamic selection of knowledge context: From our findings in chapter6, we conclude that only part of the available information is relevant to specific tasks, dataset or even piece of text, depending on the granularity. It is however difficult to pre-select such information as we may not tell before hand what kind of entities and relations exist in text. In future work, it would be interesting to understand which triples negatively impact the context and how to select the "optimal choice of KG-triples context," considering we rely on the triple in the same order of the SPARQL endpoint returned results. All these pieces of information can be treated as single feature points in a Graph to allow use of graph algorithms in dropping irrelevant points. This dynamic selection can also be achieve via machine learning approaches such as those employed in the work by Singh et.

al. [2,18].

In summary, we view that this work will result in a new variety of models for NLU research and systems. This emerging direction is expected to trigger questions concerning representation of knowledge context and use of the same as features in AI. Immediate questions include how to incorporate more expressivity in models such that more semantics including ontological reasoning and KG literals are captured in models. In another direction, there is a need for models that can discriminate information captured from KGs so that only relevant and concise features are retrieved.

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