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Limitations and suggestions for future research

General conlusions

5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research

This dissertation was developed in accordance with the formulated research questions and data availability to analyze the technical and environmental efficiency of grapevine producers. The pollution threat and judicial trials presented significant limitations to access public data on water management, water quality and sub-basin studies, which, in turn became research incentives to unfold the economic potential of grapevine producers in the region. The simulation study by Hernández et al. (2012) is the last available research at a basin scale. Although a unique dataset was collected with the complementary support of institutions and their secondary data, further potential studies could enrich greatly by adding new waves of data collection from vineyards at the plot level.

In order to effectively achieve sustainability on water issues, consumption must be assessed broadly accounting for strategic behavior of stakeholders and deviations of water consumption from expected paths after technology has been adopted (Grafton et al. 2018; Hellegers 2006). Most of the efficiency literature that includes water as a productive input is region specific and compares farms within a sector or sub-basin, but they tend to overlook the interactions among modern irrigation techniques, water flows (surface and underground) and water consumption levels. Further studies can address the farmers’ behavior toward policy measures and assess whether improvements in technical and environmental efficiency have positive or negative spill-overs for farmers downstream. The ability to quantify the economic effects of a regulatory intervention is important from a policy perspective since it will allow the clear assessment of environmental regulations across affected regions.

Estimation of basin specific water demand constitutes a step further in the modeling and economic planning for semi-arid areas in Latin America. In Mendoza, the DGI acknowledged the potential of basin analysis but policy makers have not fully acknowledged the basin mechanisms and tailored economic policies accordingly. This constitutes a research opportunity, yet the difficulty of measuring water application remains one of the main barriers to push research into a broader perspective (Bravo-Ureta et al. 2015), in particular for those farms with lower technology adoption and lack of


Among the New World wine countries, Argentina is the smallest in export value with almost USD 1 billion and with the potential to grow (COVIAR/OVA 2018). Several economic factors and infrastructure limitations have undermined the viticulture development, however, business potential cannot be unleashed with traditional interventions that overlook agroecological characteristics and do not value natural resources accordingly. Therefore, a meta-frontier analysis of Argentinean viticulture could address the production potential of vineyards and contribute to assessment of real limitations for development and systematic environmental disturbances in production. There is considerable scope for research on this topic, which is complex and highly site specific. Spatial stochastic frontiers supported by an effective national agricultural census of the year 2018 could contribute to the technical efficiency estimations substantially. This would indeed constitute a valuable contribution for the national strategic viticulture plan and the design of sector specific policies.

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