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Chapter 4. Concluding remarks

3. Limitations and ideas for further research

There are some factors that limit the scope of the study. In this section I highlight the major limitations and provide ideas for further research.

First, in Chapter 2 we estimate an integral model that considers the effects of social capital, psychological factors, and control variables to explain adoption of pressurized irrigation. This analysis can further benefit by considering time and risk preferences of the farmers, so the explanatory power of the model can be increase. Further research could consider how risk preferences interact with psychological factors and if the interaction with trust, network, and their intention of adoption.

63 With regards to model specification, the model provided robust results, but additional interaction of variables could not be performed, as the analysis of covariance required a higher sample size. We believe that for further research, the results can be defined as a baseline to follow-up adoption rates and identify whether government interventions had any impact on beliefs, intentions and adoption expanding the database for analysis.

In Chapter 3, there were no significant differences between treatments having both a positive influence on conservation behavior. We identify that in the collective treatment, the pre-established threshold could have been set higher. In addition, as PES requires certain level of organizational structure, further experiments could include the interaction with current social capital (trust) and assess whether the introduction of incentives fosters collective action. In the same line, further research could be beneficial on understanding higher payment levels, and the interaction with already establish collective action mechanism. Future work should measure expectations on others behavior and try to capture expected probability of receiving a payment under the collective incentive.



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Porras, I.T., International Institute for Environment and Development., 2010. Fair and green?: