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Learning Syntactic Categories for Question Answering

Acquiring Syntactic Categories

2.2 Learning Syntactic Categories for Question Answering

2.2.1 Syntactic Bonding/Chains of Related Words

In this approach, a document is a multi–set of all sentences which are extracted from all the N–best snippets returned by a search engine.2 A vector–space document representation is proposed, based on the following binary variable:


½ 1 if the word wi is in the sentence Ss at position k 0 otherwise.

where len(Ss) is defined as a function which returns the number of words in a sentenceSs. Then, the frequency of the word wi in the document is given by:

f req(wi) = loves Mary. John kisses Mary every night.” has two sentences determined by the dot. Considering that “w1” is “John”, then X111 will match the first occurrence of

“John” and X211 the second. Xs1k takes the value of one for only this two occur-rences. Therefore, f req(“John”) will be the sum of X111+X211 = 2.

A document D is represented by the set of tuples:

D={< wi, wj, ², f req(wi, wj, ²)>, ∀i, j, ²,0≤²≤Υ f req(wi, wj, ²)>0}

wheref req(wi, wj, ²) is the frequency of wi with which it appears to the left of wj, and ² is the absolute distance of their positions in the sentence:

f req(wi, wj, ²) =

For instance,f req(“John”,“Mary”,1) = 2 means that the patternJohn *Marywas observed 2–times in the documentD. Γ(wi, wj, ², v) :W ×W ×N ×N → {0,1} is defined as a function that returns one if the f req(wi, wj, ²) is equal to v, otherwise it returns zero. Using this notation, it is defined:

2Very simple rules for mapping a snippet to a stream of sentences are used, basically standard punctuation signs as splitting points: colon, semicolon, coma, and dot.

July 14, 2006

2.2. Learning Syntactic Categories for Question Answering 15 G(v) determines the amount of pairs of words that occur v times in the document.

In the example, the only tuple that occurs two times isJohn *Mary, thenG(2) = 1.

2.2.2 Ranking Sentences

A sentenceSs in a document is ranked by means of a specially designed matrix M.

This matrix is constructed from the tuples inD in the following way:

Mij(Ss) = correlation between two words wi and wj in a sentence Ss.

The following filtering rule reduces the size of the representation of D and the noise of long sequences of low correlated words:

∀i, j Mij ≤ζ ⇒Mij = 0

where ζ is an empirical determined threshold. This rule allows to remove some syntactic relations of a word which are probably not important. For example, the English word of is a closed class word and as such will co-occur very often with different words at different positions. However, if it is part of a phrase like The President of Germany, the definition above allows us to keepof in the noun phrase, because it typically occurs with short distance in such specific syntactic construction.

Then, the rank of a sentence Ss is defined as follows:

rank(Ss) = λmax(M(Ss))

whereλmax(M(Ss)) is the greatest eigenvalue of the matrix M constructed from the sentence Ss, see also [19]. This eigenvalue gives the amount of “energy” or

“syntactic bonding force” captured by the eigenvector related withλmax. Note that computing the eigenvalues for a small matrix is not a demanding task, and M is a matrix of size len(Ss), which in case of snippets is small. There are two more aspects of M that is worths mentioning:

1. ∀i Mii = 0P

∀iMii = 0P

fλf = 0.

2. ∀i, j Mij =Mji, thespectral theorem implies that ∀f λf ∈ <, and all eigenvec-tors are orthogonal.3

The second aspect guarantees that for each sentence Ss, the value for rank(Ss) is a real number.

3Thespectral theorem claims that for a real symmetric n-by-n matrix, likeM, all its eigenvalues

2.2. Learning Syntactic Categories for Question Answering 16

if Mij² >0 then flag=false;


The matrixM contains the frequency of each pair of words of Ss, which appears in this sentence and which has the same distance in the whole document. Sequences of word pairs which frequently co–occur with same distance in M are interpreted aschains of related words, i.e., groups of words that have an important meaning in the document. This is important if we also consider the fact that, in general, snip-pets are not necessarily contiguous pieces of texts, and usually are not syntactically well–formed paragraphs due to some intentionally introduced breaks (e.g., denoted by some dots betweens the text fragments). The claim is that these chains can be used for extracting answer prediction candidates. Algorithm 1 extracts predicted answers from a sentence Ss. It aims to replace low correlated words with a star, where a low correlated word is a word in a sentence that has a low correlation with any other word in the same sentence. Sequences of high correlated words are sep-arated by one or more stars. Thus, low correlated words in sentences define the points for cutting a sentence into smaller units.

In order to assess this answer prediction strategy, traditional answer extraction modules based on lexical databases and pattern matching as well as stop-lists were implemented. The set of questions aimed for a LOCATION, PERSON or DATE as an answer, which answers were extracted from the predicted answers. Experiments were carried out in four languages: English, German and Portuguese as well as Spanish. Results showed that this extracting schema works well for a language like English, for which exists a massive redundancy on the Web (see full details in [52]).

In contrast to the other three languages, for which there is not yet a large-scale redundancy on the web and the other of words is more flexible.

July 14, 2006

2.3. Acquiring Syntactic Patterns for Question Answering 17

2.3 Acquiring Syntactic Patterns for Question