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The Chapter 2 has focused on the application of the life-cycle concept of cooperatives developed by Cook, (1995) at a sector level, an extension of the original approach that was first applied at company level. Further theoretical development of this tool for its application at the sector level in other industries would be helpful.

Furthermore, from a practical perspective, an application of this tool at company level in the main dairy cooperatives on the GFM region would help managers and members to deeply understand their cooperatives’ competitive weaknesses and strengths from an evolutionary approach. Also taking into account the firms’ internal resources and capabilities and external conditions in the environment. It would help them to design adequate strategies to improve their short and long-term sustainability. This study is limited by its descriptive nature.

In Chapter 3 an impressive database of processing companies was used for the application of a Stochastic Frontier Analysis including the determinants of efficiency.

Research and extension personnel from the state of Paraná collected such data. The gathered information offers several possibilities to deeply understand the potentialities of a sector and target specific strategies and policies. The database is limited by missing the information on the total revenues of processing companies, which could provide a more accurate output measure, and for being a database of 2009, already nine years old. Thus, we strongly advice the Paraná policy-makers and researchers to collect the data on dairy processing companies on a regular basis. In

this case a dynamic framework methodology could be applied to understand the persistence of technical inefficiency over time and the effect of investments and adoption of new technologies. Thus overcoming another limit of this study, which is the cross-sectional analysis. The real objective of maximization of cooperatives could also offer a better estimation of the real output, since the theory and practice show that cooperatives may have different maximization objectives. In the same line environmental indicators could be included in a multiple output framework offering the possibility to measure the environmental efficiency of those companies. We make the same advice to all state policy-makers and researchers. Possessing such valuable data open possibilities to extend the research to other areas and sectors and reduce uncertainties for the decision-making process.

An interesting exercise for the last study in Chapter 4 would be to include the farmers’ point of view to contrast their opinions and perspectives about the competitiveness on the region, which is a limit of this study. Further understand their wishes and needs would result in a more accurate study and recommendations.

Furthermore, also the micro and small processing companies’ point of view should be included, another limit of this study. As highlighted in chapter 3, those companies may act on niche markets, may be more technical efficient and likely to have another perspective and strategies for competitiveness. Different concepts of competitiveness can also be further explored and applied, in order to capture the competitive position and strategies at the international markets. Studies focusing on companies’

competition at the international markets should be further developed. Thus, future research concerning processing companies should focus on exports and internationalization process, in order to understand the constraints and propose facilitative measures.

Besides the shortcomings of this thesis that could be further developed, future research could tackle the issue of the production systems existing in the Brazilian dairy farming. Today in Brazil there is a large debate regarding which production system is more profitable and adapted to the country’s conditions: pasture based, free-stall or compost barn. A technical efficiency analysis of the different production systems at farm level would shed light into the better production system to be supported by public policies. Another interesting study would be the assessment spatial effects on technical efficiency in the five larger producer states in the country.

To do so, methodological advances on the SFA and spatial econometrics models have to be developed.


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