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Läbiviidud ankeetküsimustik Pärnu kaubanduskeskuste külastajate seas

Käesoleva küsitluse tulemusi kasutatakse Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu kolledži ettevõtluse ja projektijuhtimise eriala lõputöö kirjutamisel. Uuringu eesmärgiks on välja selgitada, kui paljud inimesed on kokku puutunud isikliku müügiga Pärnus ja Pärnumaal ning millised on inimeste tähelepanekud. Kõiki vastatud ankeete kasutatakse anonüümselt ning neid ei edastata kolmandatele osapooltele. Küsitluse autoriks on Siim Nõmm.

Ettevõte Keda olete näinud?

Kellega olete vestelnud?

Ukselt-uksele kokkupuude?

Hinnake müügiinimese käitumist (1-10)

Mida võiks teistmoodi teha?

Olete ostnud või sõlminud


Rahulolu ostuhetkest toote/teenuse

kasutamiseni (1-10)?

Viasat Starman LHV Elektrum Elektrilevi Elisa



1. Kuidas suhtute välimüüki üldiselt (10-skaalal)? ...

2. Kui tihti tasuks samast ettevõttest müügiinimestel ühes kaubanduskeskuses käia?

a) iga päev

b) 2-3 korda nädalas c) kord nädalas

d) kord kahe nädala tagant e) kord kuus

f) veel harvemini

3. Hinnake väidet Viasati kohta (10-skaalal):

a) Väljapanekut on hea vaadata...

b) Müügiinimesed oskavad mind alati aidata...

c) Müügiinimesed on viisakad...

d) Müügiinimesed ei ole liigselt pealetükkivad...

e) Soovitaksin ka sõbral müügiinimestega suhelda...

4. Sugu:

a) Mees b) Naine 5. Vanus (aastates):

1)15-18 2) 18-24 3) 25-34 4) 35-44 5) 45-54 6) 55-64 7) 65+

6. Haridus:

a) Põhiharidus b) Üldkeskharidus c) Keskeriharidus d) Kutsekeskharidus e) Rakenduskõrgharidus f) Bakalaureuse kraad g) Magistri kraad h) Doktori kraad 7. Elukoht:

a) Pärnu b) Pärnumaa c) muu

67 Lisa 4. Müügiinimese tulemuslikkuse kaart

Müügiinimese nimi:

Asus tööle:


Kuu Jaanuar Veebruar Märts Aprill Mai Juuni Juuli August September Oktoober November Detsember Kokku Brutomüügid

Brutoloobumised Netomüügid

Netomüük eelmisest kuust Tunnid

Töötasu Lisamüükide arv Eesmärk (netomüük)

Keskmised näitajad Mitme tunni tagant sõlmib brutomüügi?

Mitme tunni tagant laekuv leping?

Loobumise protsent Keskmine tunnitasu

Müügietappide statistika Approach (A)

Demo (D) Close (C)

Mitmendale tutvustab?

Mitmendale ostuettepanek?

Mitu A on müügiks vaja?

Mitu D on müügiks vaja?

Mitu C on müügiks vaja?

Tulemuslikkuse kaart

68 Lisa 4. järg


% meeskonna tulemusest

% osakonna tulemusest

Brutomüügid Brutoloobumised Netomüügid

Brutomüügid Tunnid

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Approach (A) Demo (D) Close (C)

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

% meeskonna tulemusest

% osakonna tulemusest




On the field of entrepreneurship, it is increasingly important to emanate from clients’

needs and to be continuously accessible for them. In the condition of constant competition, more and more marketing channels are used to differentiate on the market from other providers and to increase therefore the profit of the enterprise. But profit is not the only marketing instrument that a company should monitor – it is also important to evaluate the productivity of different activities. Over the last years an increasing number of sales consultants of different companies can be met in shopping centres all over Estonia, who are exercising personal selling technique and actively offering different products and services. Media has also covered controversial approaches about this method. Present diploma thesis is focused on the productivity of personal selling method used in the company called Viasat and peoples’ opinion about that. Main target group for the thesis is Viasat Ltd´s personnel and management, but also other enterprises that are interested in using personal selling method in their marketing plan.

The goal of the present diploma thesis is to make suggestions to Viasat Ltd to increase the productivity of personal selling method originated from the study results made by the author, and also to develop suitable measurement methods to evaluate the efficiency of personal selling. To achieve the above mentioned goals, the results of personal selling and existing measurement methods have been analysed. In order to interpret the numerical data and to establish a better understanding, interviews with the sales director and field sales manager of Viasat were carried through. After that a study amongst visitors of Pärnu´s different shopping centres was conducted which goal was to find out people’s attitudes and opinions towards that kind of selling method and its use. Based


on the results conclusions and suggestions were made to Viasat Ltd to improve the efficiency of the sales department.

According to the aim, the following research tasks were set:

 To bring out personal selling definitions and position among different marketing methods,

 To describe different ways to evaluate marketing efficiency,

 To find ways to evaluate personal selling efficiency on the field of telecommunication,

 To describe personal selling method used in Viasat Ltd – its direction and to analyse achieved results,

 To conduct a research amongst the visitors of different shopping centres,

 To make suggestions and conclusions in order to improve this method based from the theoretical base of the present diploma thesis and from the results of the research.

Personal selling is a sales activity outside the permanent place of retail during which a big amount of information is exchanged. Due to direct communication and immediate feedback, the sales consultant can make more personal offer to the potential client.

During the process of personal selling, trust is built more easily, because sales consultant is focused only on the needs of this particular client. Main advantages of this marketing method is flexibility, more easily gained trust and possibility to communicate directly with the target group. Shortcomings may – according to the different authors – be more time consuming process, high costs on personnel and difference of information that reaches clients.

Efficiency is evaluated through two approaches – company’s approach and clients’

approach to gain an overview from two perspectives about the cons and pros of this marketing method. From clients’ perspective the efficiency of the company is evaluated qualitatively by studying clients’ satisfaction. From company’s perspective the efficiency is studied quantitatively considering different financial indicators. It is important to evaluate the efficiency of marketing channels individually. There are different models to evaluate personal selling’s effectiveness, but every enterprise has to


adapt these methods to their own conditions. Observing company’s development, it is important to consider different financial indicators and ratios, but also feedback from clients because they are company’s main source of income. Present diploma thesis is based on Viasat Ltd due to the fact that this company has used a personal selling method for four years.

In the empirical part of the thesis Viasat Ltd in general was introduced, and also an overview of the personal selling methods used by the company was given. As it turned out, the marketing department has been working very productively. Clients were questioned about the personal selling method. The results were gathered by questioning random people in shopping centres. The purpose of the questioning was to find out peoples’ attitudes towards personal selling and also, which companies representatives they have noticed in the centres and how they evaluate the experience. As it turned out, people were mainly positive about this marketing channel – it was graded on the average 5,8 points out of 10 points maximum.

Results showed that many people have seen sales consultants dealing with personal selling, but approximately half of them have not talked to them. Based from the results of the study and its analysis, some suggestions were proposed to the Viasat Ltds´ sales department. Main suggestions were to approach people unselectively but remaining polite and also work with personal selling method in clients homes since the company has not used this approach very often. Another suggestion was to measure the effectiveness of the size of the presentation area compared to the peoples’ opinion of the density of different presentations in shopping centres.

Perceived positive experience from the selling process is given by the sales consultant and his/her knowledge on the matter and behaviour. Therefore is essential to monitor consultants’ personal development financially, through different ratios and by motivational interviews where the team leader can analyse with the consultant the reasons of his/her selling results and general development.


Lihtlitsents lõputöö reprodutseerimiseks ja lõputöö üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks

Mina, Siim Nõmm,

1. annan Tartu Ülikoolile tasuta loa (lihtlitsentsi) enda loodud teose „Isikliku müügi tulemuslikkus AS Viasat näitel“, mille juhendaja on Mari Erm-Reining ja kaasjuhendaja Margus Kõomägi,

1.1. reprodutseerimiseks säilitamise ja üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemise eesmärgil, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace-is lisamise eesmärgil kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni;

1.2. üldsusele kättesaadavaks tegemiseks Tartu Ülikooli veebikeskkonna kaudu, sealhulgas digitaalarhiivi DSpace´i kaudu alates 01.06.2018 kuni autoriõiguse kehtivuse tähtaja lõppemiseni.

2. olen teadlik, et nimetatud õigused jäävad alles ka autorile.

3. kinnitan, et lihtlitsentsi andmisega ei rikuta teiste isikute intellektuaalomandi ega isikuandmete kaitse seadusest tulenevaid õigusi.

Pärnus, 20.05.2015