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Kinetics of EF-G binding measured using stopped flow

4.11 Kinetic measurements

4.11.7 Kinetics of EF-G binding measured using stopped flow

For EF-G binding experiments post tRNALeu translocation complexes were formed by mixing 80 µl each of 70S initiation complexes (L7/12 138Alx488) (0.5 µM) programmed with mRNAs encoding for MetTyrLeuLys with ternary complexes EF-Tu·GTP·aa-tRNA for Tyr and Leu (1.5-1 µM, respectively) and EF-G (2 µM) for 30 seconds at 37°C. Post-translocation complexes (0.05 µM, final) and were rapidly mixed with ternary complex, EF-Tu·GTP·Lys-tRNALys (0.25 μM, final) and EF-G (209QSY9) (1 μM, final) at 37°C in buffer A with DTT (1 mM) in a stopped-flow apparatus (Applied Photophysics). Excitation wavelength was set to 470 nm and fluorescence emission was recorded after passing through a KV500 cut-off filter (Schott).

1000 points were acquired over 10-20 seconds on a logarithmic time scale. Data were evaluated by fitting to three-exponential functions as described in section 4.11.6.


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