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9. Applications

9.6. JugglingSounds

9. Applications

Figure 9.40.: Jonas Groten practising with JugglingSounds.

9.6. JugglingSounds

Training It can help jugglers to improve their juggling skills by increasing their awareness for details in their movements and the clubs’ motions. For example monitoring overall precision or hand-to-hand symmetry can be achieved.

Science It can help to unveil the nature of juggling patterns for scientific, kinesiological research.

Support for the visually impaired It can be used to mediate juggling to visual impaired people (whether as the audience or being the artists).

Aesthetics JugglingSounds can be used as an aesthetic element of the artistic performance on stage.

9.6.1. Related Work

Many approaches for realtime monitoring by Sonification of data streams have been developed: While some of them use semantic-driven approaches where specific knowledge about the data is used to compute rather complex features [HBSR06], others tend to use simple, more arbitrary mappings to popular soundscapes, often as an amusement for the audience at public places [WGO+06]. Rather simple and direct mappings in a scientific context where introduced in the Sonification of human arm swinging, which uses vocal sounds [KWB06], or the EMG Sonifications as presented in [HP06]. Also, Hermann et al. developed a realtime monitoring of a virtual ball to be caught interactively [HHR06].

9.6.2. Design Decisions

Juggling in general can be described as theart of throwing and catching objects. Against Juggling

the common sense, it is not only a circus and performance art, but borrows aspects of dance, game, sports and even meditation. The way the juggler is throwing the juggling objects completely determines its motion in air-time, i.e. their trajectories and rotations simply follow the laws of gravity and inertia in free falling. When we look on the ratio of the time the objects held in the hand versus the time they are in the air we encounter something approximately like five parts airtime vs. two times in the hands.

In swinging, only two objects (usually Clubs or Pois) are used. They more or less stay Swinging

connected to the hand of the artist. Juggling and swinging, however can‘t be separated that strictly, since swinging moves are used in juggling with the clubs in the hand as well as throws are used in swinging routines. However, swinging movements are normally closer to dance movements; the requisites can be influenced at any time since they have always contact to the juggler.

JugglingSounds was designed to represented aspects of the clubs’ motion to the juggler Focus of the system

and the audience in realtime. The sounds where rendered by a large audio loudspeaker set-up around the artist. This made it possible for all people in the room to hear the sonic monitoring at the same time as the performance took place.

We focused our work on club juggling andswinging, a technique where the artist has one club in each hand and moves them in a variety of patterns. Observation showed that these two techniques, though based on the same material, differ in two ways, the club’s motion and which kind of information is interesting for the artist. While for example during juggling, the clubs are most of the time in the air and therefore have a parabola

9. Applications

trajectory, in swinging, the actor is much more in control of the clubs, and therefore need more information on their actual trajectories. Because of this circumstance, we designed the Sonifications to be adjustable to the situation. Parameters like the length of sonic decay or the overall frequency range where adjusted to the artist’s need. However, we had to limit the number of available clubs to three because the room in which JugglingSounds was developed and performed had only a height of about5 meters.

9.6.3. Observations

Although a natural feedback loop by haptics and vision is established while juggling and swinging, some of the movements remain difficult to practice. For example monitoring ambidextrous symmetry is of high interest in swinging patterns as their aesthetic impression drastically depend on exact symmetry in movements. Sometimes, the movement to observe cannot be visually observed by the artist. The swinging pattern synchronous forward hand circles [Jil94] gives a good example for this: During this trick, it is impossible for the artist to experience, if the clubs are moving correctly in phase. Concerning aesthetics, though, this is a very important aspect. A usual practice is to cast shadows of a light placed on the the side to a wall and look at them while practising. This method, however, requires that the artist deviates her posture away from the aesthetically optimum to see that shadow. Improving one aesthetic aspect therefore requires to give up another one.

Another common technique to improve ambidextrous symmetry and precision swinging patterns, respectively throw time and height is video analysis. Unfortunately, this method only provides information after the performance, since it is impossible for the artist to anticipate additional visually presented information while juggling.

9.6.4. Systematic for Realtime Display Types

Approaches to realtime monitoring of motions may be found between the extremes of (a) strictfull analysis, then displaying the results (referred to as qualitative display) and (b) displaying raw data in simple forms (referred to as quantitative display). While detailed analysis provides an appropriate view on already known features, by definition it does not allow to find unexpected or even unknown patterns or structures. Data analysis always requires one to know what to search for. Additionally, analysis heavily relies on the quality of its models used to determine the known patterns. Resulting exploration systems often use relatively simple displays with predefined sets of qualities; in Sonification this often leads to auditory icons, mapping arbitrary sounds (in the sense that their sounds are not directly data-driven) to events triggered by the analysis system.

In contrast, a direct mapping of given features – concerning juggling this would be the position, orientation or velocity of the clubs – provides a direct feedback. Analysis of the displayed data is shifted from machine-powered analysis to the pattern-recognition abilities of the human listener, who may or may not find structural information like the ones described in the full analysis approach, but also is able to unveil new, otherwise not found relationships and structures. Key factors in designing this type of exploration system is the decision for (a) the mapping between data-dimensions and Sonification parameters and (b) the used sounds.

During development of JugglingSounds we found that a direct mapping is necessary to

9.6. JugglingSounds

(a) Swinging with plane trigger Sonification.

(b) Swinging with plane trigger Sonification; Synchronicity.

(c) Exploring four regions with different Sonification approaches.

Figure 9.41.: Video stills of a JugglingSounds performance 2007 in Graz. The corresponding video is part of the accompanying DVD.

9. Applications

get reasonable information on the juggling process. Especially the realtime constraints of JugglingSounds limit the possibilities, since a proper analysis would have been too expensive by means of computational power. Nevertheless, we noticed that a simple mapping of the low-level streams to sound results almost always in an uninteresting and sonically overloaded soundscape where important parts are difficult to separate from unimportant parts. We argue that this is due to the fact that the motions of the clubs are deterministic and regular most of the time: their airtime trajectory can be fully described by the gravity under Newton’s three laws of motion. By combining the data streams with relatively low-level events computed from the data, we managed this difficulty in a reasonable way.

Figure9.42(a) shows a schematic diagram of this approach.

9.6.5. Implications for JugglingSounds

The observations made in Section 9.6.3 together with the described systematic in Sec-tion 9.6.3led to the following implications regarding the development of JugglingSounds.

First of all, the system should be able to represent captured juggling data in realtime such


that specific events of interest as well as the overall continuous flow can be monitored and explored by the juggler and the audience. To serve its purpose to support the juggling performance, the design of the Sonifications should also feature an explicitly designed aesthetic quality. To fulfil these requirements, we designed several Sonifications, each with a dedicated sound design, forcing the audience and artists to focus on a specific set of juggling aspects and expressing a dedicated sound aesthetic. Although all set-ups mapped the acquired low-level information to sound parameters in a direct fashion, each Sonification approach aims to emphasise other aspects of the juggling procedure.

To ensure a correct recognition and assignment of sounds to clubs, we decided to use a


spherical Auditory Display. [fig: spherical Auditory Display] Each club is represented by a phantom sound source coming from the direction the club is pointing to with respect to the jugglers head.

In order to cover as much of the available information as is needed, JugglingSounds used


a mixture of direct mappings of low-level feature-streams and detected events for sound synthesis.

9.6.6. Setup

The juggler interacts with the system by throwing juggling-clubs. To ensure that the used real-time Sonification fully covers the club’s motion, while not cluttering the soundscape with unnecessary sounds, JugglingSounds combines a direct mapping of low-level feature-streams with events of interest for controlling the sound synthesis. This way, the used features can roughly be grouped into discrete events and pseudo-continuos signals. With an update rate at about120Hz and a latency below human perception,18 they were perceived as realtime streams respectively immediate events. JugglingSounds allowed to display the clubs’ motion by one of various Sonification styles. Each of these approaches aimed to emphasise different parts of the juggling procedure. Though very different in appearance,

18 We did not measure this, yet the realtime Sonification felt very comfortable and direct. Also Jonas Groten as a juggling expert did not mention any latency-related artefacts.

9.6. JugglingSounds

decaying envelope

contiuous sonic display Event


(a) The Sonification strategy used in Juggling-Sounds. See main text for details.


(v) (ii)

(iii) (i)

(b) Trajectory features used for JugglingSounds.

Figure 9.42.: Sonification and feature extraction strategy.

they all had in common that they made use of direct mapping strategies to bridge the gap between the acquired motion data and the corresponding sound.

As pseudo-continuous features we computed and used (a) the rotation velocity around each club’s flipping axis, (b) the distance of each juggling club to the juggler’s head, (c) each club’s position with respect to the room in world coordinates, (d) each club’s position with respect to the juggler’s head, and (e) each club’s position with respect to the juggler head’s position and orientation (floor level).

As shown in Figure 9.42(b)(iv) and (v), discrete information was translated into a trigger when a club crosses the coronal plane (behind/in front), or the lateral plane of the juggler’s head (iv), or a club crosses one of six specified horizontal planes (v).

9.6.7. Sound Design Considerations

We aimed for clarity and timing sparsity of auditory components for both, concise monitoring and artistic purposes. We prevented for example a direct mapping of a club’s rotation angle onto the frequency of a continuous tone, since this would have covered the complete timing spectrum, and is hard to locate. Instead, we mapped the rotation onto the frequency parameter of a trainlet synthesis process. This creates an effect that can be described best as bicycle spokes; there is still space between them, possibly used for other sounds, e.g. originating from the other clubs. Additionally, this sound design implicitly preserves a natural zero in sound, since no club rotation results in silence.

9.6.8. Sonification Design

We created five different Sonifications, each focusing on different aspects of the juggling performance. They are

Rotational Grain Train While the rotation speed of the clubs determine the frequency of a grain train, each grain’s pitch is directly coupled to the height of the clubs. This

9. Applications

emphasises possible symmetries in the juggler’s motion: Similar rotation speeds create similar grain rates, and similar heights of the clubs result in similar pitch maxima in the respective streams.

1 ~rotater = {|amp = 1|

2 var rotVel;

3 rotVel = ~rotVel.kr;

4 BPF.ar(

5 Impulse.ar((rotVel>0.5)*rotVel*5).lag(0.0001),

6 (~height.kr * 120 + 36 + [[0, 7], [0, 12], [0, 16]]).midicps,

7 0.2

8 ).collect({ |pair| (pair * [1, 0.125]).sum }) * 6 * amp

9 };

Rotation Trigger Every full rotation cycle of a club triggers a sound, whose resonant pitch is determined by its distance to the ground. Note that adjusting the decay of the grain implicitly hides more or less information on the club’s change in height. Since the sound is triggered when the club’s rotational axis is at a specific angle (e.g. parallel to the floor), the timing pattern of identical angles for the different clubs is audible, and the juggler can get a clear impression of the throwing accuracy.

1 ~planeTicker = {|saw2sin = 1, filterFreq = 2000, fSpread = 0.4, amp = 0.1|

2 var src;

3 var freq;


5 freq = 3000*fSpread * (~height.kr*4-1).range(0.5, 2);

6 src = SelectX.ar(

7 saw2sin,

8 [LFSaw.ar(freq) , SinOsc.ar(freq)]

9 )

10 * 0.1

11 * Decay2.ar(

12 Trig1.ar(~zeroCrossing.ar, 0.001) * 0.1,

13 0.001,

14 0.3

15 );

16 LPF.ar(src, filterFreq, mul: amp)

17 };

Distances to the Head This Sonification captures and mediates much of the inherent dynamics in juggling. Each juggling pattern creates its own characteristic sound pattern.

1 ~distances = {|amp = 0.2795|

2 LFSaw.ar(min((~dist.kr*2.5 * 90 + 20).midicps, 44100)) * amp

3 };

Left-right Trigger Each crossing of a club through the lateral plane triggers a sound whose pitch is directly coupled to the club’s height above the ground and differs depending on its position in front of or behind the head.

9.6. JugglingSounds

1 ~backCross = {|amp = 1|

2 var trig;

3 var numObj = 3;

4 var in = ~isLeft.kr(numObj); // compute trigger for change of side

5 var height = ~height.kr(numObj);

6 var front = ~isFront.kr(numObj);

7 var aEnv, fEnv;

8 var noise, aEnvNoise;


10 trig = Trig1.ar((in - Delay1.kr(in)).abs - 1, 0.00001) > 0.5;

11 // only trigger if behind the body and near ground

12 trig = trig * (front < 0) * (height < 0.26);


14 aEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.05, 2), gate: trig) * 0.1;

15 aEnvNoise = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, 0.1), gate: trig);

16 fEnv = EnvGen.kr(

17 Env.perc(0.01, 0.1), gate: trig, levelScale: 900, levelBias: 50);


19 noise = WhiteNoise.ar;


21 aEnv * (0.2*noise*aEnvNoise +

22 SinOsc.ar(fEnv * (height *8).squared * 0.4, 0, 1.5).softclip

23 ) * amp

24 };

Rain on Bells We designed a discrete level indicator by placing several virtual horizontal planes in the air at equidistant heights, and linking each one to a differently pitched sound.

Each crossing of a club results in a small sound grain which is different on the way up and down.

1 ~clackUp = { |amp = 0.1|

2 Formlet.ar(

3 ~trigsUp.ar.lag(0.0004),

4 (~height.kr).exprange(25, 2500).collect(_ * [1, 2.03, 4.1])

5 .cpsmidi.round(2).midicps,

6 0.0001,

7 LinExp.kr(~rotVel.kr[i].abs, 0, 15, 0.02, 0.2).max(0.01)

8 ).sum

9 * (~height.kr*4 ** 2) * amp

10 }

9.6.9. Sonification Designs for Swinging

Rotation In this context, essentially the same mapping as in the corresponding juggle Sonification enables the artist to experience the amount of synchronicity in motion as well as the differences in height of the triggering points.

Rotation Trigger Especially tricks like counter-rotating clubs in front of the body or a 1-5-Circle may be monitored concerning their accuracy in execution for training purposes.

9. Applications

Windows Tarsus

IQ / QVicon2OSC Cameras


Cameras Audio



Data station

OS X scLang


(a) Data flow.


SETO_Tarsus2OSCServer SETObject



JugglersHead Club



(b) UML dependency diagram of JugglingSounds classes.

Figure 9.43.: Components of JugglingSounds.

To get an insight into the above described Sonification approaches consult the example videos (see Figure9.6.2 for stills of the videos).

As understanding all these Sonification designs requires seeing the juggling performance and hearing the described Sonifications, please consult the example videos provided on the DVD. They give an insight into the described Sonification approaches.

9.6.10. Technical Aspects

For club tracking, we prepared 3 regular juggling clubs with several reflective markers. The actual data acquisition, i.e. gathering information on position and orientation of the three clubs and the jugglers head was done by a VICON motion tracking system. Although these systems are tailored towards applications in animation, biomechanics, or engineering and are specialised in full-body motion tracking, they are sufficient to track and distribute data on several rigid bodies in realtime. We used it to track rigid bodies (the juggling clubs and the jugglers head) in six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) on an update rate of approximately 120Hz. The tracking system consisted of 9 cameras, a VICON specific data station a PC running proprietary VICON software. Additionally an Apple Dual G5 Desktop system was integrated into the setup, serving the sound rendering and high-level control of JugglingSounds. All these computer systems were connected to each other over a dedicated ethernet connection. For sound rendering, we used the 24-channel audio setup arranged in a dome-like setup as it was provided by the IEM. All sounds where arranged according to the relative position of the clubs to the head of the juggling artist. This made the sound sources de-clutter; the display got much clearer in both, spatial occupancy of sounds to clubs and overall sound experience. The whole setup fit into half of a sphere with a radius of approximately 5m; enough space for a juggling performance with three clubs.19

19For more information on the performance space, please refer tohttp://www.iem.at.

9.6. JugglingSounds

In software, JugglingSounds consisted of two main parts, data acquisition via motion tracking Software

and Sonification via SETO (as described in Section10.2). The interconnection between these parts is shown in Figure9.43(a). The above-described hardware setup was able to compute 6DOF positions of the clubs and the head at about120Hz. The resulting pseudo-continuous stream of tracking data was translated into OSC messages byQVicon2OSC, and sent to the sound server. The sound synthesis as well as feature extraction were implemented in SuperCollider [McC02] [WCC09] using the SETO environment for tangible objects. In Section10.2the details of JugglingSounds SETO-related implementation will be described as an example for the usage of SETO in an actual application setup.

9.6.11. Conclusion

With JugglingSounds, we introduced a direct display for realtime monitoring of juggling moves to be used in both rehearsal and performance. By its utilisation of auditory representations for club trajectories, it supports jugglers in the training of timing aspects such as synchronism and rhythmics without influencing the performance by occupying the artist’s most needed senses: haptics and vision. The representation of rhythmical patterns by audio supports both human processing and comparison skills for time-based structures.

To facilitate this, the system combines direct mappings of continuous data streams with symbolical notion. This were done by the combination of analogue parameters like position, orientation and velocity of the clubs with highes-level triggers like zero-crossings and plane intersections. This combination supports the actor in focusing on the parts he considers as relevant, while still mediating other information for subconscious analysis.

With JugglingSounds, we exemplified that sound is an appropriate modality to mediate Lessons learned

information to people who’s other modalities are already occupied. As in the other applications that are presented in this thesis, the spatiality of the artificial sound sources that reflect their physical counterparts support the sound-object identification. The requirement of the club-attached sounds to be undifferentiable in their sonic character would otherwise make their separation very difficult. Although it looks complex, three-club juggling turned out to consist of relatively static movements. Due to their long airtime, their appearance does not substantially change over the course of a performance. This observation is reflected by JugglingSounds’ sonic feedback. It also turned out that an essential part of a monitoring system for artistic purposes is the minimisation of latency. The linkage between the juggling movements and the rendered sounds otherwise would not be recognised correctly.

In this context, Jonas Groten reported that the system sufficiently mediated him his (known) timing problems regarding left-right synchrony. Because of the immediate feedback,

JugglingSounds allowed him to practise towards their minimisation.

One prominent extension to JugglingSounds would be its extension to track more than Outlook

three clubs. This would add significant value to the system, since four– or five–club juggling adds many additional movements and patterns that are significantly different and more difficult to learn than three-club patterns. Also, adapting the system to use other juggling elements such as beanbags or rings would increase its functionality and would allow also less experienced jugglers to benefit from JugglingSounds.

9. Applications

Figure 9.44.: Video stills from the presentation of a prototype of Durcheinander at Animax, Bonn in late 2007. The corresponding video is part of the accompanying DVD.