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In the run-up to joint actions, decide systematically whether to share the work or to work towards a common position

Given the said obstacles to Franco-German cooperation, the two countries should focus on cooperating in areas where they share a common interest, such as Africa or climate change, and should postpone topics where one country is more invested than the other

32 The “deep dive” of the World Bank consists of workshops, site visits, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and action planning with World Bank partners. In October 2018, such a “deep dive” took place, for instance, between the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the World Bank on development issues in Tokyo, Japan. The meeting with around 130 participants served as an occasion for the two institutions’

staff to review their existing cooperation to work toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and seek new opportunities for future partnerships in areas of mutual interest (JICA, 2018).

(such as health, more prominent in Germany, or security cooperation, more prominent in France). In areas where they have a common interest, France and Germany should systematically consider whether to act jointly (as through providing joint statements at the multilateral level, as this study shows) or to divide the work (as in the case of the Sahel Alliance). Where there is a shared interest but common action is difficult due to the varying strategic visions, institutional setups and cultural particularities, the two should strive towards a division of labour, as strongly promoted by the European Union in recent years. For an effective division of labour, there has to be a framework with a common goal, otherwise France and Germany risk advancing in different directions without noticing this. The Sahel Alliance is an example of such a labour-dividing approach, with each country leading one field of action under a common goal; for the NDCP, the approach chosen has so far been less clear. On a general note, the decision of whether to divide the work or to act jointly so far appears neither conscious nor systematic (as in the case of the NDCP). In either case, as specified in the first recommendation above, each country’s contribution and responsibilities should be spelled out for each sector of cooperation and on the basis of each country’s comparative advantages. Franco-German cooperation would thereby become more balanced. A systematic choice between either a division of labour or common work would not only increase mutual sensibility, but most of all prove beneficial to the cause of global sustainable development.


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Publications of the German Development Institute /