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Iterative construction of the Wilson chain and rescaling of

II. The Numerical Renormalization Group for the thermody-

4.10. Iterative diagonalization of the Wilson chain, basis truncation, and

4.10.1. Iterative construction of the Wilson chain and rescaling of

Before the approximate diagonalization of the Wilson chain can be carried out, the iterative algorithm has to be initialized once by providing all the required infor-mation for one chain fragment (the type of inforinfor-mation needed from the previous step in order to perform the calculations in the next step is described in Sec. 4.11).

Typically, the fragment used for the initialization comprises the impurity part and the zeroth site of the chain (cf. Fig. 4.5 (a)). In order to obtain the necessary initial data, the corresponding part of the Wilson-chain Hamiltonian (4.227),

H (0) Wilson(z)

W ≡X



W f


+ J WS




σµν 2 f



W , (4.229) is diagonalized exactly (either analytically or numerically, see App. A).

In the first step of the iterative diagonalization, the first site of the Wilson chain is added (see Fig. 4.5 (b)) and, with the information from the previous (zeroth) step, the complete eigenvalue problem of the enlarged chain fragment is numeri-cally solved. The couplings t(z) to the first lattice site cause the energy levels of Hamiltonian (4.229) to split up. In particular, the order of magnitude of the splitting between the groundstate and the first excited state of the enlarged frag-ment (i.e., the groundstate gap) is given by the hopping parameters that connect

font size 23 pt zeroth step (initialization)

first step

Nth step (general step)



↓ J




× 4 Dimp

0 1


(z) t(z)

× 4 4Dimp

0 1 2 . . . N

fN µ(z)

N µ(z) tN(z)


× 4) Hilbert space dimension = (Nkeep (a)



Figure 4.5.: Illustration of the iterative construction of the Wilson chain (cf. Fig.

4.4). Dimp denotes the dimension of the impurity Hilbert space and, as long as all states of the chain fragments are retained, the size of the total Hilbert space grows by a factor of four every time a new site is added. Nkeep is the number of states that are kept after each step of the iterative diagonalization once states have to be discarded (see Sec. 4.10.2).

the newly added site to the existing part of the Wilson chain (cf. p. 816 of Ref.

[Wil75], p. 1007 f. of Ref. [KmWW80a], and p. 406 of Ref. [BCP08]). In a NRG calculation, it is common to rescale the Hamiltonians for the finite fragments of the Wilson chain in such a way that the (dimensionless) groundstate gap becomes of order 1 (see p. 84 of Ref. [Hew93] and p. 408 of Ref. [BCP08]), which also makes the gap similar in each step of the iterative diagonalization. Such a rescaling is achieved when the truncated HamiltonianH


Wilson(z) in the Nth step (cf. Fig.

4.5 (c)) is divided by the hopping parametertN−1(z) that attaches the outermost lattice site N. If the hopping parameters depend on the spin projection µ, one can, e.g., use the average value tN−1↓(z) +tN−1↑(z)

/2 for the rescaling. In the following, letτN−1be the (appropriately chosen)dimensionless rescaling factor in the Nth step of the iterative diagonalization:

τN−1≡ dimensionless rescaling factor in step N. (4.230)

From a strictly technical point of view, a rescaling isnotnecessary for the iterative diagonalization to work. However, since the hopping parameters decrease exponen-tially along the Wilson chain (cf. Eq. (4.222)), the rescaling ought to be beneficial to the numerics. Note that the truncated Hamiltonians have to be rescaled if one intends to investigate the fixed points of the considered model (in a Renormaliza-tion Group sense, see Sec. 4.10.5) by studying therenormalization flowof the cal-culated energy levels (as originally done in Refs. [Wil75, KmWW80a, KmWW80b], cf. p. 406 f. of Ref. [BCP08]). In this case, the “correct” choice of the rescal-ing factor (4.230) ultimately depends on the fixed point properties of the studied model (see p. 404 of Ref. [BCP08]).

As indicated by the chosen notation, the hopping parameterst(z) in general depend on the value of the twist parameterz. If they are used for the rescaling, the rescaling factorτN−1thus also becomesz-dependent. Az-averaging, however, is technically simpler ifτN−1 does not depend on z(cf. p. 411 of Ref. [BCP08]).

We will expand on this point when discussing the role of temperature in a NRG calculation in Sec. 4.12.1. Instead of rescaling with the actual valuest(z) that result from the tridiagonalization procedure, one can, e.g., use Wilson’s analytical solutions (4.221) for the hopping parameters as z-independent rescaling factors.

Note that z-averaging is a method for the optimization of static and dynamic observables (cf. Sec. 4.4.2). The introduction of a twist parameter is of limited use when investigating the renormalization flow of the calculated energy levels since there is no meaningfulz-average for an energy spectrum (see p. 41 f. of Ref.


Let us now introduce arescaled dimensionless Hamiltonian H


Wilson(z) for the

first step, illustrated in Fig. 4.5 (b), of the iterative diagonalization:

H (1)

Wilson(z) ≡ τ0−1 H

(1) Wilson(z)




(0) Wilson(z)

W +X


(z) W f





t(z) W



(z) +f




In the Nth step (depicted in Fig. 4.5 (c)), in which lattice siteN is added to the existing fragment of the Wilson chain, we analogously define a rescaled truncated HamiltonianH

(N) Wilson(z):

H (N)

Wilson(z) ≡ τN−1−1 H

(N) Wilson(z)




(N−1) Wilson(z)

W +X


N µ(z)

W f

N µ(z)f

N µ(z)



tN−1µ(z) W



N µ(z) +f

N µ(z)f


= τN−2


H (N−1)

Wilson(z) +τN−1−1




N µ(z)

W f

N µ(z)f

N µ(z)



tN−1µ(z) W



N µ(z) +f

N µ(z)f


# . (4.232) Accordingly, there is the following relation between the HamiltoniansH

(N) Wilson(z) and the Hamiltonian (4.227) of the semi-infinite Wilson chain:

HWilson(z) = lim

N→∞W τN−1H


Wilson(z). (4.233)

It is common practice to reset the groundstate “energy” to zero after each step of the iterative diagonalization. Let 0H


Wilson(z) be the rescaled dimensionless Hamiltonian in stepN with a groundstate of zero. From a technical point of view, the reset is again not necessary, but it prevents the energies from exponentially increasing along the Wilson chain (see p. 408 of Ref. [BCP08]). If the renormal-ization flow of the energy levels is supposed to be studied, the groundstate energy

has to be zeroed after each step so that excitations are automatically measured relative to the respective groundstate.

4.10.2. “Traditional” basis truncation

Irrespective of the criterion that is used to truncate the basis, it seems advisable to retainall states in the first few iterations [MWC12]. This way, a chain fragment of a certain length (comprising about five lattice sites) is diagonalized exactly.

Apparently, the first few steps of the iterative diagonalization are crucial for a successful NRG calculation [Wei11].

When using the “traditional” basis truncation scheme, a numberNkeepis defined that determines how many states are kept after each step once the beginning of the Wilson chain has been diagonalized exactly. The criterion for selecting the

“important” statesin each step that involves truncation is actually rather simple:

One keeps a certain number of the lowest-lying energy levels so that the number of retained states is (approximately, see below)Nkeep(we discuss in Sec. 4.10.4 why this truncation scheme works, i.e., why it produces states that accurately represent the properties of the full Wilson chain in certain energy regimes). Before the next lattice site is added to the existing chain fragment, all the remaining, higher-lying eigenstates are dropped (cf. Fig. 4.5 (c)). This way, the number of considered states is kept small (Nkeep is typically of the order of a few thousands, see below) and approximately constant along the Wilson chain. Since the exponential growth of the total Hilbert space size is thus avoided, it becomes possible (at least in principle) to continue the iterative diagonalization up to arbitrary chain lengths.

However, note that the accuracy of the obtained results decreases along the chain due to an accumulation of numerical errors. Depending on the precision used in the numerical calculations, the maximal length of the truncated Wilson chains for which reliable results can be obtained is therefore limited after all.

The energy levels of the finite chain fragments tend to be clustered (see p. 52 f. of Ref. [Žit07]). When truncating the basis, one should ensure that such a cluster is not accidentally split up since this might artificially break symmetries of the system. In order to prevent this, it is advisable to enforce an appropriate gap between the highest kept and the lowest discarded state ([Žit07], p. 53). Taking this precaution, the actual number of eigenstates that are retained after each step differs somewhat from the requested valueNkeep.

The choice ofNkeepdepends, among other things, on the model under investiga-tion, the observables to be calculated, and the value of the discretization parameter Λ. In case of a single-channel Kondo model withS = 1/2 and Λ ≈3, one typi-cally keeps a few thousand states for the calculation of thermodynamic observables [Wil75, Cos99, BCP08]. If a larger discretization parameter Λ is used, fewer states have to be retained in order to accurately describe the properties of the logarith-mically discretized Hamiltonian (see Ref. [CPLO97], p. 405 of Ref. [BCP08], and Sec. 4.10.4). For larger Λ, however, the calculated observables should be expected to be less representative of the continuum limit Λ→1. In any case, Nkeep needs to be large enough so that the obtained results can be considered as converged

(meaning that changes in the calculated quantities upon further increasingNkeep can be regarded as insignificant). Since we aim at producing results which reflect the properties of the studied model and not the numerical intricacies of the NRG algorithm, the effect of each of the numerical parameters on the calculated observ-ables must be sufficiently small. If non-abelian symmetries are used, one should furthermore discern whether the specified number of kept states really refers to states or instead to multiplets (for complex symmetries, this can make a huge difference).

The basis truncation and the finite size of a chain fragment cause its energy spectrum to be only representative of the spectrum of the full Wilson chain on a particular energy or temperature scale (see Sec. 4.12).

4.10.3. “Modern” basis truncation

Let us denote the set of eigenvalues of 0H


Wilson(z), the rescaled dimensionless Hamiltonian in stepN with a groundstate of zero, by

Ei(N)(z) . Instead of speci-fying how many states are to be kept once the basis is truncated, one can also define an energy cutoff Ekeep > 0 in order to determine which eigenstates are retained (although this is asingle number, the characteristic scalesτN−1from Eq. (4.230) are correctly taken into account via the rescaling of the truncated Hamiltonians):

After the enlarged chain fragment has been diagonalized, only those eigenstates of0H


Wilson(z) with eigenvalueEi(N)(z)≤ Ekeep are kept. Depending on how dense the energy spectra in the different steps are, the actual number of retained states can vary significantly along the Wilson chain if this “modern” basis truncation scheme is used. Typical values ofEkeep for single-impurity single-channel Kondo models are Ekeep = 5. . .15 for Λ ≈3 (see p. 817 of Ref. [Wil75], p. 87 of Ref.

[Žit07], and Refs. [ŽPP08, Wei11]).

By using an energy cutoff instead of a fixed number of kept states, the compu-tation time is supposed to be optimally divided between the different steps of the iterative diagonalization: A large number of the low-lying levels is only retained if this is really “necessary” (see p. 52 of Ref. [Žit07]). Furthermore, it is argued that the use of a cutoff is also beneficial to the quality of the obtained results [Wei11]. Keeping all states withE ≤ Ekeep produces a truncated energy spectrum of well-defined width. As discussed in Sec. 4.12.1, this should allow toassign cer-tain temperatures to a particular step of the iterative diagonalization even more reliably.