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Isolation of genomic DNA for qPCR analysis

E.2 Methods

E.2.16 Quantitative REAL-TIME PCR (qPCR)

E.2.16.7 Isolation of genomic DNA for qPCR analysis

In order to validate oligonucleotides designed for the amplification of target regions of interest in qPCR, genomic DNA from the cell lines of interest was isolated.

Cell lines of choice were grown on 15cm plates to confluency (usually 2-4 15cm plates). The medium was withdrawn and 6ml of lysis buffer (50mM Tris, pH 8.0, 20mM EDTA, 1% SDS) added. Cells were lysed immediately and RNAseA digest performed with 25µl (20mg/ml) for 2h at 37°C.

After addition of 25µl of ProteinaseK (10mg/ml, Sigma) tissue culture plates were incubated at 37°C overnight. The highly viscous solution was vortexed for 5-10min and 3-5 bursts of sonication applied in order to shear the genomic DNA. The DNA was precipitated with the addition of 0.5V of 7.5 ammoniumacetate and 2V of 100% ice-cold ethanol following centrifugation (30min, 4°C, 20,000g). After washing with 70% ethanol the DNA was dried (but avoid complete drying) and dissolved in 2-4ml of warmed milliQ water. Complete dissolving was achieved through incubation at 45°C in a thermo shaker.

If the DNA solution was still viscous, 2-3 bursts with the Branson Digital Sonifier (10-20%

output, 2sec bursts) were applied. Approximately, 700-900µg of genomic DNA with an average size of 10-20kb were recovered from one 15 cm tissue culture plate.

Typically, 20ng of isolated DNA was used per qPCR reaction. For the determination of the primer efficiency in qPCR, genomic DNA was further sheared to 500 to 1000bp.


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