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Proactive interaction

8.5 Intention generalization

A generalization approach for the human intention is introduced. The intention generalization corresponds to the understanding of the key concept of the human intention and to react according to that concept. The approach describes the rule generalization by HRI. A rule is induced online and then that rule is generalized by removing the unnecessary antecedents according to the human intention during HRI. This rule is then embedded into the probabilistic FSM. This rule is used to recognize the general human intention and to react according to the general intention.

The robot can extend the range of its intuitive interaction with the human by the intention generalization. For being intelligent partner of the human in HRI, the robot must distinguish the situations in which he should generalize and the situations in which he should specialize the human intention. The robot should also customize itself according to the interacting human with respect to its intention generalization capability.

8.6 Outlook

The presented research work can be extended in multiple ways as described in Section 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5. The extension mainly corresponds to the human intention with applications in the HRI workspace.

The robot possessing the capabilities of intention recognition, proactivity, and intention generalization may interact more safely with the human in a HRI workspace. The safety in HRI can be improved based on the intuitive HRI. The robot can anticipate the current and future human intentions. The robot can predict the future locations of the human. The robot divides the HRI workspace into cells. The current human location along with the future possible locations can be considered as the occupied cells. The robot planes its motion trajectory by taking into account the occupied cells to avoid human robot collision. The robot can differentiate between the virtually occupied locations with respect to the probability of being occupied. The robot can also consider the cells with low occupancy probability for its path planning to be efficient in its motion. The robot can also ignore the cells with more than zero occupancy probability in order to improve the safety in HRI.




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