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The integration of Romanian tourism within global structures: multinational structures, regional and professional structures, etc

Top 10 companies operating by management contract

4. Romanian econo my i age of aliza restric ions, xig nci

5.6 The integration of Romanian tourism within global structures: multinational structures, regional and professional structures, etc

T exist on an international tourism plan, to be believable and to beneficiate from real and known warranties, you must join an international organization: WATA, ASTA, PATA, ASI, SITA, etc. Large agencies have between 5 and 14 such logos on their sheets. But this is costly: we need not talk about the Romanian credit system, but about the intervention of the state which must help us have more and more presence in such organizations, because we must do so: there are barely 14 Romanian presences in such organizations. Luckily direct tourism investments appeared:

but this is valid only for departures. For arrivals, exceptions, with the role of strengthening the rule (Nouvelle Frontiere…) luckily international hotel chains arrived. Even in relations with these, the lack of concentration leaves Romanian agencies a commission of 10-15%, while favored clients –


CIP – (large transnational companies with activities here) can gain 40-50% (Philips, Connex, etc.).

We also notice a pressure from foreign capital companies, but not so much in building an offer as to cartelize departures and obtaining some forceful terms compared to suppliers. I appreciate that foreign capital companies are still in study and are not convinced of a future here, at least on a medium term.

Still, a few steps were taken in this domain. For example, good results by the ANAT, although “foolish pride” and the democracy of the “primary classes” of life in a democratic society created enough setbacks. Now it has its own insurance company and it became a constant partner national levels, where it is well known.

Too bad that within the country, results are poorer, hotels being preoccupied by their own profit, as benefices from the FHR are applied to them as well. We have ANTREC and Association Villages Roumains which gyrate around rural tourism. Still, they don’t impose on the outside. The state spent huge amounts for the organization of meetings for EU or NATO integration. Should the “greeting card” have been the same? It was perhaps expected, that patrons of agencies created as a reaction to unemployment to finance them? There was no force. But tenths of thousands of tourists passed the border unaccounted for, with nobody asking about pirate agencies, specialized in commerce and emigration transport, whose patrons were not bothered by anybody. Not even consulates give names: we can understand them, they needed cheap labor! But agencies which worked hard for a future were only subjects for the fiscal system.212

Another issue must be pointed out: Romanian investments in tourism abroad: and I do not mean assets in Egypt213 or anything like that, etc. I have observed that any company who wants s, as example. There was a proposal for using e Cresce

only to make Romania work as a

d e pressi of globalization, being a to local and European political structures, as the involvement in the canceling of the Schengen visas revealed. In the same way we have the Hotels Association, but with a very small number of members, although it established great relations on inter

to survive enters the global system and expands abroad. The Kompas case is obvious. The cheapest way is trough tourism offices abroad or by opening subsidiaries. Here, only automotive transporters followed this path – and a few companie

th nt subsidiaries, but it failed. Here, state intervention is compulsory: free assistance, even subsidized for opening, insuring warranties, etc. It is not

destination, but operating on the market as well: Kompas Venice lives from Italian trips to the USA, etc. State involvement needs to be urgent: on the internet we have 1 – 1.5 years at the most.

After that, places will be taken. But what do we have to offer? Lack of competitive offer comes from a lack of organization of tourism destinations, of “destination Romania”. Simply Surprising!

The future: enigma or certainty

The tackled theme proves more complex and rich in nuances that it first seemed. The simple incision we tried to make brought forth some fantastic elements, unexpected, able to question either our means of tackling this issue, either the old beliefs. Moreover, it becomes obvious that the strict economic situation of contemporary phenomena is not enough. Concerning tourism, we have revealed hidden aspects, its “painkiller” role in social issues, whether as an element of the standard of living, whether a gauge for labor force occupation and maintaining a development rhythm and capital level as well as the mechanism for using it as a means of mass-media.

International tourism is an argument an x on

prerequisite but a vanguard of this process. For international tourism, the contemporary reality is

212 To illustrate the absurd and the Middle Age-like era in which we stand, by licensing criteria of a tour-operator, which is not located at the ground or 1st floor in a block of flats, can not cash directly: as for internet sales, they are unheard of: fax, phone, telemarketing or selling by post.

213 in 1990, ONT Carpati Bucharest received in patrimony assets in Egypt with which the Egyptian state settled its debts towards Romania: hotels, cruise ships. In 2003, the bankruptcy of ONT Carpati was announced. Of cheap trips, to Egypt, there were some who beneficiated…


quick and full of surprises. On the 2005-2006 horizons, the time span of a transcontinental trip will shorten. The tourist pole shifted and started to stabilize on the shores of the Pacific. Moreover, from the USA, Canada, China, Korea, Thailand, Australia, etc. there will be several tenths of

illions o


have mass access to holidays, to loisirs. Still, these countries

bal urism. O

er. Only in the last few years, after they conquered Romania’s external markets, they became oriented, in onerous conditions, and with poor results, for key sectors, which were immediately profitable. The political sector is to lame, but also Romanian businessmen. None of them can claim lack of information concerning the mechanisms of global economy, at least compared with people in other countries is similar conditions. At the date of the publishing, Romania was passing towards the organization of labor force exports, following the same path as other countries which integrated in the EU. No sector can yet be named, nor a niche which can satisfy Manoilescu’s demand concerning their ability to pay imported goods with Romanian products, needed for production and populace consumption. And this while global capitals are, by their nature, ready to run as soon as another profitable place appears. Treaties concerning EU integration, by their economic component, still provide hope. Unfortunately, lack of transparency stops an analysis and a realistic appreciation. At least, concerning tourism, it is not known publicly if concrete discussions will be or have been initiated.

For the significant rise of purchasing power, there are no omens in the near future, so it is expected that the development of Romanian tourism can be a bit late. At least the kind of tourism in developed countries. The populace must resign to this state for now, or mobilize itself. But to mobilize means using the English method, Churchill style during bombardments in the Second World War, either those of a strong hand, unacceptable by western standards.

m f millionaires who will want to travel. Western Europe prepares for capturing this offer.

We noticed that integration is not an option: it is survival and for West Europeans as well, but also for other areas. This will lead to a strong development of the tourism sector, given that free time increases in more and more countries and it must produce and give value to the capital 24/7.

Transnational structures play an important, even decisive role in developing international tourism. They can not be ignored, as we can not under-appreciate the importance of the state in developing and maintaining tourism ac

An argument is that tourism, especially international one, is the attribute of developed countries, which have resources to sustain a new economy, of “experiences”. The population of poorly developed countries does not

use and may develop their tourism sector, if not for economic growth, at least for stability and especially for the motivation of one’s own population for stabilization and especially for motivating its own population for the surpassing of the transition period.

We looked for possible solutions for integrating these countries in the system of glo to ne of them may be the “niche system”214. The tourism potential is enormous, and activity is basically maintained throughout our lives. But living at global standards forces us to spare time, costs and effort and to look for a “niche”, a free place where we can build a natural monopoly. This is the essence of the principle of the strategy of new countries which entered in global tourism.

This goes for Romania as well because we have no resources to waste and must occupy the free niche, the one everybody stumbles upon, and without realizing its value; only then can we set our tax on the “clean air found trough tourism”.

Still, Romanian tourism is bound to the performances of the Romanian economy, including transnational companies which activate here.

The 14 years of transition wasted most of Romania’s resources. Romanian capitals were unable to enter global circuits and foreign capitals avoided an early penetration of the Romanian production sector, including services, limiting themselves to exploiting the market or the final consum

214 WATA representative at Cedok – Prague said , as a statement: "I’d give a horse...for a niche"


On the analyzed horizon, we did not see the ability of development for mass tourism, which could create a support for the development of infrastructure or international tourism. From the analysis it was noticeable that the two forms began to evolve differently.

Internal tourism is restricted by low purchasing power (subsidies are just a social cover) as well as by lack of politicians and mechanisms to introduce it as an element of a mass standard

f living.

as lack of information and counseling of those who made new investments. The unattractive characteristic of this area, the lack of short term perspective is put into evidence by the lack of involvement of transnational tourism companies, except foreign tour-operators, of second ranking, and who only limit themselves to outgoing. The few Romanian agencies which began to operate are still in the phase of primitive accumulations.

A certain soar in incoming tourism will be realized for the cover of earth’s “white spot”, which is Romania. International tourism as a permanent and intense flow is based on belonging to a regional structure.

The absence of Romania from global associative type structures must be solved quickly.

Survival in the global system is conditioned by information access. Whereas this is made mostly by a participation to conclaves of global technocracy. A state policy is required for an immediate offensive of all actors of Romanian tourism, of the academic environment and research units.

Transnational societies limited themselves to a late entry, basically only in Bucharest, the only city which can ensure a fulfilling profit by passing investment efforts to Romanian societies. The same restriction appears: lack of purchasing power from the local business community which must ensure a minimal exploitation of tourism facilities. But also poor attraction, for clients abroad.

The infrastructure is in modernizing process and a few years are required until a compatible level with western countries is being reached. The “traditional” area, the Romanian seashore requires investments, mostly ecological. Substitution areas, are whether not equipped for contemporary standards (Transilvania, North Moldova, Danube Delta) or are reduced as a volume of possible clients (cycle-tourism, climbing, adventure tourism, etc.) or are out of fashion (treatment resorts). There are solutions for all of them. These must not be expected from ansnational corporations, who only come here for maximum profits, but they must be built for

ternal effort. This must be driven by a tight schedule, professionally, at least over the next few ears.

The major responsibility belongs to the political factor and the education system, which can supply the formation of young owners and tourism businessmen but also operative personnel r both the internal activity, as well as the integration of more and more Romanians in

have been exposed for each element. One can claim that we do not give a

vate actors are dispersed, they do not have a common strategy and the

cies of different companies, real accounting data, the level and structure of consumption, etc. . We have been forced to limit ourselves to reveal the areas of issues, of international standards and to offer

o Add this to the lack of professionalism of new owners of most privatized assets, as well

tr in y fo

transnational structures abroad, to enter the global tourism “technocracy”. Of the highest priority we have the personnel for the organization and management of “destination Romania”.


practical solution, a list of needed actions. Such a paper is included however in political economy, responsibilities which the state assumes in completing the issues negotiated and agreed upon by private actors. It establishes the objectives and resources that are allocated, on a certain time span.

We have no grounds yet: pri

state prepares for elections. A theoretical endeavor is of no use, and may even be counterproductive in talks for establishing a strategy because it creates precedents which will not be valid in quite a short time. Moreover, we have no access to first hand information, only statistics, but more importantly, we need information concerning stock holders, the poli


215 There were ideas in the media as to which the Micula brothers (European Drinks) bought seaside hotels to modernize them and then sell them. Whereas, the certainty of such a policy pushes the exploitation comeback term for at least another year for most of Neptun resort, for example.


several solutions. The practice is business, not literature. With this book, we try to create an opening towards the thinking and actual way of tourism as it is practiced into developed countries.

From the analysis we observed that the survival of Romanian tourism is bound to its capacity to integrate and activate in the global system so that it can become a partner in seeking solutions for

e future.

ease we are ase for money, glory, power or perfection of

, which we should have taken when we structure” of the human world), the wealth system (capitals, financial flows, re and more interconnected), though politics existence itself, with the premise of working together and

her according to the “homo homini ew , as a prerequisite of globalization, its stimulant, as is the media (no matter the eople all over the world. By it, any man, of any race, can discover the European value of the New Testament, like the Apostle Thomas, to touch a

ive group – January 1990



As a first urgency, we must build “destination Romania” on basis of real competition.

Tourism is a complex activity, with a fragile finality which it needs, to exist and special people and organization. “In times of change, only those who learn continuously can inherit the future. Those who ceased to learn will wake up finding out that they are ready to live in a world that no longer exists” – says Eric Hoffer.

As we present the world, we are at the same time wizards and businessmen. And now, when the world trembles from lust for power and greatness, blood, hunger or dis

among the few who bring solace. This is why we must meditate on this new dimension of our duty, the effects of out actions. So as not to let the ch

the organization not to thread on Aeskulap’s sacred vow started this profession!216

At the horizon of the 21st century, the global world is foreseen: information (which will become the “bone

etc.), by economic systems (which will be mo (restriction of safeguarding

communicating), by the parallel world of imagery which will configure a new face of culture, etc.

Nations, peoples have two chances: either to devour each ot

lupus est” (a principle with powerful European roots, but also as broadcast), or to find a n

“kingdom”, a global kingdom, of kindness and love (Christian principle, of European origins).

Whereas tourism

variant, either classic, or informal, which we propose) will be a conclusive evidence, a palpable example of words and deeds which will be proposed to p

nd believe reality, in a dimension which is parallel to all others.

Addenda: A synthesis presented at the Parc Hotel Initiat

I will express several personal opinions, a fruit of the experience of 19 years of tourism, concerning the reconstruction of Romanian tourism on the new bases of the popular REVOLUTION.

Tourism activity can not expect the result of elections, for the newly elected to issue laws for tourism, because such a postponement means losing this year’s season. At the same time we can not limit ourselves to a restructuring of Romanian tourism and we are compelled to begin the RECONSTRUCTION.

As a practical way to do that, considering the country’s political scenario, to create mobile legislative framework, but with elements of stability I would propose the issuing, by the legislative forum, of several general principles, valid for all government institutions and economic organisms which can set the base for departments and establishing political and social life.

216 216 Rotariu Ilie - "The European heritage: from national to universal - fundamental coordinates of the historical-cultural - social process and the impact of the present technologies in defining the strategies of European tourism"

presented la ATLAS Winter University - January, 2001, Pecs, Hungary "The past 1000 years – Our common heritage?"


I’ve stopped at this formula considering the complexity of the tourism activity and the fact that this activity basically includes all branches of the national economy, all social, political and cultural sectors, and for the moment there is no time for such efficient and compelling solution.

For supporting this idea I reveal the definition of the DEX for tourism: 1. sport constituting from the passage of picturesque regions or of a historical or geographical interest, etc.

* roundabout 2. Activity which is a supplier of services and deals with organizing recreational trips. Let us also mention the main forms of material basis, without which the tourism activity would be impossible, according to their owners: the Units of the Tourism Ministry, for accommodations, public alimentation, transport, treatment, etc. and tourism agencies;

- Former units of the “Carpati” Trust, an integrated company including accommodations, public limentatio

vity, renouncing state monopoly. A free mpetitio


a n units, transport, as well as agricultural productive units, workshops, etc.

- Former units for accommodations, public alimentation units, transport, of the UGSR, UNCAP, UICC, The Health Ministry and the Labor Ministry.

- Camps and pioneer colonies, of the Education Ministry

- Material basis of the BTT – hunting lodges, resting places, etc., hunting fields and fishing locations of the Forests’ Ministry, AGVPS, etc – the material basis of various institutions, associations, etc.

- Material basis of the Consumption Cooperation - Material basis of the ACR

- General infrastructure concerning public transport, tourism patrimony given by cities, villages, economic objects, works of art, paths, picturesque areas, etc.

- Cultural material basis, of any nature, of various institutions which practice tourism activity;

- Cultural material basis, of any nature, of various institutions which practice tourism activity;