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associations exist and costs may not always be clearly divided, nor were the indirect medical costs of osteoporosis e.g. treatment of another disease which a person endured in the wake of a prevented fatal fracture, included.314

QALY. However, it is not possible to screen only persons with a risk of ≥ 30 % as was modelled in the article. The ICER for the complete implementation of the screen-and-treat strategy as modelled in this thesis, compared to no screening and no treatment would be much higher at € 11 442 per QALY (discounted: € 15 216 per QALY). Despite this disadvantageous assumption the article has the distinct advantage that it also includes the sensitivity and specificity of the screening test, which was omitted in the thesis as no further data to corroborate the sensitivity and specificity of the test could be found.

In a later paper Müller and Gandjour examined the cost-effectiveness of secondary versus tertiary prevention of osteoporosis.322 For osteoporosis programmes increasing bone strength in children and young adults is considered primary prevention,323 treatment once bone loss starts is termed secondary prevention, while tertiary prevention is treatment after a fracture has already occurred. The strategy proposed by the DVO combines both secondary and tertiary prevention.324 Müller and Gandjour found that implementing secondary and tertiary prevention instead of only tertiary prevention lead to a 2.4-fold increase of QALYs gained in the age-group 70-80 compared to no prevention.325 However, in absolute numbers the QALYs gained by tertiary prevention compared to no prevention are 0.06 and the QALYs gained by secondary and tertiary prevention compared to only tertiary prevention are stated as 0.14 (0.21 compared to no prevention). For the age-group 70-80 the ICER of implementing the S3-guideline (secondary and tertiary prevention) compared to only tertiary prevention is given as € 8 670 per QALY. Replication of the comparison with the model of the thesis yields an ICER of € 17 175 per QALY, however, this does assume that all patients receive tertiary preventive treatment after a fracture, which is currently not the case in Germany.

Overall the values obtained by the model, when replicating the research questions of other studies, are of similar magnitude as values from the published studies. Additional data on long-term care and the inclusion of sensitivity and specificity would be desirable and the future effects on society, e.g. caused by demographic change need to be examined by other methods than a cohort simulation. The specific focus on a real world setting and the inclusion of “physician adherence” by way of degrees of implementation to the proposed intervention is a novelty. As predicted by Ollenschläger the implementation of guidelines does not inevitably lead to savings, since the rectification of previous under-treatment will incur costs.326

Treating older patients with osteoporosis requires time and the building of trust.327 This may also be the best approach to increasing adherence to medication and initiating lifestyle

322 Müller, Gandjour 2011

323 Barondess 2008; Munch, Shapiro 2006 324 Müller, Gandjour 2011: 260

325 Müller, Gandjour 2011: 267 326 Ollenschläger et al. 2001: 481 327 Berlin Hallrup et al. 2009: 381f.

changes. Due to the interdisciplinary treatment of osteoporosis and the subsequent fractures, coordination of treatment is an important issue, which suggests the supervision of a patient's health by a GP. A survey amongst German GPs showed that the S3-guideline on osteoporosis was especially implemented by younger physicians, physicians with knowledge of the internet and who often times work in a group practice.328 On this basis it could be assumed that the degree of implementation will increase in the years to come.

In this thesis a SHI perspective was taken, which does not account for the expenditures and efforts of physicians in staying up-to-date. Nor were issues such as professional self-determination covered. So, while it can be regarded as a matter of course that physicians keep up with current research, research into possible incentives and paths of dissemination may be beneficial. It is curious that treatment of some indicators, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), is common while osteoporosis, which has an equally predictive value for forecasting fractures, is undertreated.329

8 Conclusion

A higher degree of implementation results in slightly higher cost as well as an increase of overall QALYs due to less fractures occurring and less people dying subsequent to a fracture. With an ICER of approx. € 15 130 per QALY for an increase of 20 percentage points of the degree of implementation, a more wide-spread implementation can be considered (highly) cost-effective in accordance with the WHO GDP related threshold. The model and therefore also its results can be deemed pertinent.

The distinct advantage of the S3-guideline is the incorporation of a stepwise age- and risk-dependent screening approach which improves the treatment situation as fewer patients fall through the cracks. Even though a hypothetical increase of the degree of implementation from 50 % to 70 % leads to only 44 averted fractures (of which 20 are vertebral fractures and 17 are hip fractures) amongst 10 000 patients, every prevented fracture is of importance due to the high mortality rates and the high impact on the daily lives of the affected.

Since multi-morbidity is frequent amongst the elderly population it may be beneficial to develop joint guidelines for the most common diseases of this societal group, thereby also targeting the issue of poly-pharmacy and adverse effects. Nonetheless, the S3-guideline is an effective way of improving the treatment of osteoporosis by making it evidence-based and bringing the often times underestimated “silent” disease into focus. Since the implementation hinges on the understanding and acceptance of physicians and motivation of patients, further research into their perceptions and concerns may be beneficial to target obstacles preventing wide-spread implementation of the S3-guideline on osteoporosis.

328 Chenot et al. 2007: 586f.

329 Kanis 1994: 371; Kanis et al. 2013a: 27


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