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Infinite-horizon Γ-limit

Im Dokument Variational methods for evolution (Seite 129-140)

7.5 The finite-dimensional case

7.5.1 Infinite-horizon Γ-limit

dt. (7.16)

Let us additionally assume that the potential U is bounded from below. Then, by arguing as in the last section we derive the a priori estimate

∀t >0 : ρ|qε0(t)|2+ν Z t



for the minimizers ofWεonKε(q0,q1) (defined as before) and obtain the following result.

Theorem 7.5.1 (WIDE principle) Assume ρ+ν > 0 and let qε minimize the func-tional Wε on Kε(q0,q1). Then, for some subsequence qεk we have qεkq weakly-∗ in W1,∞(R+;RI) if ρ > 0 and weakly in H1(R+;RI) if ρ = 0 (hence, locally uniformly), where

ρq00+νq0+∇U(q) =0 in R+, q(0) =q0, ρq0(0) =ρq1.

Let us explicitly mention that the latter result holds more generally for two symmetric and positive-definite mass and viscosity matrices M andN such thatM+N >0.

Moreover, by inspecting the proof of Lemma 7.4.2 one realizes that the statement of Theorem 7.5.1 is indeed valid in some greater generality. In particular, one could require the potential U to be defined just on a non-empty open subset D ⊂ RI and, by letting Uext be its trivial extension to∞ out of D, impose

0≤UC1(D) and Uext be lower semicontinuous. (7.17) Note that the lower semicontinuity of Uext expresses the fact that the potential U is actually confining the evolution toD. In particularU becomes unbounded by approaching the boundary of D. By requiring q0D, under assumption (7.17) Theorem 7.5.1 still holds. The extension of the WIDE principle to the latter type of potentials is not at all academical as it qualifies the WIDE functional to be applicable also in some singular potential situation.

We shall also mention that, although completely neglected in this text for the sake of simplicity, a suitably well-behaved time-dependence of the potential U (hence, in partic-ular, a non-homogeneous flow) can be considered.

7.5.1 Infinite-horizon Γ-limit

In this final section we comment on the connection between the final time horizon case in Section 6.7 and the infinite time horizon case discussed here. More precisely, denoting the WIDE functionals considered in (6.43) by WεT, where T is the final time, we shall show the Γ-convergence WεT −→Γ Wε, where Wε denotes the functional defined in (7.16).

Let us denote byYT andYthe spaces H2(0, T;RI) and H2(R+; dσε;RI), respectively.

We shall embed the space YT into Yε by identifying a given q ∈ YT with the unique function q ∈ Y satisfying qq on [0, T] and being affine on ]T,∞[. Thus, we can extend the functionalsWεT on the common spaceY by defining

WTε[q] =

(WεT[q] ifq∈Kε(q0,q1) and q is affine on [T,∞[, +∞ otherwise.

In particular, ifq∈Kε(u0, u1) minimizesWTε thenq is also a minimizer of WεT.

Proposition 7.5.2 (Γ-limit for T → ∞) Assume thatU is quadratically bounded, then WTε −→Γ Wε weakly in L2(R+; dσε;RI). Moreover, minimizers of WTε converge weakly in L2(R+; dσε;RI) (up to subsequences) to minimizers ofWε.

Proof: A recovery sequence for a givenq∈Kε(q0,q1) is easily constructed by defining qT =qon [0, T] andqT affine on [T,∞[. Then, it is easy to check thatWTε[qT]→Wε[q].

Assume now to be given a sequence qT such that qTq weakly in L2(R+,ε;RI).

By taking with no loss of generality lim infT→∞WTε[qT]<∞ and using that q00T = 0 on ]T,∞[ we have that

lim inf


Z T 0

e−t/ε|q00T(t)|2dt= lim inf


Z 0

e−t/ε|qT00(t)|2dt≥ Z


e−t/ε|q00(t)|2dt and qTq pointwise almost everywhere. Eventually, lim infT→0WTε[qT]≥ Wε[q] by Dominated Convergence asU(qT)≤c(1+|qT|2) (using also Lemma 7.4.1).

Let now ˜q(t) =q0+tq1. Then all minimizers qT of WTε fulfill ρ

2 Z


e−t/ε|q00T|2dt= ρ 2

Z T 0

e−t/ε|qT00|2dt≤WTε[qT]≤WTε[ ˜q]<

independently of T. In particular,qT are weakly precompact in L2(R+,ε;RI). Hence, it converge up to subsequences to a minimizer ofWε.


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Im Dokument Variational methods for evolution (Seite 129-140)