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Industry Applications

Im Dokument RCA Series (Seite 195-200)


RCA 2, RCA 3, RCA 6, and RCA 7 Computers are designed specifically to meet your requirements for a new level of technical advances that are better and easier to use.

The new computers offer better performance, reliability, and cost - to provide you with a logical way to grow. Now you can move up realistically without being forced to buy a computer with more power than you can use, just to get the extra memory capacity you need for your new applications, for about what you're spending now.

The RCA 2, RCA 3, RCA 6, and RCA 7 are built to a memory-oriented philosophy, resulting in larger memories and greater computer efficiency than ever before, with new approaches to real memory, with trend-setting virtual memory, and with dual processors switchable memory.

Conversion will be easy and completed on time. RCA has a guaranteed conversion plan to insure that your essential computer operations will not be disrupted. In addition, you can have bundled or unbundled systems support.

This part of the manual describes some of the existing applications that can be improved by using the RCA 2, RCA 3, RCA 6, and RCA 7 Computers.



Section 1: BANKING

This application program permits any bank's demand deposit accounting system to be automated. The system produces a variety of timely reports to convey the activity and status of accounts under the demand deposit service.

Proof and Transit Accounting

This application program minimizes the item handling costs, and also minimizes the time between the presentation of a check for payment and the actual collection of funds at a correspondent bank.

Savings Accounting

This application program was developed after thorough research of management attitudes on savings account relationships. Saving activities, methods of interest calculation, and payment of dividends are accommodated within a multibank processing environment. The system produces comprehensive and pertinent analytical reports which are of exceptional value in the management of savings account activity.

Time Deposit Accounting

This application program handleS all types of savings, clubs, and CertificateS of deposit, for both passbook and statement accounting. Special features of the system provide for multibank processing, customer analysis, and optional report formats. Tax reports and all combinations of interest calculation and accruals are processed by the system.

Installment Loan Accounting

This application program provides computer system handling of the installment lending function. The system provides senior management with the reports required to supervise the lending activities, and provides operating personnel with the detailed reports and documentation needed for daily portfolio servicing and control.

Corporate Trust Accounting

This application program administers stockholder accounting, particularly with reference to: cash dividends, stock dividends, stock transfers, proxy listings, and tax reporting. The system can be used either by a corporation handling its own records, or by a transfer agent (bank) maintaining records for several corporations.


Distribution Accounting and Control System

Payroll System

This application program satisfies the administrative accounting demands of many medium sized businesses. Processing is provided for: order entry, inventory control, sales analysis, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general financial ledger.

This application program provides a method for maximum capability payroll automation. The system includes the major functions common to all payrolls, and many functions which can be tailored to a particular application.

Personnel Data System

Alpha Index

This application program handles all normal corporate personnel records functions. Most of the input transactions and the reports are general in nature and applicable to most personnel data situations. A few, such as a retirement plan, are geared to a particular application, but may be modified to suit general needs.

This application program has been developed to maintain and perform searches on an alphabetically-indexed master file. Any user who has a need to find customers with one or more account numbers, policy numbers, or other reference data may use this program to correlate his files.


Personal Trust

New concepts in Banking will lead to a wider use of computers in that industry: several of these are described below. The new RCA Series of computers provide the banking industry with greater capabilities to implement such new systems.

Personal Trust automation has lagged, probably because of the emphasis on other more basic banking applications such as Demand Deposit and Proof and Transit. Also, the area of personal trust offers many problems in automation because of the variety of operations and interrelationships involved. The new RCA 3 and RCA 7 Computers with their combination of time-sharing and batch processing facilities accommodate the need for handling daily remote inquiries and security transactions, as well as volume operations such as customer statements and reports. In order to obtain the greatest benefits from a computerized personal trust application, on-line inquiry and response is a must. A capability like this provides the trust officer, as well as the investment man, with immediate access to the information needed for informed decisions. Through concurrent access to the data base, either of these decision makers can approach his task as though the entire computer facility is at his command.

Another important reason for an on-line system is that it will provide, in addition to access to timely information, adequate computer power for use of such management tools as operations research techniques. A personal trust accounting system could then be a combination of an on-line accounting system and a management information system. In addition to the normal additions, alterations, de!etions~ and inquiries to the data base, a personal trust system should be able to answer complex questions that will increase as the system grows. This includes full utilization of financial analysis programs for portfolio management. A person making an inquiry to the system may want to ask for any number of analysis programs to process the data involved. He might want to initiate an entirely new algorithm for a specific calculation. A system must be able to handle many different types of such inquiries that would be generated by trust administrators, security analysis, vault personnel, tax specialists, auditors, and others.

Central Information File

Credit Cards

The RCA 2, RCA 3, RCA 6, and RCA 7 Computers meet the needs of the various organizational and management levels of a bank. For this reason, the Central Information File Concept, applicable on the RCA 2, RCA 3, RCA 6, and RCA 7, employs a hierarchy of storage systems. It could encompasses two general catagories - customer information and bank management information. The customer information file would include all applications, with the addition of an alpha file that links all of a customer's account. The management file would contain the business accounting functions such as payroll, general ledger, and cost accounting. Using RCA Video Data Terminals, bank officials could inquire into the status of a customer to determine his total relationship to the bank, including the profitability of the account. With the same terminal, a manager may inquire into the profitability of a department and perhaps request a detailed printed copy.

Such applications often include sensitive information. An RCA Video Data Terminal would allow the user to eliminate both the display and printing of confidential information while entering data into the data bank.

Separate bank credit cards are being merged into nationwide networks of

"interchangeable" card plans, so that a customer can use a card from his own bank almost anywhere. These new interchange plans are feasible with RCA Computers featuring data banks that can easily handle the huge volume of transactions and master files.


Im Dokument RCA Series (Seite 195-200)