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5. Conclusions

5.3. Implications for further research

Some open questions remain after this work, such as to what extent social innovations are similarly motivated in developed countries? Are there continental and regional features that shape social innovations? To what extent is the innovation system of one country comparable to another? And if there is a system that have a similar logic to construct subsystems that of education system?

For that purpose, in this study it is recognized that the selection and systematization of empirical cases of social innovation are crucial to advancing the understanding of innovation in contemporary societies. Therefore, continuing with a scientific study of social innovations should be encouraged throughout empirical work and the development of new tools in order to contribute to a new innovation paradigm.




Appendix 1. Main historical events linked to innovation and education in Brazil from 1800-1899


Appendix 2. Main historical events linked to innovation and education in Brazil from 1900-1999 (1/3)



Source: Saviani et al., 2014; Gonçalves, 2013; Teixeira, 1932; Azevedo et al., 1932; Levine and Crocitti, 1999; Loyo, 2001; Gohn, 2011; Cunha, Gadotti, Bordignon and Nogueia, 2014;

Pérez, 2010; Secretaría do Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, 1991.

147 Appendix 3. Main historical events linked to innovation and education

Brazil from 2000-2015

Source: Saviani, 2009; Ministério de Educação, 2007; Mais Educação Federal, 2010; Mais Educação São Paulo, 2013; Pacheco, 2009; Pérez, 2010.


Appendix 4. Innovation Profiles from ‘Apprentice’ NGO

Source: self-elaborated from personal interviews to select members of Apprentice NGO in São Paulo, 2015. situations. Has a a critical vision of

the educational system. high networking skills but lack of knowledge of the field. Frustration

149 Appendix 5. Description of Institutional Programs of ‘Apprentice’ NGO and Their

Level of Intervention elderly through formation of young educators for teaching the use of technology

Community and school´

interventions in public spaces through art.

Community interventions for educational purposes which involve art, leisure etc. Interventions in different locations and with different actors of the

interventions and activities inside and outside of school.

Initiatives from the city to develop a forum for citizenship participation that understands learning process through the dimensions of education, sports, culture and health.

Electronic platform that compiles experiences, methodologies and actors in educative actions in São Paulo, in Brazil and at the international level. It aims to spread integral education among multi-actors, multi-disciplines and

133Translated name of the program and original name in Portuguese.

134According to Torres (2000) innovations’ classification is related to three main elements: scope, area or its value for change, whereas within value for change she recognized superficial values or deep values.

150 participation of the community and the schools and the creation of networks.

New initiative that systematized and recognized good practices of schools that protect children and teenagers according to the Children and Adolescent Statute of Brazilian Law from 1990135. students, educators and families).

Initiative that aims to discuss the main education needs and to contribute for the implementation of integral education derived from the federal and state program

135Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente Lei n.º 9089/1990. It promotes the right for education and the access to activities of culture, sports and leisure for children and adolescents.

151 Appendix 6. Innovation Profiles from “President Campos Salles School”

Source: self-elaborated from personal interviews of select actors within the President Campos Salles School in São Paulo, 2015.


Master Social Background:

from a low class family with origins in northeast from Brazil,

from a middle class family born in the capital of São Paulo.

Personality and Orientation:

previsouly in a different profession of teaching, turned to education in the

last 12 years. Considered to quit to teaching profession, but is now sure

from a family of middle class born in the northeast of Brazil.


Appendix 7. Description of Programs of “President Campos Salles School” and Their Level of Intervention

Program or Practice Focus and orientation Level of

Intervention136 Education, but an implementation in fact in the school where the

An initiative of the school to apply a non-classical evaluation to students without exams. Despite the lack of exams, the grade embraces observation of students performance that summarizes the teachers grades in a unique bi-monthly grade, which is discussed with the Student Mediator Committee.

A school’s initiative that promotes about 10 students to ensure coexistence among students and teachers, students and community, and students with students, though

136Torres (2000) innovations’ classification is related to scope, area or its value for change, whereas within value for change, she recognized superficial values or deep values.

153 democratic culture in students through democratic practices.

Candidates are students between 4º to 9º grades who are members of Students Mediator Committee and are elected by electronic votes of students.

Initiative of the school that eliminates the walls between the school and the community, but also those within the classrooms, providing a structure of bigger halls community to prioritize education as an orientation of the actions negotiation of the organized community of Heliópolis.

Initiative of the school to adapt their integral grades to be reported in the Municipal Software SGP. The Municipal Board of Education has




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