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Implications for forest ecosystem conservation, restoration and close-to-nature forest management

5 A novel empirical approach for determining the extension of forest development stages

6.3 Implications for forest ecosystem conservation, restoration and close-to-nature forest management

As it is pointed out in chapter 2, several regional and site-specific factors might influence the disturbance regime. Further, they may affect the regeneration dynamics in gaps and below canopy. Thus, the structuring processes and stand structures described in this thesis are not ab-solutely transferable to beech forests growing under different abiotic conditions. However, the apparently high resemblance in stand structures of the three virgin beech forests studied indi-cate that there is a certain degree of generality to these findings, at least across the variation in sites we encountered. Leibundgut (1993), who had himself visited many beech-dominated virgin forests across Europe covering a broad range of site-conditions, perceived structure and dynamics in these forests to be relatively similar to one another. Seeing that valid data for comparison is rare one cannot deny the general usefulness of such a respected expert opinion, even though this largely subjective assessment was partly challenged (concerning subtle de-tails) in a previous section.

The beech virgin forests Havešová, Kyjov and Stužica were all characterized by a highly diverse stand structure in the majority of plots and at the stand level. The relatively intense mixing of trees in different life history stages that was found in most plots can be linked to several beneficial functions. It guarantees high resilience to exogenous disturbances (chapter 2) and the continuous provision of certain habitat structures such as deadwood and veteran trees within small distances, which is of special importance to some comparably immobile species.

A positive effect of small-scale structural diversity on forest productivity was also evidenced for the studied stands (Glatthorn et al., 2018). Thus, creating and sustaining similar structures seems highly desirable. However, a main emphasis on small-scale structural diversity in close-to-nature forest management and forest restoration has been criticized, as the establishment of more light-demanding tree species and certain rare animal and plant species rely on more extensive canopy openings that are largely prevented (e.g., Röhrig et al., 2006; Schall et al., 2018).

The findings from this thesis show that the occurrence of more homogeneously structured patches is also typical in virgin beech forests. They seem to base on spatio-temporally dispersed disturbances that affect larger scales and would provide habitat for these species. At the stand scale such events may hold off for longer periods (probably several decades). Thus, dependent species can be assumed to show either a high mobility (by movement or seed dispersal), or they may endure long periods of unfavorable conditions (by longevity of adults or by forming seedbanks), or both.

Implications for forest ecosystem conservation, restoration and close-to-nature forest management 6.3

Common ash, wych elm, Norway maple and sycamore maple, e.g., were nearly absent in the advanced regeneration of the three studied virgin forests, but they were present in the canopy in low numbers and seedlings of these species were frequently encountered. This indicates that suitable conditions for establishment, that guarantee continuance of these tree species populations, must have occurred at sufficient frequency in the past. The scarcity of admixed tree species in the canopy layer largely has to be attributed to the rare occurrence of larger disturbances and not to overly high (i.e. unnatural) browsing pressure by ungulates. Most of these canopy trees grew up in a time when the study sites were embedded in a virgin forest landscape that likely contained balanced populations of ungulates and predators. Their presence in the forest matrix likely ensures high resilience of the forest ecosystem to more severe disturbances that affect larger areas and could not rapidly be recolonized by beech with its limited seed dispersal. Yet, the role of large gaps and stand replacing disturbances in beech forest dynamics is not well understood, due to their rare occurrence in space and time.

Emulating the size-frequency pattern of canopy disturbances found in virgin forests was proposed for forest ecosystem restoration and close-to-nature forest management (Seymour et al., 2002; Drößler and von Lüpke, 2005; Nagel and Svoboda, 2008). According to Nagel and Svoboda (2008) the silvicultural models that could be combined to a flexible management strategy are ‘single-tree selection’, ‘group selection’ and ‘irregular shelterwood cuttings’. The conclusions presented in this thesis largely agree with this. The occasional formation of larger openings (up to small clear cuts) would account for more light demanding species and should be added to the strategy, but not dominate it.

The trends for regeneration development in the Kyjov forest (chapter 3) suggest that small gaps (< 100 m2) do not allow for good sapling growth over longer periods. Further, the growth morphology of saplings might be negatively affected (Rozenbergar and Diaci, 2014). These findings raise doubt on the suitability of small gaps in the management of beech forests for commercial purposes or for a progressive conversion of even aged stands towards a vertically heterogeneous structure, at least under comparable dystric site conditions. A frequent expansion to avoid such negative consequences would be costly. In large gaps, that provide good growth conditions for longer time periods, however, the density of saplings might be insufficient to properly recover the area and problems with competing herbaceous plants might occur. A good trade off that accounts for a sufficient density of saplings and good and continuous growth could be archived by initial irregular shelterwood cutting followed by gap cuttings between 500 to a few thousand m2. However, if the recruitment of more light-demanding tree species is desired a prior shelterwood cutting should only cover a part of the later gap or be suspended.

Synthesis 6.3

The initial structure of a forest stand must always be considered in planning interventions. In chapter 4, it was found that the structural constitution of the uneven aged single tree selection forest was relatively similar to that in large parts of the Kyjov forest, and adjustment towards less heterogeneous structures in parts of such a stand seems easily induced. In contrast, the structure of the even aged stand was very different, and to achieve vertical and horizontal heterogeneity seems complex and would take a long time. Deviating approaches (e.g., Dodson et al., 2012) might prove useful to convert the structure of individual forests towards a higher degree of naturalness. The proposed IDS enables us to quantify and display stand level structural heterogeneity that might serve as a major stand structural attribute in evaluating the success of forest structure restoration efforts or in the assessment of the ‘naturalness’ of beech forests.

References 6.4

6.4 References

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Curriculum vitae

Eike Feldmann, born on 23.09.1979 in Hannover

2013 - dato: Ph.D. study at the department of Plant Ecology and Ecosystem Research, Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany

2008 - dato: Freelancing activities, mainly data collection with focus on stand structure and structural dynamics in strict forest reserves

2005 - 2008: M.Sc. study at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany;

Titel of master thesis: Vergleich der Entwicklung von Naturverjüngung nach Windwurf im Naturwald und im Wirtschaftswald

(Comparison of regeneration development following severe windthrow in a strict forest reserve and a managed forest)

2001 - 2005: B.Sc. study at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany;

Titel of bachelor thesis: Urwälder Europas im internationalen Vergleich (Virgin forests of Europe)

2000 - 2001: Civil service in a workshop for disabled people

2000: Abitur at the Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Schule, Hemmingen, Germany


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„Forest Structure and Structural Dynamics of Virgin Beech Forests in Slovakia”

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Hannover, 15.10.2018

Eike Feldmann