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Implementation of the medium polarization

For the medium polarization it is again necessary to perform the energy integration first.

With the propagator being given by interpolation at any energy and momentum, we can concentrate on the numerical integration for any given outer momentum. For the outer momentum (|~k|, k4) we take

Z d4p

(2π)4 = 1 (2π)3



d|~p||~p|2 Zπ


dθsinθ ZΛ


dp4, (F.2)

i.e. the ~p-integration is performed in spherical coordinates. As θ- and p4-integration are interchangeable, we perform the θ-integration first and adjust the remaining integration according to the pole-structure of the quark propagators. This can be done in a similar fashion as shown in Fig. F.1 for the integrand in the qDSE.

The final |~p|-integral has support on [0, µ] for a free propagator. In the numerics we again chose [0,max(2.5µ,1GeV)]. Varying the cutoff up to max(7.5µ,1GeV) also left the results almost invariant in this case, a much larger cutoff ∼ Λ is however numerically impossible. It is also necessary to calculate the quark propagator for the chirally broken phase, being needed for the subtraction, on the same grid as the propagator in the medium.

This removes numerical artefacts that spoil the subtraction at large momentum.

For the medium polarization required by the approximation of the qDSE in section 5.3, we determine the dressing functions of the medium polarization on a grid [0,ΛF G]×[0, π/2]

for hyperspherical coordinates k, χ and interpolate bilinearly. The cutoff ΛF G can be chosen quite small: ΛF G∼max(2.5µ,1GeV).


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Name Marcel Dominik Johannes Nickel

Geburtsdatum 3. Januar 1979

Geburtsort Hanau

Staatsangeh¨origkeit deutsch Familienstand ledig

1985-1989 Besuch der Grundschule in Birstein

1989-1995 Besuch der Gesamtschule in W¨achtersbach

1995-1998 Besuch des Grimmelshausen Gymnasium in Gelnhausen

Juni 1998 Abitur

Juli 1998 - April 1999 Wehrdienst im 2.PzBtl 143 in Stadtallendorf Mai 1999 Beginn des Physikstudiums an der TU Darmstadt

September 2000 Vordiplom

Oktober 2001 - M¨arz 2002 Studium am Trinity College Dublin (2 Trimester) November 2001 - November 2003 Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes Januar 2002 - Januar 2007 Stipendiat bei e-fellows.net

November 2003 Diplom, Gesamtnote: mit Auszeichung bestanden

seit Dezember 2003 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut f¨ur Kernphysik der TU Darmstadt

Dezember 2005 DAAD Kurzstipendium f¨ur Doktoranden

Dezember 2005 - M¨arz 2006 Forschungsaufenthalt Karl-Franzens-Universit¨at Graz