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5 Assessing electricity markets and the EU ETS’ impact on abatement

5.4 Demand reduction and pass-through of carbon cost to end consumer prices

5.4.2 Impact of market structure and design

The pass-through of wholesale to retail prices is rather limited. It is likely, that the major reason for this phenomenon lies in the structure of household contracts. Household contracts are usually rather inflexible in the sense that price adjustments do not take often place. For sure, prices are not adjusted on a short-notice as it would be the case in real-time pricing schemes which are missing in both countries.33

Besides the carbon cost pass-through to final consumers, the following electricity market design elements are likely to have an impact on demand reduction: compensation for large electricity consumers and retail price caps:

Compensation of carbon cost: The compensation for large electricity consumers is designed to reduce the risk of carbon leakage of electricity-intensive industries. Thus, incentives to invest into costly energy-efficiency improvements are decreasing. In Germany, a benchmarking system is used and the compensation intensity decreases over time. Thus, industries still have an incentive to invest into energy efficiency in particular if most recent data are used to determine the benchmarks (see Bonn et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the

incentive to reduce electricity consumption is reduced compared to a system without such a compensation scheme.

Retail price cap:Since 2018, a Polish retail price cap is implemented as an upper bound on prices for small consumers. The cap is independent of carbon or fuel prices. Thus, it limits the possibility of carbon-cost pass-through to final consumers. According to experts, the cap was introduced by the government to prevent household and industry consumers from raising electricity prices due to an increase in coal and carbon prices. Consequently, the cap limits the role of carbon prices for demand reduction and energy efficiency improvements.

33Aside the pass-through of carbon cost to electricity market prices, experts also mentioned the pass-through to prices for heat generation in the case of CHP plants. In this case, experts from Germany noted, that they are only allowed to pass-through the cost they have to pay but not the cost of certificates from free allocation. Thus, in this case the pass-through depends on the allocation mechanism. Also, some experts have mentioned, that they assume that in industries the handling of freely allocated certificates might differ from the power sector. In Poland, the heat sector is completely regulated, i.e., prices have to be accepted by the regulatory office.

CLIMATE CHANGE - Influence of the European Emission Trading System and the German and Polish Electricity Market


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CLIMATE CHANGE - Influence of the European Emission Trading System and the German and Polish Electricity Market