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3.3 BucLoc interacts with non-muscle myosin II

3.3.1 Identification of the BucLoc interactome

The isolation of the Buc localization domain provides a powerful tool for the identification of the Buc localization mechanism. This tool can be used to specifically address the question, with which proteins BucLoc is interacting to properly localize Buc to the germ plasm during zebrafish embryogenesis. Identification of the molecular network involved in Buc localization will give insight into the mechanism underlying the localization process. Identification of 213 interaction candidates of BucLoc

To identify the protein network involved in localization of Buc, BucLoc interactors were purified directly out of the embryo at the stage, in which Buc is localized to the prospective primordial germ cells.

Embryos were injected at 1-cell stage with RNA encoding BucLoc-eGFP, lysed at high stage and immunoprecipitated by the GFP-tag. Embryos injected with RNA encoding eGFP were used as a negative control, whereas embryos of the transgenic buc-gfp line were used to control for overexpression artifacts and served as a positive control. Co-immunoprecipitated proteins of the three samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry (Figure 23A). Using this approach, 3464 proteins were identified in the mass spectrometry analysis (Figure 23B) (digital Appendix, Chapter 7.4). 1817 of them interacted with Buc-GFP as well as BucLoc-eGFP (Figure 23B). To identify significant interaction candidates, a set of criteria was applied.

First, all proteins, below a background threshold of five in BucLoc-eGFP, were considered as not significant and were sorted out (Figure 23B, I). Furthermore, only proteins with counts in BucLoc-eGFP that were at least twice as high as in the negative control eGFP were considered as significant (Figure 23B, II). To reduce overexpression artefacts, another

Results criterion was that enrichment in the positive control and in the sample had to be within a magnitude of +/- 4-fold (Figure 23B, III). Applying these selection criteria, the number of potential BucLoc interaction proteins could be restricted to 213 interaction candidates (Figure 23B; Appendix, Table 17).

Figure 23: 213 specific interaction partners of BucLoc are involved in diverse molecular pathways.

(A) Wild type embryos were injected with RNA encoding for BucLoc-eGFP and lysed at high stage. Embryos of the transgenic buc-gfp line were used as positive control, egfp RNA injected embryos were used as negative control. Subsequent to lysis an IP against the GFP-tag was carried out. Interacting proteins were identified by mass spectrometry (Core Facility of Proteome Analysis, UMG, Goettingen). (B) Venn diagram showing the overlap of a total of 3464 protein hits split among the three samples BucLoc-eGFP, Buc-GFP (+) and eGFP (-).

Overlap of BucLoc-eGFP with Buc-GFP was further reduced to 213 interaction candidates by applying the criteria described in the text (Appendix, Table 17). (C) Graph showing annotation of BucLoc interaction candidates to different molecular pathways. 132 of 213 candidates could be annotated by KEGG analysis (in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Lingner). Multiple annotations were possible.

Results In the following, the 213 interaction candidates were analyzed with the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Lingner to determine if a majority of interaction candidates is involved in a specific molecular pathway. About 62 % of the proteins could be annotated to different molecular pathways, including signaling (11 %), splicing (2 %), adherens and tight junctions (2 %), mRNA transport, surveillance and degradation (8 %) (Figure 23C). Using KEGG annotation, no striking enrichment in one of the molecular pathways was detected. Cytoskeletal elements, expected to be involved in Buc localization, were present, but not strongly enriched due to KEGG annotation (Figure 23C).

Nevertheless, the Co-IP with BucLoc identified 213 interaction candidates involved in various molecular pathways that might play a role in the localization of Buc during early embryogenesis. Selection of BucLoc interaction candidates for further analysis

As no molecular pathway was strikingly overrepresented among the 213 BucLoc interaction candidates, the list of candidates was manually analyzed and single candidates were selected for further analysis. Since nothing is known about the molecular function and the localization mechanism of Buc protein, nine proteins that are involved in different processes or components of different complexes were chosen for a first analysis (Table 12).

Interestingly, three of four core proteins of the exon junction complex, involved in post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA, were identified. One of these proteins was Magoh (Mago nashi homolog), whose Drosophila homolog is involved in the establishment of oocyte polarity and assembly of the germ plasm (Table 12) (Micklem et al., 1997; Newmark and Boswell, 1994). Furthermore, five of ten proteins of the exosome complex, involved in RNA degradation, were identified among the 213 candidates, with the exosome complex exonuclease RRP45 (exosc9) having the highest counts (Table 12).

14-3-3 epsilon (ywhae1) was chosen as an adapter protein involved in a broad spectrum of signaling pathways. Additionally, 14-3-3 epsilon is involved in germ cell migration in Drosophila (Table 12) (Tsigkari et al., 2012). cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha (prkacaa) was selected as a kinase involved in regulation of protein activity through phosphorylation (Table 12).

Septin-2 (sept2) is a filament-forming cytoskeletal GTPase involved in a broad spectrum of cellular processes, e.g. chromosome congression in oocytes (Table 12) (Zhu et al., 2010).

Septins form hetero-oligomeric complexes, further assemble into filamentous or ring-like structures and often serve as scaffold for protein recruitment. (Mostowy and Cossart, 2012).

In addition, myosin light chain 12, genome duplicate 2 (myl12.2), a component of the non-muscle myosin II complex, which directly binds to the actin cytoskeleton, was chosen to be analyzed further (Table 12). As an antibody was available, the localization of this candidate was directly targeted by immunostaining (Chapter 3.3.3).

Pard3 (pard3) is an adapter protein involved in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarization processes and asymmetrical cell division (Table 12) (Ahringer, 2003). Moreover, the tight junction protein ZO-2 isoform 1 (tjp2a) was included in the list for further analysis as it contains a SH3-domain and is associated with the cytoskeleton (Table 12) (Gonzalez-Mariscal et al., 2000). Unfortunately, the localization of Tjp2a could not be investigated as cloning of tjp2a was not successful.

Results Since the molecular function of Buc is unknown, so far uncharacterized proteins might be involved in Buc localization. Therefore, the uncharacterized protein LOC792544 (si:dkey-67c22.2) was included in the analysis (Table 12).

Thus, eight out of 213 BucLoc interacting proteins were manually selected to be analyzed further for their role in Buc localization to the germ plasm.

Table 12: BucLoc interaction candidates selected for further analysis. Candidates were chosen to cover a broad spectrum of processes, protein sizes and enrichments. Fold enrichment for BucLoc-eGFP as well as Buc-eGFP in comparison to eGFP is given for each candidate. Detailed information is presented in the

Protein mago nashi homolog magoh MAGOH exon junction 14-3-3 protein epsilon ywhae1 YWHAE signaling 10.4 2.7 Tight junction protein ZO-2 Exosomal protein Exosc9 co-localizes with BucLoc

The most important criterion for an interaction of two proteins is co-localization of both proteins in vivo. In order to study the co-localization of BucLoc with the interaction candidates, their genes were cloned from cDNA and fused with egfp using Gateway cloning.

To verify co-localization, RNA encoding the eGFP-tagged interaction candidates was co-injected with RNA encoding BucLoc-mCherry into 1-cell stage wild type embryos.

Co-localization was analyzed at 2.5-3 hpf by confocal fluorescence microscopy (Figure 24A).

Magoh did not co-localize with BucLoc and showed a homogeneous nuclear localization, consistent with the localization previously reported for Mago in Drosophila (Figure 24B) (Micklem et al., 1997). The cytoskeletal protein Sept2 localized as previously reported to filamentous structures in the cytoplasm of the cells (Figure 24C) (Mostowy and Cossart, 2012). These filaments, did not co-localize with BucLoc (Figure 24C). Pard3, involved in establishment and maintenance of cell polarity, localized along the cell-cell contact region to the plasma membrane and thus did not co-localize with BucLoc (Figure 24D) (Ahringer, 2003). Co-localization with BucLoc was also not observed with Ywhae1 and Prkacaa (Figure

Results 24E, G). Both proteins, involved in signal transduction, showed homogeneous cytoplasmic localization. A similar cytoplasmic localization pattern, without a co-localization with BucLoc, was observed for the uncharacterized protein Loc792544 (Figure 24F). However, upon overexpression of Exosc9-eGFP, co-localization with BucLoc-mCherry was detected in aggregates (Figure 24H, I-I’’). These results show that Exosc9 and BucLoc fulfill the important interaction criterion of co-localization in vivo.

Figure 24: Exosc9-eGFP co-localizes with BucLoc-mCherry. (A) 1-cell stage wild type embryos were co-injected with RNA encoding the eGFP-tagged interaction candidate (120-230 pg) and BucLoc-mCherry (120 pg) and imaged at 2.5-3 hpf. (B-H) Living (B-E, H) or fixed (F, G) wild type embryos at high (B-E, H) or 256-cell stage (F, G) expressing the localization reporter BucLoc-mCherry (red) together with a eGFP-tagged interaction candidate imaged by confocal fluorescence microscopy (green, B, Magoh; C, Sept2; D, Pard3; E, Ywhae1; F, Loc792544; G, Prkacaa; H, Exosc9). Sections through cortical blastomeres are shown in lateral view, animal pole to the top. (I, I’, I’’) Magnified view of localization aggregate in H, showing co-localization of Exosc9-eGFP (green, I) and BucLoc-mCherry (red, I’) (merge, I’’). Scale bars represent 20 µm (B-H) and 5 µm (I-I’’).

Results In summary, the analysis of the BucLoc interactome led to 213 potential interaction candidates. Out of seven tested proteins, Exosc9 shows co-localization with BucLoc in vivo.

Hence, Exosc9 might be involved in a functional interaction with Buc leading to its localization to the germ plasm.