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Group Interview Questions


1. Look at the list below. Please indicate, with an ‘x’ next to the word, which adjectives apply to ICT professionals.

The following list of words was provided (Gough, 1979):

Capable, Honest, Artificial, Intelligent, Clever, Well-mannered, Cautious, Wide interests, Confident, Inventive, Egotistical, Original, Commonplace, Narrow interests, Humorous, Reflective, Conservative, Sincere, Individualistic, Resourceful, Conventional, Self-confident, Informal, Sexy, Dissatisfied, Submissive, Insightful, Snobbish, Suspicious, Unconventional 2. What additional adjectives describe an ICT professional?

3. What influence do parents have on a child’s interest in ICT?

4. What do you think about an all-girl computer class?

5. What do you think about the ICT characters in this clip (Bellisario, McGill, Binder, Kriozere, & Wharmby, 2011, 20:35–24:40).

6. Do you know any ICT experts? – description of job and person


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