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Great flexibility in autumn movement patterns of European Gadwalls

The ideas presented in this manuscript were formed by me and subsequently discussed and elaborated with my co-authors Martin Wikelski, Hans-Günther Bauer and Wolfgang Fiedler.

In addition, David Roshier and Lukas Jenni provided feedback on the intended analysis. The following work was required to be able to collect the data and was all done by me if not stated otherwise: (1) the construction of duck traps and trapping stations; (2) the tagging of trapped Gadwalls with bird rings and nasal saddles; (3) the equipment of some Gadwalls with backpack satellite transmitters (performed together with a field assistant who helped to handle the bird); (4) the processing and management of transmitter data (following the instructions given by Andreas Schmidt, Martin Wikelski and Sarah Davidson); and (5) the processing and management of resightings of nasal saddles. Furthermore, I filtered and prepared the ring recovery data set requested from EURING.

I did all subsequent analyses independently, but got some valuable support on the analysis of circular data and ring recovery data by Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt. I was also heavily involved in the development of the whole manuscript which was reviewed and annotated by my co-authors afterwards.




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