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Geography and Dialect

Im Dokument The Structure of Verse Language (Seite 171-200)

M & M ’s tests do substantiate ra th e r fo rce fu lly th a t the V u k o v ia n system is operable in m ost o f Y ug oslavia , the c ity o f N iš being the exception. To the specialist, the salience o f post accentual length in Zagreb cannot be expected because the dia le ct is absolutely devoid o f the feature. The Zagreb K a jk a v ia n dialect, to quote a n oth er o f M a g n e r’s w orks, does not use a fe ature o f post-vocalic length.[ 18] The test o f post-accentual length in Zagreb was, therefore, badly conceived. U n fo rtu n a te ly , th is is one o f the targets o f M & M ’s research since it represents the urban area.

The same th in g applies fo r Nis. P. Iv ic places th is c ity in the area o f the T o rlakia n dialects[ 19]These dialects have no risin g or fa llin g tones, no phonemic vocalic length and m ay have w o rd -fin a l stress. None o f these features belongs to the S tokavian dialect. B ut M & M were te stin g fo r the S tokavian features, despite th e ir non-existence in th is dialect.

M oreover, any in ve stig a to r w ith the results o f M & M ’s te st as presented in the appended tables w ould a u to m a tic a lly suspect some problem w ith the S tokavian dialect in this area;

the average perception is only about the ra te o f chance, low er th a n fo r Zagreb.

M & M do not address the differences in the dialectal areas when there m ig h t be some reason to suspect th a t th e ir tests were ina pp rop riate , except w hen i t was a negative expec- ta tio n . T hus, a p p a re n tly surprised th a t the students had perform ed so w ell, M & M ration*

alize: “ Some o f the students tested in Zagreb and Belgrade were born elsewhere, or th e ir parents m ig rate d fro m the classical areas o f V u k 's prosodic system and the fa m ilie s appar- e n tly managed to re ta in , a t least p a rtia lly , the regional prosodic ch a ra cte ristics.” (p. 104.) So m uch is w ro n g w ith this statem ent — w h y is i t V u k ’s prosodic system i f these students use it, w h y do the fam ilies “ m anage” to re ta in instead o f s im p ly re ta in , w h y are they ta

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ing about the students' backgrounds and speech acquisition only in this respect — th a t it can scarcely be coherently criticized. One th in g is clear: M & M have an operating bias.

They are not inve stiga ting for the sake o f finding som ething out, they prefer to prove som ething w hether or not i t is rig h t.

T h e ir bias is a ctu a lly manifested in all apsects o f th e ir investigation: th e ir chúces in related lite ra tu re , th e ir lack o f care or consistency in ad m iniste ring the tests, their disre- gard for the m a te ria l involved in the testing, and th e ir condescending tone which it main•

tained alm ost u n re m ittin g ly throughout the book. Despite all attem pts to do oth?rwise, demonstrate convincingly the tenacity o f the V ukovian accentual norm in Stokavun S-C.

This should be th e ir conclusion, not the reverse.

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Titograd 1/26 3/26 3.8 11.5

Sisak 10/25 13/25 18.3 23.6

Zagreb 11/36 21/36 30.5 58.31

Beograd 21/61 29/61 34.4 47.5

Loznica 17/116 36/116 14.7 31.0

Niš 21/43 26/43 48.9 60.5

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[17] W. Browne. C ritique in SEEJ, op cit, p. 505.

[18] M agner, Zagreb Kajkavian Dialect, Pennsylvania State Studies. 18, 1966, pp. 21*23.

[19] See his map in Der Serbo-Kroatische Dialekte, I, Mouton: The Hague. 1958.

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Im Dokument The Structure of Verse Language (Seite 171-200)