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All together, the present studies confirmed that the division of rats by their levels of activity in the exploration box test and by the 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations elicited by tickling yields groups with significant differences in anxiety- and depression-like behaviours. Methods were developed for measure-ment of the differences in exploration and emitting of USVs.

Animals with high exploratory behaviour appear less anxious in other behavioural tests and also use more active coping strategies. The midbrain DA and 5-HT neurotransmission in PFC and hippocampus (with possible influences from BDNF and brainstem AP-2) contribute to the inter-individual variations in these dispositions. CRF1 receptor blockade modulates exploratory behaviour, whereas this modulation is highly dependent on drug-environment interactions, animals’ former experience with the test apparatus and inter-individual differen-ces in exploratory behaviour. Apparently, intact CRF system is nedifferen-cessary for normal exploratory behaviour. Long-term CRF1 blockade decreased corticoste-rone levels in HE animals and increased in LE animals, suggesting differences in the stress-related neuroendocrine systems in these groups.

The differences in animals’ disposition to respond to tickling with high or low levels of 50-kHz USVs relate to the animal’s more general tendency for emotional reactivity over different situations, and the HC-rats are more sensitive to stimulation. Tickling on its own induces changes in behaviour that refer to decreased anxiety levels and are paralleled by different changes in mono-aminergic systems in HC- and LC-rats. In female rats, the effects of chronic variable stress in the present study were mostly not observed, being possibly attenuated by social housing, but the increased 22-kHz USVs and changes in the brain metabolic activity in HC animals suggest greater sensitivity to stress in this group. The male rats with low 50-kHz USV response to tickling present a phenotype behaviourally more vulnerable to stress, that also corresponds to stronger stress effects on brain metabolic activity in this group, especially in increases in metabolic activity in limbic regions.


Main support to this work came from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science projects No 0180814 and 0182643, Estonian Science Foundation project No 4531, European Social Fund no, 1.0101-0159, Hope for Depression Research Foundation, and the European Commission Framework 6 Integrated Project NEWMOOD (LSHM-CT-2004–503474). Dr. Anne W. Schmidt (Pfizer) kindly donated CP-154,526 and Prof. Svante Ross (AstraZeneca) DSP-4.

My sincerest respect belongs to my supervisor professor Jaanus Harro for excellent scientific thinking, merciless quest for perfection in statements and almost inhumane patience in guidance up to the last moment in the preparation of the present work as well as previous papers.

Of all the good people from the psychophysiology team I am most indebted to Aet for providing proportionally more support on both professional and personal level than I have, to the extent of likely impeding her own progress.

Nevertheless, any of the work presented would not have been accomplished in such style without Kadri, Denis, Marika and others. Thank you.

For each and every positive affect in my life – Annabel, Natali and Signe.


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