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Socioeconomic Status based on Social Media Data

5.2 Future Work

This section discusses some potential extension directions for the three specific works in the future.

For the issue of topical opinion leader identification in SCQA sites, we plan to improve the proposed model in some directions. First, regarding measuring topic-sensitive influence, besides the votes and following link structure, we will explore to incorporate the network structure based on question answering and the comments on answers. Second, due to the dynamic change of knowledge and topics in SCQA sites, in the next step, we will take into account the time factor as a weight to identify the current influence and knowledge expertise.

Third, as discussed in Section 2.5.3, we plan to leverage the idea of learning to rank to improve the identification performance. Furthermore, to enhance the prediction performance of the user topic change, we plan to consider more features, such as the number of votes, the number of comments, and employ attention mechanism to select informative factors for the sequence.

For the problem of predicting individual SES based on mobile phone data, there are some potential future directions of this work. First, in order to predict finer grained SES value of each user, some other methods can be further explored and utilized such as ranking method and regression method. For example, this work could be regarded as a ranking problem. The goal of the new ranking problem is to optimally sort the users in terms of SES, which would be a more challenging and interesting problem. Next, it is interesting to study how to further explore more implicit relationships, e.g., involving mobile Internet behavior of each user. In addition, to further verify the feasibility and reusability of the proposed model, we plan to apply HyperFGM on different kinds of datasets to demonstrate the power of HyperFGM in other classification tasks.

For the issue of SES prediction of social media users, we will explore more information from social media content. First, considering the potential effect of microblog level attributes, we will explore to incorporate microblog level attributes to improve the social media content representation. Next, we will take into account coupling information between attributes and social media text to improve our model. Third, as most attributes contain categorical and numerical ones, we plan to study the embedding representation of categorical attributes and the method of capturing the couplings between categorical and numerical attributes. Finally, we plan to apply the proposed model to different datasets, such as Twitter, Quora and Zhihu, which can further verify its efficiency and robustness.

Finally, there are also some potential new issues of online users’ social status identification that need to be addressed. For example, considering people almost use many applications and services every day, identifying social status based on cross-platform data sources become a promising research work. Another issue is to fuse multi-modal data, such as video, image, audio, text, etc, for identifying social status of users.

5.2 Future Work 87




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