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Several parameters of orthotics should be explored in more detail. First, it needs to be determined if the use of orthotics during ambulatory and resting periods, or during day and night time has similar effects on muscle morphometrics. Results in young CP children (≤ 4 years) showed that day-night and sole daytime use of ankle foot orthotics seems to have similar effects on passive dorsiflexion (Zhao et al., 2013). However, it is common practice to additionally subscribe ankle foot orthotics during the night. Mol et al. (2012) reasoned that this was more beneficial, since sleeping CP children are quite relaxed and night use may help to prolong the stretch stimulus. The children would probably elsewise sleep in pronounced equinus posture. Interestingly, there also seems to be no extra sleep disturbance caused by night orthotics in CP children (Mol et al., 2012). Second, to the best my knowledge, the impact of the wearing time of orthotics on muscle architecture has not been quantified. In the first study of this thesis, the recommendation was to wear the brace throughout the night. If additional day use was scheduled, only 1-2 hours should have been spent without the brace. In the past, it had been reported that at least 6 hours are necessary to prevent progressive contracture in CP (Tardieu et al., 1988). Still, a study from Sweden reported that only 53% of children with CP regularly wear ankle-foot orthotics for more than 7 hours a day (Wingstrand et al., 2014). Consequently, our current protocol may be considered as a rather extensive approach. In the future, heat sensitive sensors may be implemented and actual wearing times can be documented. This can be used as co-variates when assessing treatment effects (Maas et al., 2014). Third, the effect of knee-ankle-foot orthotics and ankle-foot orthotics may be compared. Notably though, compliance with knee-ankle-foot orthotics was reported to be very limited due to severe discomfort (Maas et al., 2014). Recommending knee-ankle-foot orthotics to target the gastrocnemius (Sees and Miller, 2013) may thus be a theoretical rather than a practical option. Fourth, the orthotics may be instrumentally combined with active movement training. This could be done by incorporating an external device that was able to give feedback to the patients (Zhao et al., 2011). Fifth, concerning the ankle-foot orthotic which was used in this thesis, the incorporated hinge blocked plantarflexion motion completely. This might have led to


learned non-use of the plantarflexors during gait. Therefore, the effectiveness of more dynamic hinge constructions with varying mechanical resistance may be explored.

Apart from that, the use of ultrasound during gait may be capable may be capable of providing valuable information on other muscle pathologies in CP, e.g. for the tibialis anterior in children with foot drop or for the rectus femoris and vastii in children with crouch or stiff knee gait. Wireless ultrasound techniques will perhaps also enable visualization of muscles during uncompromised overground gait.

Also tendons and their properties warrant further attention in CP. As previously described, elongated tendons are a quite typical finding in CP children and not limited to the calf muscles.

Remarkably though, the Achilles tendon is typically lengthened during surgery (Dietz et al., 2006) while the patellar-tendon is shortened (Böhm et al., 2017) to improve walking. It appears reasonable that also patella-tendon properties should be explored in more detail in CP. Previous investigations in typically developing children (O'Brien et al., 2010) or in juvenile athletes (Mersmann et al., 2015) focused on the patella-tendon properties by combining ultrasound and dynamometry. This could be also done in CP children. Similar to cellular muscle tissue characteristics, also properties of tendon tissue are likely altered. It had been speculated that increased muscle tone creates persisting tendon strains below injury threshold and leads to a tendinopathic like state in CP children (Gagliano et al., 2013). In their review on tendinopathies in otherwise healthy controls, O’Neill et al. (2015) speculated that muscle weakness and poor neuromuscular co‐ordination are related to tendinopathic states. Both of these risk factors are major constrains in CP children. Biopsis of tendon tissue during surgery could be informative.

Eventually, according to a dynamical system driven theory, the abnormal movement patterns in CP may be somewhat optimal for a biomechanically and neurologically limited system (Holt et al., 1996).

These movement patterns will persist as long as the stability of the system can be sufficiently

‘perturbed’. The author of this thesis believes that the ‘perturbations’ induced by altered muscle-tendon properties secondary to conservative interventions may often reach a magnitude that is too low to induce an actual change of the movement or gait pattern in CP children. Future research could focus on the interplay between muscle-tendon properties and neural coordination. It should explore concepts such as muscle synergies (Steele et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2015) in more detail. Hao and Chen (2011) and Kim et al. (2013), for example, speculated that the benefits of backward gait training are transmitted via altered neuromuscular control and reorganization of muscle synergies.



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