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Chapter 4 - Summary Discussion

4.3 Future Research Perspectives

The present cumulative dissertation examined a clinically relevant topic, namely difficulties of sleep and self-regulation from early childhood to adolescence about their longitudinal association, concurrence and reciprocal relationships. Results provided evidence for stable and heterogeneous developmental patterns for both contents, strong mutual associations with concurrent symptoms and longitudinal bi-directional relations, dominated in impact by the dysregulation-driven paths. Future studies should explore the underlying mechanisms of these relationships in greater detail to improve our understanding. The current cumulative work relied solely on a

88 population-based sample. Hence, the replication in broader clinical samples may be especially informative, since both problem areas studied should be exaggerated in the more vulnerable population of psychiatric patients, such as those with autism (Cohen et al., 2014; Richdale, 2009). This would allow to putting our findings in a more specific but also broader context.

Another direction of future research may lie in the measurement of sleep problems. In the current work, items from the CBCL were used to access general sleep problems. Although the CBCL sleep composite is a valid and reliable measurement of sleep problems, the inclusion of formal diagnoses of sleep disorders would have strengthened the results. Moreover, for the consideration of specific features of sleep disturbances, more detailed sleep assessments, such as actigraphy could be included.

As this cumulative work represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first detailed and systematic examination of the longitudinal relationship between difficulties of sleep and self-regulation, focus was given on the content of interest itself (i.e., behavioral sleep problems, regulatory difficulties in emotion, attention and aggression domain separately estimated as specific problems and jointly formed the broad syndrome of dysregulation profile) without considering potential influences from family/parental factors (Adam, Snell, & Pendry, 2007; Cousins, Bootzin, Stevens, Ruiz, & Haynes, 2007). It would be of particular value if future investigations could take into account these factors.

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101 Acknowledgements

First and foremost I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof.

Aribert Rothenberger for the continuous support of my doctoral study and related research. I appreciate all his contributions of time, ideas and knowledge to make this experience joyful, productive and stimulating. His great passion and enthusiasm for science is and will always be inspiring for my future research. I could not imagine having a better supervisor and mentor for my doctoral study and following career.

I would like to thank the members of my thesis committee: Prof. Nicole von Steinbüchel and Prof. York Hagmayer, not only for their time devoted to my project, but also for their insightful advices and warm encouragements. I would also like to thank my program promoter, Prof. Martin Oppermann, and Ms. Kornelia Ewens from the promotion office, for their project management and help in my doctoral program.

I am greatly thankful to my colleagues in the clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy: Prof. Luise Poustka, Dr. Corinna Isensee, Dr. Henrik Uebel-von Sandersleben, Ms. Ute Bolt, Dr. Björn Albrecht, for their constant help and support during my study. Specially, I am extremely grateful to Dr. Andreas Becker, for his countless help in both work and life. I am very lucky to have an advisor and friend so kind as he is. My sincere thank you also goes to Ms. Barbara Kunze, who generously offered her help when I begin my life in Goettingen. I would also like to say thanks to my great office mates, former and present, Ms. Parisa Ganje, Ms. Olga Müller, Ms.

Chrinstina Kälble, Mr. Mohammad Rostami for their sweet companion along the way.

I would like to thank Prof. Thomas Meyer, Dr. Geza Brüni, Prof. Florian Zepf, Prof.

Peter Eastwood, Dr. Kevin Runions, Dr. Janice Wong, Dr. Rae-Chi Huang, Dr.

Richard Stewart whom I have done collaboration work with, for their high level of expertise, constructive suggestions, inspiring discussions and generous help as

102 experienced researchers. I am also thankful to the Raine Study for both children and their families for years of participation, and the management team for cohort co-ordination and data collection, the research ideas and work from this thesis would not be possible without your efforts.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my funding, Overseas Study Program of Guangzhou Elite Project, for providing financial support during my doctoral study, and Guangzhou Service Center for Scholarly Exchange office, especially Ms. Huiting Mai, for providing excellent project management and great support.

Finally, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my husband Shi Cheng, my family and my friends, for their endless love and unconditional support in all of my pursuits. You are the source of my strength and l love you too.