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- Linking ecological and physiological approaches !

5.3 Future perspectives

In this thesis, the combination of ecological and physiological studies on cod from different populations revealed that trade-offs in energy budget are unfavourable for growth and fecundity of specimens living in the cold.

Higher growth performance in North Sea cod and Norwegian cod than in Arctic cod could reflect adjustment to the specific temperature regime used in the present growth experiment. Therefore, further experiments with temperature regimes from 4OC down to sub-zero temperatures which characterize the natural environment of the Arcto Norwegian cod should be undertaken in the future. Additionally, experimental comparisons of the fecundity of different cod populations under identical food conditions would be necessary to exclude the possible effects of variable food availability in nature.

It is assumed that the thermal limits of cod are set by insufficient oxygen levels in the body fluids, due to the discrepancy between oxygen demand and supply via circulation and ventilation. Correspondingly, investigations by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (^P-MRS) are ongoing.

In the long run an integrated unitary model of the temperature-sensitive response of cod from the molecular to the population level should be worked out. This could be used to forecast the effects of global warming on stock sizes of cod and provide an effective tool in successful fishery management.

The last lines of this text are words of gratitude to all those who helped to make this thesis possible.

Firstly, thanks to those who have provided the framework of this thesis:


Prof. Dr. Wolf E. Arntz of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (AWI) who supported this thesis and thoroughly revised the manuscript.

- Prof. Dr. Hans Otto Partner (AWI) and Dr. Rainer Knust (AWI) who had the initial idea for this thesis. l wish to thank for their creative influence, Inspiration and valuable advice.

I am grateful to Torild Johansen and Gunnar Naevdal (Fisheries and Marine Biology, University of Bergen) for providing raw data from the growth experiments with Norwegian coastal cod and North Eastern Arctic cod.

Special thanks are exetended to the Crews of the research vessels HEINCKE and UTHÖR who helped me to catch cod.

The otolith readings were performed at the Bundesforschungsanstalt fü Fischerei (Hamburg)


Thanks to Gudrun Fürstenber and Thomas Kehlert.

I really whish to thank all members of the White Sea Biological Station 1 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg, Russia for the excellent support and alt the helpful ha.nds at the station.

The growth experiments with cod from the southern North Sea were carried out at the "Biologische Anstalt Helgoland". Thanks to all people from Helgoland who helped me to have a successful stay. A special thank to Sandra Jaklin for helping me to manage the cod measurements and especially for perfect €urelial-day


I have discussed the mysteries of oxygen consumption measurements with very cooperative colleagues: Thanks to Gisela Lannig, Timo Hirse, Dr. Franz Josef Sartoris and Olaf Heilmayer.

A special 'thank you' also to the ecologists and students of the "Columbus Centre-crew". It was a nice time in the lab, on board and during the breaks with very pleasant people: l want to thank Katja Mintenbeck, Eva Brodte, Inken Suck, Sylke Wohlrab, Kai Wätjen Wolf Isbert, Dr. Jens Heuers and Alexander Schroeder.

I wish to thank Dr. Angela Sommer, Susanne Gatti and Albrecht Willer for helpful comments On the discussion of this thesis. The complete version of this thesis was intensively read by Till Becker. Till, thank you very much for your patient help.

During the last years l met many people in Bremerhaven, the great majority of whom l can now call friends. Several of whom helped and supported me in many ways. Thank you to Christina, Frank, Uwe, my flat mates and the other flat-sharing community at the "Bogenstraße" l really enjoyed the refreshing sport sessions at the beach, in the pool and at different other locations.

Especially during the last year it was not enough time to cultivate the friendships outside from Bremerhaven, but l promise l will be back!

And for what most kept me going, thanks to Birte and my family!

A contribution to the ELOISE Project: "Effects of climate induced temperature change on marine coastal fishes (CLICOFI)", funded by the European Union Programme "Climate and environment", contract No. ENV4-CT97-0596.

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