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A research project never ends, as soon as a question is answered many more questions and experiments come to mind. Scientific research requires dedication, discipline, curiosity and vocation. Therefore, this section is dedicated to summarizing some ideas of experiments that can be done to answer some questions derived from the results presented in this dissertation:

meis2b overexpression: This project has revealed the cardiac defects originated from a mutation in meis2b. However, it will be interesting to investigate what happens in the opposite case, regarding atrial cardiomyocyte proliferation, expression of Meis2b downstream targets (pitx2), cardiac embryonic phenotype and cardiac conduction.

This is an ongoing investigation, and several meis2b overexpression constructs were synthesized; at the time of submission of this Thesis dissertation to the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, the injected fish are being screened for founders.

• MEIS2 in heart development and asymmetry in mammals: Mammals only have one MEIS2 orthologue; however, several splice isoforms are derived from MEIS2 (Dunwoodie, Rodriguez et al. 1998, Longobardi, Penkov et al. 2014). It would be useful to determine which isoforms are expressed in the mouse heart, if they are asymmetrically expressed, and if they can also regulate cardiac Pitx2 expression.

- Conclusion -

• Meis2b interaction partners during heart development: As previously mentioned, Meis1 and 2 are important interaction partners of Pbx and Hox transcription factors.

It would be interesting to dissect how these interactions contribute to the cardiac phenotype observed in the meis2b mutants in this study.

• Meis2a in heart development: In contrast to meis2b, meis2a is expressed in both atrium and ventricle (with a slight ventricular enrichment). Due to the interesting anterior-posterior expression pattern of meis2b in the early stages of cardiac development, but an absence of phenotype in the embryonic heart, it is possible that Meis2a, at least in part, compensate for the loss of Meis2b. Therefore, close evaluation of heart development in meis2a and meis2b mutants could provide some answers in this matter.

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