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The limitations of this work also guide the direction of its future development. My biggest concern related to empirical research is the sole usage of survey data in a cross-sectional research design, as the intention to do something does not automatically lead to a specific behavior, and, depending on the area of application, behavioral intention of an IT decision maker might not even be a good predictor of actual behavior, especially in the case of organizational change. Therefore, in my opinion, to truly do empirical research, it is necessary to measure actual behavior in a longitudinal research design. Hence, future work should try to include these considerations when gathering data. In addition to the problems resulting out of the cross-sectional study design, I now see the usage of “arm length” research methods with skepticism. It is possible that a lot of results in the empirical domain are due to common method variance. Therefore mixing in “hard data points” or including experimental elements might reduce this bias, raising the validity of the results.

Beneath these methodological issues, future work should focus on finding true differences in the continuance of on-premise ES and on-demand ES. Hence, the survey should be distributed among organizations which have installed on-premise ES and group differences between both should be analyzed. There should be significant differences between the impact of e.g.

variables like system investment and technical integration between both deployment modes.

In addition, the differences in evaluation of success between both technology foundations, including their benefits and success factors, should be studied.

From a theoretical perspective, the focus should lie on building a model which is more parsimonious and does not need to include various variables from distinct models. Therefore, one should seek for stronger a priori theories explaining a higher portion of the variance with less included variables. For instance, institutional theory might better help to predict organizational level continuance than the socio-technical approach applied in this thesis.


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Sebastian Walther, born 1983 in Speyer, went to school at the Copernicus Gymnasium in Philippsburg, where he made his Abitur in 2003. After a year of civil service at the hospital in Bruchsal, he studied industrial engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), former University of Karlsruhe, and at the Singapore Management University. In Decembre 2010 Mr. Walther started as doctoral candidate at the Chair for Information System Management at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, with visiting scholar positions at the Queensland University of Technology (9/2012-12/2012), Australia, and the University of St.

Gallen (2/2013-7/2013), Switzerland. During his studies at KIT he worked as an intern for several global companies, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, SAP and A.T. Kearney.


Walther, S., Markovic, I., Schuller, A., and Weidlich, A. 2010. “Classification of

Business Models in the E-Mobility Domain,” In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference Smart Grids and EMobility, pp. 35–42.


Walther, S., Eymann, T., and Horbel, C. 2011. “A Service-Dominant Logic Based Service-Productivity Improvement Framework,” In RESER Conference.


Walther, S., and Eymann, T. 2012. “The Role of Confirmation on IS Continuance Intention in the Context of On-Demand Enterprise Systems in the Post-Acceptance Phase,” In Proceedings of the 18th Americas’ Conference on Information Systems.


Walther, S., Plank, A., Eymann, T., Singh, N., and Phadke, G. 2012. “Success Factors and Value Propositions of Software as a Service Providers - A Literature Review and Classification,” In Proceedings of the 18th Americas’ Conference on Information Systems.


Walther, S., Eden, R., Phadke, G., Eichin, R., and Eymann, T. 2012. “The Role of Past Experience with On-Premise on the Confirmation of the Actual System Quality of On-Demand Enterprise Systems,” In Pre-ICIS Workshop on Enterprise Systems in MIS, Orlando.

Wieneke, A., Walther, S., Eichin, R., and Eymann, T. 2013. “Erfolgsfaktoren von On-Demand-Enterprise-Systemen aus der Sicht des Anbieters - Eine explorative Studie,” In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leipzig.


Dörr, S., Walther, S., and Eymann, T. 2013. “Information Systems Success - A Quantitative Literature Review and Comparison,” In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leipzig.


List of Publications (Continued)


VHB-Jourqual WI Orientieru ngsliste Walther, S., Sarker, S., Sedera, D., and Eymann, T. 2013. “Exploring Subscription

Renewal Intention of Operational Cloud Enterprise Systems - A Socio-Technical Approach,” In Proceedings of the 21st European Confence on Information Systems, Utrecht.


Walther, S., Sedera, D., Sarker, S., and Eymann, T. 2013. “Evaluating Operational Cloud Enterprise Systems Success: An Organizational Perspective,” In Proceedings of the 21st European Confence on Information Systems, Utrecht.


Walther, S., Sarker, S., Sedera, D., Otto, B., and Wunderlich, P. 2013. “Exploring Subscription Renewal Intention of Operational Cloud Enterprise Systems - A Stakeholder Perspective,” In Proceedings of the 19th Americas’ Conference on Information Systems, Chicago.


Phadke, G., Buchholz, S., Volz, B., Walther, S., Niemann, C., and Eymann, T.

2013. “An Agent-Based Simulation Tool for the Evaluation of Surgical-Operation Schedules,” In Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA).