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Functions/or Non-blocking 110

Im Dokument mei<o Surface (Seite 170-181)

Header Files


As well as the blocking CSN functions there are corresponding functions csntxnb ( ) , and csnrxnb () that can be used to start communications while allowing the user program to continue to execute. Using these functions it is pos-sible to queue up many buffers into which receives will occur when messages are sent, thus insulating the sender from delays in the receiver, or queue many buffers to be sent as soon as a receiver is willing to accept them.

As soon as the sender has many buffers queued up for transmission or reception, one needs a way of testing whether a buffer has been sent so that we may reuse or destroy the buffer. This functionality is provided by csntest () .

csnrxnb () csntest () csntxnb ()

Queue a buffer for receiving a message.

Test for completion of queued send/receive.

Queue a message for transmission.

Various constant values and type specifications are required when interfacing to the CSN. In particular, all the CSN functions are named with the initial letters cs, but their types are not implicit real. The header files include the correct type definitions for the CSN functions, and define macros names for various parame-ters and return values.

Two header files have been included in this release. These are called csn. inc and csnmcs. inc, and reside in /opt/MEIKOcs2/include/csn.



Library Files

You must ensure that the contents of these files are included at the beginning of each Fortran CSN program - you can automate this process by including the following lines at the head of your program, and by passing it through a C pre-processor. Many compilers automatically invoke the C preprocessor if the For-tran file name includes a . F suffix in place of the usual . f.

'include <csn/csn.inc>

C Variable declarations here 'include <csn/csnmcs.inc>

C Executable code and statement functions ONLY here.

You should specify the search path for these header files to your compiler by us-ing the command line option - I I opt/MEIKOcs2/include.

All CSN libraries are stored in the directory I opt/MEIKOcs2 I lib. Programs that use the CSN routines must be linked with the following command line op-tions:

I-L/OPt/MEIKOCS2I1ib -lcsn -lew -lelan


To use the version of the CSN library that produces ParaGraph compatible trace files you precede the -1 c 5 n in the above line by -1 C 5 n y t . Your attention is drawn to the following two sections which describe environment variables that are applicable to tracing, and also the tracing functions.


There is also a debugging version of the library which attempts to provide more security and better error behaviour than the standard library - although it will also be slower. This library is available by specifying -lcsn_dbg in place of the standard version.


Using the Fortran CSN Library 5

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used by this library. Many are inherited from libew - the low level Elan Widget library.

LIBCSN TRACEFILE For use with libcsn_pt only, this variable specifies the name of the trace file to use; each node outputs to $LIBCSN_TRACE-FILE.nodeno.

Default name is LIBCSN TRACE.nodeno.

LIBCSN TRACEBUF For use with libcsn_pt only, this variable specifies the number of events to allow in the trace buffer.

LIBEW WAITYPE Specifies how Llte low level Elan widget library (libew) routines wait for Elan events; either POLL or WAIT, default is to POLL.

LIBEW DMATYPE Specifies the type ofDMA transfer used by the low level Elan widget library (libew). Either


LIBEW DMACOUNT Specifies the permitted retry count for DMA transfers. Default is 1.

LIBEW RSYS ENABLE Enables the remote system call server; when enabled stdin, stdout, and stderr are routed through the host process. May be either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled), default is 1.

LIBEW RSYS BUFSIZE The buffer size used by the remote system call server. Default is 8192 bytes.

LIBEW RSYS SERVER Virtual process ID of the processor that will run the system call server.

LIBEW CORE Enables core dump on exception. Values may be 1

(enabled) or 0 (disabled). By default core dumping is disabled.

LIBEW TRACE Enables a trace dump on exception. Values may be

1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). By default trace dumping is disabled.

6 SlOO2-10MI07.05


Program Tracing

Both ParaGraph and Alog/Upshot are supported for program tracing.


Three C-Ianguage functions in the low level Elan Widget library (libew) are ap-plicable to program tracing - these are ew ytraceStart () , ew ytrace-Stop (), and ew_ptraceFlush (). None of these take arguments and none return values to the caller.

Programs that are traced must be linked with libcsn_pt as described in an ear-lier section. The resulting trace file may be analysed with ParaGraph.

ew ytraceStart () ewytraceFlush ()

ew ytraceStop ()

Enables tracing and records a "start of tracing"


flushes the event buffer to the file system. It records a "start of flushing" event when it begins, and an

"end of flushing" event on completion. It generates an exception with code EW _ E IO if it fails to write to the trace file.

Disables tracing, records an "end of tracing" event and calls ewytraceFlush (). Note that ew_ptraceStop () and ewytraceStart () may be called repeatedly to record snapshots of a program's behaviour

Full documentation for the tracing functions is included in the Elan Widget Li-brary reference manual.

A log/Upshot

As an alternative to ParaGraph the event/state display tool upshot is also supported. To use this you need to instrument your code with trace points. De-tails may be found in /opt/MEIKOcs2/upshot/README-MEIKO.


Using the Fortran CSN Library 7

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This chapter includes detailed descriptions of each function in the CSN library.



csabortO Synopsis


See Also


Parallel communications routine

#include <cs.inc>

subroutine csabort(string, exitcode) character *(*) string

integer exitcode

csabort () prints the given string to the standard output device, and then caus-es an exception. It will never return. No flushing of output buffers is perfonned, so this function should be used with caution.

csnexit ().



csgetinfoO Synopsis



Reference Manual

Parallel communications routine

#include <cs.inc>

subroutine csgetinfo(nprocs, procid, localid) integer nprocs, procid, localid

csgetinfo () returns the number of processors involved in the program (nprocs), the identity of the local processor (processorld


O ... (nprocs-1)), and the identity of this process on this processor (currently always 0). The result will be 0 for success, and less than zero in the case of an error.


csncloseO Synopsis

Description See Also


Close a CSN Transport

#include <csn/csn.inc>

integer function csnclose(itransport) integer itransport

This function closes the transport itransport. The close will fail if there are any outstanding receives or transmits pending on the transport.




csnderegnameO Synopsis


See Also


Reference Manual

Remove a transport's name

#include <csn/names.inc>

integer function csnderegname(itransport) integer itransport

This function removes any name which was previously associated with the trans-port i transport. This is automatically perfonned when the transport itself is closed, so the only occasion on which this function needs to be explicitly called is if you wish to remove one name from a transport and then give it a new name.

This is a rare occurrence.



csnexitO Synopsis



Shut down network connection and exit process

#include <csn/csn.inc>

subroutine csnexit(istatus) integer istatus

This subroutine never returns. It closes all of the transports and then causes the calling program to exit with status istatus. It can be used to provide a (rela-tively) clean tennination in the case of an error.

To kill a parallel application, all processes should globally synchronise. Each process then calls csnexit (), but note that the process does not exit until all other processes have also called this function.

Warning - In current releases of this library, all outputs to the standard out-put device are routed through a single process (to ensure they are correctly line buffered). You must ensure that all output is complete before the 10 process terminates.



csngetidO Synopsis

Description See Also

Im Dokument mei<o Surface (Seite 170-181)