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6.3 Costs estimates

6.3.3 Cost functions

The relation between emission control costs and the associated emission control potentials can be displayed in form of cost functions. Cost functions are specific to each source region reflecting the different relative contributions from the different emission sources. Figure 6.7 presents such cost functions for the European part of Russia, France and Turkey for the year 2020, showing the measures that remain after implementation of the current legislation. These curves present for different levels of emission reductions (relative to the emissions in the year 1990) marginal abatement costs in €/t CO2–equivalent.

For Russia and France, cost curves start from levels below the 1990 emissions, while Turkey starts from higher emissions than 1990. For France, reductions due to a phase out of coal mining, improved gas distribution networks, and compliance with the Landfill Directive are accounted for in the CLE. Further limited reduction potentials exist in the agricultural sector and from gas distribution. For Russia, main reductions in CLE result from falling livestock numbers and a limited refurbishing of gas transmission pipelines. Further reduction potentials are possible through more extensive improvements of gas transmission pipelines, upgraded gas recovery from coal mining, and from the waste and wastewater sectors. The increase in Turkish methane emissions in 2020 is expected to come primarily from increased gas use and from increasing amounts of landfilled waste and wastewater. Technically feasible additional reductions are possible primarily from the same sectors.

-50 0 50 100 150 200

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140%

Percent of 1990 emissions

Russia-Eur (REMR) France Turkey

Figure 6.7: National cost curves for methane (CH4) mitigation for the year 2020 for Russia, France and Turkey. These curves present marginal abatement costs (€/t CO2–equivalent) in relation to the emission levels in the year 1990.

Table 6.14 presents an example of a country-specific cost-function. In this case, the underlying information for the Czech Republic is presented, but similar cost functions are available for all regions. At maximum, full application of the GAINS measures (MTFR case) would achieve a reduction of more than 218 kt out of totally 473 kt CH4. Only three options are available at moderate costs (i.e., at less than 3,000 €/t CH4, which is about 12 €/t CO2-eq.). Still, these three options cover more than one third of the total mitigation potential.

Table 6.14. Costs and emission reductions for individual CH4 mitigation measures in the Czech Republic in 2020. Coal mining Methane recovery and

use -86 189 -16.2 76 -6.4 Solid waste Biogasification of

organic waste 130 0 0 29 3.7 Solid waste Landfill gas recovery

with flaring 221 44 3 -43.6 0 Gas distribution Increased control

frequency of network 283 0 0 12.9 3.6 Gas distribution Replacement of grey

cast iron networks 1815 0 0 94.0 170.6

7 Conclusions

GAINS Version 1.0 assesses present and future emissions of methane (CH4) from anthropogenic sources in Europe and estimates the available potential for mitigation and the associated costs. From the first implementation, the following conclusions can be drawn:

• Highest CH4 emissions in Europe are estimated from the production and distribution of natural gas. While for all of Europe these sources contribute approximately one third to total emissions, Russian emissions alone account for some 25 percent of total European CH4 emissions.

• The second largest source of CH4 emissions relates to agricultural activities. In the EU-25, agriculture is estimated to contribute 43 percent to total CH4 emissions. Other important contributors are waste treatment and coal mining.

• Continuing autonomous improvements in agricultural productivity coupled with livestock reductions in milk production and progressing implementation of European legislation on waste landfills are expected to lead to lower CH4 emissions in the coming decades. Additional factors that will lead to lower CH4 emissions in the future are improved gas distribution networks and lower coal production in Western Europe.

For the entire model domain, the baseline emission projections suggests for 2020 a resulting decline in CH4 emissions of 20 percent, while stricter legislation in the EU-25 is expected to reduce CH4 emissions by 30 percent.

• There exist a number of mitigation options to reduce emissions of CH4 at all sources.

Further emission reductions would be technically feasible through, in particular, reduced gas leakages from gas transmission pipelines and distribution networks, extended waste diversion and higher landfill standards in non-EU countries. However, there is only a little potential for further reductions in emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management in the agricultural sector.

• For some of these mitigation options, comparably low costs are calculated. In addition to the “current legislation”, the GAINS Version 1.0 assessment identifies measures that could further reduce European CH4 emissions in 2020 by 17 million tons of CH4 (i.e., by one third of the baseline level) at marginal costs below 20 €/t CO2-equivalent.

• The remaining mitigation potential (on top of current legislation) is associated with higher costs. However, since some of these options address other critical issues at the same time (e.g., treatment of wastewater), they might materialize in the future.


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