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Consensus model

Smc4 Wwp2 Iars2 Sfmbt2 Nr6a1 Calcr Copz2 Copz1 Srebf2 Mcm7 Zranb2 Tln2 Rcl1 2010111i01rik Gpr35 Rtl1 Pank3 Pank1 Elmo3 Nfyc Igf2 Chm Pde2a Arrb1 Mib1 Slit3 Evl Slit2 Gabre Dnaja1 Trpm1 Hoxd4 Lpp Grid1 Dnm3 Dnm2 Dnm1 Trpm3 Htr2c Myh6 Ttll10 Ank1 Huwe1 1110001a07rik Ptprn2 Aatk Ptk2 Ppargc1b


!2 0 2 4

Host genes

zscore Mcm7 2010111i01rik Rcl1 Astn1 Tln2 Elmo3 Mib1 Trpm3 Hoxd4 Zranb2 Dnm3 Rtl1 Smc4 Nfyc Ptprn2 Srebf2 Ttll10 Grid1 Htr2c Iars2 Gpr35 Copz1 Trpm1 Nr6a1 Huwe1 Ftl2 Ftl1 Ppargc1b Pank3 Slit2 Slit3 Copz2 Calcr Dnm1 Ank1 Igf2 Dnaja1 Pank1 Wwp2 Sfmbt2 Chm Lpp Dusp19 Gabre Arrb1


!2 0 2 4

Host genes


Figure B.1:Functional similarity of host and target gene sets as predicted by Pictar and the consensus model. Z scores for all annotated host genes.


So now at the end of this work I’d like to express my greatest gratitude to all the people helped and accompanied me during the last years, months and weeks up to today. I could never have done this work without all the help, support, guidance and efforts of the following people:

ˆ Prof. Dr. Elmar W. Lang. He was the first supervisor of my work and had also accompanied me during my diploma thesis and parts of my under-graduate studies. He strongly supported me in all my interests not only in the field of information theoretical based methods for microarray data analysis but also in other fields including machine learning and computa-tional intelligence. Furthermore he gave me the opportunity to participate at an international conference and several visits to the work group of Pe-dro Gomez Vilda in Madrid. Moreover, he always willingly took the time to listen to all my questions, doubts and concerns.

ˆ Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Theis. Halfway through my work he gave me the opportunity to slightly modify the focus of my work towards a more sys-tems biology oriented focus and still continue with my already commenced projects. He also supported and still supports me in my ideas. He further made it possible to me to visit several interesting conferences and work-shops. At any time, he readily listened and helped me to overcome all the problems I addressed to him. Finally he gives me the chance to carry on with my exciting running projects.

ˆ Prof. Dr. Schmitz. I started my work under his guidance. During my time at the ‘Klinikum Regensburg’, he made several datasets available and guided my analyses at his institute. Furthermore, he taught me to self-confidently continue and defend my work.

ˆ Prof. Dr. Pedro Gomez Vilda. During my visits to Madrid he was a pleas-ant host. We had several interesting discussions and he not only supplied intersting ideas but also various impressive informations about Spain, its culture and history.

ˆ Dr. PD Thomas Langmann and Prof. Dr Charalampos Aslanidis. They supported me in all my biological questions and guided my work during my studies at the ‘Klinikum Regensburg’.

ˆ Dr. Peter Ugocsai. He was not only my office colleague in Regensburg, but also a readily helpful and very friendly fellow in many projects. I also extremely enjoyed our football plays.

ˆ My further co-operation partners. Without them it would not have been possible to get any of my work published. In particular there were Mar-got Grandl, Peter Gruber, Daniela Herold, Jan Krumsiek, Carsten Marr, Christoph M¨ohle, Reinhard Schachtner, Erik Seibold and Wolf Splettst¨oßer.

ˆ Lena, Dominik W., Daniel and Carsten for proofreading my manuscript and many useful comments.

ˆ My fellows here at the CMB and IBIS: Andreas, Elisabeth, Florian Bl., Florian B¨u., Gabi, Giovani, Gitti, Konrad and Mara. Thanks for interesting projects, discussions, suggestions and table football matches.

ˆ My old fellows in Regensburg at the CIML: Dominik S., Hans, Harold, Hermann, Ingo, Kurt and Mathias. Thanks for discussions, suggestions, tips on linux and blithely barbecues.

ˆ My old fellows at the Institute for Klin. Chem. in Regensburg: Gerhard, Katharina, Kerstin, Markus, Max, Richard, Susanne and Wolfgang. I had a diversified time there but you made the hard ones livable.

ˆ A million thanks to all my friends. There are so many of you, it is impossible to me to mention you all. Thank you for accompany me through all ups and downs, boredom, parties, trips, sports and of course music.

ˆ My family, Mom, Dad, Sebastian, Tobias, Franziska, Julian and Samuel.

Thank you for keep me always grounded and supporting and accompany me in all my decisions and plans I had (and still have), the wise and erroneous.


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