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2.1.1 Electrons in Semiconductors

As mentioned in section 1.2.2, semiconductors have a valence band (VB), which con-tains the valence electrons and a conductive band, the lowest energy band with unoc-cupied states. Typical energy band gaps for semiconductors are between 0.5 eV and 3 eV. At a (theoretical) temperature of 0 K, all the electrons are found in the VB and none in the CB and no electric current can be transported because there is no space to move. When the temperature is increased, some electrons are excited to the CB, thus making electrical transport possible. Every electron excited to the CB leaves behind a hole, which can be filled by surrounding electrons, leaving behind new holes. This shows that in the VB, it is more effective to describe the movement of a hole instead of all the electrons involved in a charge transport.

A very useful parameter to describe the behavior of electrons and holes in a semi-conductor is theeffective mass m:

1 mc = 1



∂k2 (2.1)

for the electrons in the conductive band and 1

mv = 1



∂k2 (2.2)

for the holes in the valence band.

Another important parameter is the Fermi energy EF. It is the energy to which electron states are filled at a temperature of 0 K. At higher temperatures, states above EF are also filled. This leads to the electron density n and hole density p. With the Boltzmann approximation, they become

2.1 Functional Description of Solar Cells

with kB being the Boltzmann constant, Nc the effective conduction band density of states and Nv the effective valence band density of states:

Nc = 2 These equations show, that the productnp is a constant for any given material at a given temperature,

np=NcNve−Eg/kBT. (2.7) with Eg being the band gap energy.

This leads to the definition of the so calledintrinsic carrier density ni

n2i =n p =NcNve−Eg/kBT. (2.8) A gradient in the charge carrier density leads to diffusion of the charge carriers due to a difference in density and to a drift due to the electric field resulting from a charge carrier gradient. These two effects lead to the charge carrier current densities

Jn =q Dn∇n+q n µnF (2.9) Jp =−q Dp∇p+q p µpF (2.10) withq being the electron charge,F being the electric field and by using the Einstein relations

µn = q Dn

kBT, µp = q Dp

kBT, (2.11)

relating the charge carrier mobility µto the diffusion constant D.

The charge carrier current densities can also be related to the Fermi Energy gradients

∇EFn and ∇EFp

Jnnn∇EFn (2.12)

Jppp∇EFp (2.13)

This means that a local difference in EF leads to a charge carrier transport until the force caused by resulting electric field and the force by charge carrier density are in equilibrium. This is especially interesting when having different materials with different Fermi energies next to each other, leading to so calledp-n junctions.

2.1 Functional Description of Solar Cells

2.1.2 Junctions

When putting two different materials together, one obtains a junction at the interface.

The characteristics of the junction depend on the properties of the materials relatively to each other. By matching a material with a Fermi energy close to the valence band (p-type) with one with a Fermi energy close to the conductive band (n-type), an in-ternal electrical field is established. With the use of this field incident photons can be transformed to electric power.

In crystalline silicon solar cells, the most commonly used technique, the p- and n-type material are both based on highly pure crystalline silicon. To change the Fermi energy, the crystal is doped with atoms with either less valence electrons (acceptors, p-type) or with more valence electrons (donors, n-p-type). A typical element for p-doping is Boron. Doping with boron leads to a higher concentration of holes in the VB, while the electron concentration in the CB decreases. However, the intrinsic carrier density stays the same. Because p > n, the holes in p-type semiconductors are called majority charge carriers and the electrons are called minority charge carriers. An element typically used for n-doping is Phosphorus. Here,n > p, therefore the electrons are called majority charge carriers and the holes are called minority charge carriers.

silicon is usually doped in concentrations of parts per million to avoid defects in the crystal which would lead to unwanted recombination of charge carriers. At such low doping concentration, the energy band gap remains the same as for pure silicon. The resulting junction is therefore called homojunction.

Another way of creating p-n junctions is to use completely different materials instead of similiar materials with different doping, like CIGS cells for example. Then, the energy band gaps of the p-type material and the n-type material are generally no longer equal and heterojunctions are formed. This leads to sudden changes in the band energies (vertical lines in the band energy diagram) as can be seen in figure 1.4 (b).

These sudden changes are called band offsets and can cause electron barriers leading to anomalies in the cell’s behavior as explained in section 2.4.1. A band offset is called positive, if a charge carrier has to spend energy when passing it from the material with small to the material with large energy band gap and negative if the charge carrier gains energy when passing it. Another way to classify the offsets are the expressions spike (positive barrier) and cliff (negative barrier).

2.1.3 Absorption of Photons

Another important mechanism for the performance of a solar cell is the absorption of photons. As described above, every material has electrons at states of certain energies.

An incident photon can interact with the electron, giving it its energy and momentum and exciting it to another state. This process is called photon absorption. The proba-bility of a photon being absorbed depends on the density of electrons and the energy states the electron can be excited to. The more possible states there are, the more likely it is for the photon to get absorbed. The electron’s transition from one state to another can either be direct or indirect, depending on the momentum of the initial and the final state. For indirect band gaps, a phonon from the material is needed to change the electrons momentum. Such a three particle interaction (electron, photon,

2.1 Functional Description of Solar Cells

Figure 2.1: Absorption of light beam of different wavelengths according to Lambert’s Law for CIGS (left) and c-Si (right).

phonon) is far less probable than a two particle interaction (electron, photon) of a direct transition. This is the reason why indirect semiconductors like crystalline silicon need to have thicker absorbers (several hundred µm) than direct semiconductors as CIGS (around 2µm) to absorb most of the incident light.

This behavior can also be described by the absorption coefficientα, which is the imag-inary part of the index of refraction. The absorption coefficient (also called attenuation coefficient) is a measure for how quickly a beam (of photons, electrons, neutrons,. . . ) is weakened to 1/e of the initial intensity in a material, its unit beingm−1. In case of photons, the absorption coefficient is wavelength dependent. The absorption coefficient of CIGS is around 102 times as high as the one of silicon in the visible light.

The absorption coefficient is part of the exponent in the Lambert’s Law

I(l) = I0e−αl. (2.14) It describes the decrease of intensity of a radiance beam traveling through a material, where α is the absorption coefficient of the material, l the path length the beam has traveled through the material. I0 is the initial irradiance when entering the material and I(l) is the irradiance after a path length of l.

With Lambert’s law and knowledge of a solar cell’s architecture and the absorption coefficients of its materials, it can be calculated where photons of a certain wavelength are most likely to be absorbed by the solar cell. As can be seen in figure 2.1(left), in CIGS around one third of the blue light is absorbed in the buffer layer (first 0.05µm), acting as the n-type semiconductor of the junction, while red light mostly passes the window and buffer layer and is absorbed in the CIGS absorber layer. In c-Si modules, the red light is not fully absorbed before 300µm.