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Function Declarations

Im Dokument PASCAL-a6 USER'S GUIDE (Seite 82-87)

6. 1 Basic Concepts

6.3 Function Declarations

A function declaration designates a part of a program that computes a value. You activate a function by referencing it by name in function designators in expressions in your program, as described in 7.1.3. Its syntax is:

FUN C T ION identifier [( parameter-list )] : type-id block


FUN C T ION identifier [( parameter-list )]



The identifier in the function heading, which must be unique, is the name used in an expression to invoke the function. The type-id specifies the type of the result returned by the function; this result type must be a scalar or pointer type. The syntax of a parameter-list is given in 6.4.1, and the syntax of a block is specified in 2.1. Section 6.5 gives an explanation of the second form of the function declaration, using the FOR WARD directive.

The scope of the declaration of a function identifier is the block in which the function declaration occurs.

Within the statement part of the block in a function declaration, there must be at least one assignment statement that assigns a value to the function identifier. The result of the function is the last value so assigned. If no assignment occurs, the value of the function is undefined. The function identifier serves within the function block as a structured variable identifier, which may be used in denotations for the compo-nents of the result.

Inside the function's block you may reference the result variable only on the lefthand side of an assignment statement. All other occurrences of the function identifier within its function block cause the function to be executed recursively.

The following are examples of function declarations:

FUNCTION S q rt (x : REAL) : REAL i CONST eps 0.0001i

VAR xO, x1: REALi

BEGIN (* Newton's Method *) x 1 • = x;


xO .= x1;




UNTIL abs(x1-xO) ( eps*x1 Sqrt




Procedures and Functions Pascal-86 User's Guide




Z • • 1 j


IF ODD(i) THEN Z • • z·x;

.• i DIV 2j x .• SQR(x)j ENDj

RtoI .• Zj ( · Z x.li I )



The first function computes the square root of a real number using Newton's Method.

The single parameter and the returned value are of type REAL. The second function computes Xi.

6.4 Parameters

The parameters given in the parameter list in a procedure or function heading are objects providing communication between the procedure or function and its environ-ment. There are four kinds of parameters: value parameters, variable parameters, procedural parameters, and functional parameters. Value parameters are evaluated once, at invocation time, and the procedure or function can use the value but cannot change the argument. The arguments for value parameters may be expressions.

Arguments for variable parameters must be variables, and the procedure or function may change their values. For procedural and functional parameters, the argument is a procedure or function identifier.

6.4. 1 Parameter List Syntax

The syntax of a parameter-list is:

parameters [j parameters]. ..

where parameters has one of the following forms:

identifier [) identifier]... type-id V A R identifier [) identifier]. type-id

PRO C E D U R E identifier [( parameter-list )]

F U H C T ION identifier [( parameter-list )] : type-id Each identifier in the syntax of parameters must be unique. In the first two forms of parameters, type-id may denote any type. In the last form, type-id must denote a simple type.

In a parameter list, a parameters group written without an initial special symbol (the first form shown) specifies that the constituent identifiers denote value parameters.

Variable, procedural, and functional parameters are specified by a prefix of V AR, PROCEDURE, or FUNCTION, respectively.

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Pascal-86 User's Guide Procedures and Functions

When an identifier appears in a parameters specification for a value or variable parameter, it is defined as a parameter identifier within the parameter-list immedi-ately containing it, and also as a variable identifier for the corresponding procedure or function block, if any.

When an identifier appears in a parameters specification for a procedural parameter, it is defined as a parameter identifier within the parameter-list immediately contain-ing it, and also as a procedure identifier for the correspondcontain-ing procedure or function block, if any.

When an identifier appears in a parameters specification for a functional parameter, it is defined as a parameter identifier within the parameter-list immediately contain-ing it, and also as a function identifier for the correspondcontain-ing procedure or function block, if any.


If the parameter-list is within a procedural or functional parameter specifi-cation, there is no corresponding procedure or function block.

The following are examples of parameter lists:


x: REALi i : I H T E G E R




Value Parameters

The argument corresponding to a value parameter is evaluated once, at the time the procedure or function is invoked; the procedure or function can use the value but cannot change the argument. The argument may be any expression of the proper type.

The parameter represents a local variable within the procedure or function. At invocation, when the argument is evaluated, this value is assigned to the local variable before the procedure or function is executed. Thus a value parameter serves as an ihput to the procedure or function, but not as an output.

The argument must be assignment-compatible with the type of the described in 5.3.4; thus you may not use file-type value n-:l,roo:»nnptprc


Variable Parameters

The argument corresponding to a variable parameter may be changed within the procedure or function. The argument to a variable parameter must be a variable (which may be a component of a structured variable), and the parameter represents this variable during the execution of the block. Any operation involving the parame-ter is performed directly on the argument variable. Thus a variable parameter serves as both an input to, and an output from, the procedure or function.

Procedures and Functions Pascal-86 User's Guide


The argument and the parameter must be of the same type as defined in 5.3.4. If the selection of the argument variable involves indexing an array or referencing a dynamic variable (dereferencing a pointer), these actions are performed before the activation of the block.

The argument to a variable parameter may not be a component of a packed structure or array.

Pascal-86 User's Guide Procedures and Functions

6.4.5 Procedural Parameters

A procedural parameter allows you to write a procedure or function that itself invokes a variety of different procedures.

The argument corresponding to a procedural parameter is a procedure identifier, and the parameter denotes the argument procedure during the entire activation of the block. If the argument procedure, upon its activation through the parameter identi-fier, accesses any non-local object, the object accessed is the one that was accessible to the procedure when its procedure identifier was passed as a procedure argument.

The predefined procedures described in Chapter 8 cannot be used as procedural parameters. Interrupt procedures, discussed in 10.4.9, also cannot be used as proce-dural parameters.

The argument and parameter procedures must have compatible parameter lists, as defined in 6.4.7.

Procedural parameters are analogous to functional parameters, which are described in the next section. An example of a routine using a functional parameter appears at the end of that section.

6.4.6 Functional Parameters

Afunctional parameter allows you to write a procedure or function that itself invokes a variety of different functions.

The argument corresponding to a functional parameter is a function identifier, and the parameter denotes that argument function during the entire activation of the block. If the argument function, upon its activation through the parameter identifier, accesses any non-local object, the object accessed is the one that was accessible to the function when its function identifier was passed as a function argument.

The predefined functions described in Chapter 8 cannot be used as functional parameters.

The argument function and the parameter function must have compatible parameter lists (6.4.7) and the same result type.

For example, the following procedure computes the integral of a given function between limits A and B, using the trapezoidal rule with eight intervals:



i : BEG I N

a,b,: REALi

VAR integral: REAL)i

= 8 i

sum: REALi


Procedures and Functions Pascal-86 User's Guide



W • • Cb-a)/nj

sum •• CfCa)+fCb»/2j FOR i:·1 TO n-1 DO



sum + fCa+i*w)j i n t e g r a l ' · 5um*w

To invoke this procedure to integrate sin(x) (given a user-written sine function called

"sine") between the limits -pi/2 and pi/2, you would use the procedure statement:

i n t e 9 rat e C 5 i n e ) - pi/ 2 ) pi/ 2 ) i n t )

In the resulting invocation of integrate, wherever f occurs sine will be substituted for f, and the sine function will be called.

6.4.7 Parameter List Compatibility

Two parameter lists are compatible if they contain the same number of parameters and if the parameters in corresponding positions match. Two parameters match if one of the following is true:

• They are both value parameters of the same type.

• They are both variable parameters of the same type.

• They are both procedural parameters with compatible parameter lists.

• They are both functional parameters with compatible parameter lists and the same result type.

Im Dokument PASCAL-a6 USER'S GUIDE (Seite 82-87)