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From model organisms to model genomes

In this thesis, two studies (2; 3) summarize distinct research efforts carried out in one particular model organism, with the potential for applicability to human biology. By contrast, (1) represents a different mode of working with model organisms: it focuses on one particular gene, periostin (POSTN). Our study elucidates properties of this region by comparing periostin across vertebrate species, from mammals to teleosts, and tentatively beyond. Complete or even partial periostin gene models existed only for a fraction of the species examined, a shortcoming that was overcome with the help of genomic (and to a lesser degree, transcriptomic) sequence data.

This “vertical” approach – available in principle for any gene of interest – would not have been possible without the large and rapidly increasing number of genome sequences in the public domain. It is hence symptomatic for a new, genomically and bioinformatically informed perspective on model organisms.

Traditionally, scientific and practical considerations such as exemplary or characteristic biological features, abundance of offspring, short generation time, or ease of stock maintenance, and finally a sufficiently widespread consensus among the scientific community determined an organism’s rise to “model organism prominence”. But today, genomically, phylogenetically, or bioinformatically, it is possible for organisms to serve as research models based solely on characteristics of their genomic sequence. The following two examples illustrate this transition:

(i) The scientific community’s convergence towards the thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), an angiosperm plant,as a model organism is even more recent than for C. elegans and D. rerio. When a high-profile case was made in 1985 (29), its genome was discussed in considerable detail.

While whole-genome sequencing itself was not yet conceivable, genome features such as small size (implying a manageably small number of clones needed for a comprehensive library), low chromosome count, and low repeat content were explicitly put forward alongside “classical”

advantages such as a short generation time, high seed counts, or the ease of obtaining homozygous plants due to self-fertilization.

(ii) Probably the first example of a model organism being advanced on an exclusively genomic basis is from 1993, when Sydney Brenner – once more – and his colleagues made the case for the characterization of a certain pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) genome (30). Introducing the term

“model vertebrate genome”, they argued that this pufferfish’s compact genome of 400 Mb put it within reach of existing or at least conceivable sequencing technology at the time and that its low complexity and high ratio of coding vs. non-coding sequence made it an ideal tool for the task of gene discovery in humans. Notably, contrary to zebrafish, pufferfish are not generally practical as model organisms – but the T. rubripes genome is almost four times smaller than the zebrafish genome.

After the announcement of the human genome sequence in 2001, the first decade of the 21st century was marked by an accelerating release of sequenced genomes, made possible by the rapidly progressing maturation of the Sanger sequencing-based technology and the concurrent ramp-up in capacity. Genome projects for established model organisms with large genomes (mouse, dog, claw frog, zebrafish) were soon complemented by those elected on the basis of phylogenetic interest (platypus, opossum, anole lizard) and, in parallel, of agricultural importance (cow, rice, grape).

Oncology research and the accelerating genomic revolution

Today, genomic research finds itself in a situation characterized by mature DNA microarray technology and by rapidly developing massively parallel sequencing technology. The latter is increasingly replacing traditional technologies, including for whole genomes, as stunningly evident from the sequence quantity statistics posted on the U.S. Department of Energy’s genome

sequencing project website (31). It is also making inroads for applications for which microarrays had been the gold standard for years (gene expression, copy number, mutations), a trend that is accelerated by the added promise to address questions not or only with difficulty accessible to microarray technology (e.g. translocations, splice variants).

In our case, follow-up work to (3) involves hundreds of zebrafish tumor samples being surveyed for copy number aberrations and relies on high-throughput sequencing rather than microarrays.

Also, in our continued work in C. elegans, public datasets cross-correlated with project-generated data are increasingly sequencing-based and, accordingly, massive in size.

For model genomes and their analysis, this development has opened the door to characterizing within-species variation at unprecedented resolution. For human at least, the concept of “one organism – one genome sequence” as conveniently reflected in many popular genomic

bioinformatics resources, is rapidly becoming outdated: human genomes are being sequenced widely, putting a spotlight on the extent of naturally occurring intra-species variation, the


Similarly for cancer, present oncogenomic research by far exceeds traditional piecemeal characterization efforts of individual select cancer-specific differences (mutations, over- and underexpressed genes) to approach the goal of comprehensively characterized, cancer type-specific model cancer genomes (plus their transcriptomes and variomes). It is intriguing to reflect on this trajectory as a vindication of sorts of the proposal by evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen – inscrutable regarding its intended seriousness – to classify cancer cell lines (specifically HeLa) as their own species (32). This idea reverberates today in studies tracking the evolutionary

trajectories of cancer (33), and in instances of personal cancer genome sequencing in clinical research settings (34; 35), with the ultimate goal of deriving individualized and hence optimized therapy options from the results. Such “personalized medicine” and their rationale were presaged more than 35 years ago (36), but are becoming comprehensively feasible only today.

The rapid pace of genome sequencing of especially human genomes may obscure the fact that some non-human model genomes, including those of less established model organisms, are

lagging behind to varying degrees, and that improvements are not in sight. The situation for the D.

rerio genome has been discussed above. Much worse, other genomes remain without

chromosome-based assemblies (claw frog), some of them so fragmented as to make even simple gene finding exercises challenging (elephant shark, lamprey), and their projects may well be at the end of their funded life cycles, effectively making them “orphans”. This situation has frustrated distinct avenues of investigating periostin, when we attempted to identify the C-terminal region in phylogenetic lines outside of the euteleostomes (see Additional file 6 in (1)). It also continues to pose difficulties due to the problems in the genome assembly (described above), as our zebrafish studies progress (3).

It can be hoped that the new sequencing technologies may eventually offer a solution to this conundrum, once their cost is sufficiently low and their employment sufficiently routine.

Recognizing that a phylogenetically broad collection of genome sequences that uniformly meet certain minimum standards is in the interest of the scientific community as a whole, it should be feasible to “brush up” low quality genome sequences by combining the existing with newly generated sequencing data, a model that has already been followed for the last zebrafish assembly. Maybe, a way will be found to do the same also for orphan genome projects.

Advances in our understanding of cancer biology today are significantly and systematically driven by model organisms and genomic research. This thesis illustrates some of the diverse research modalities following this concept, occupying distinct coordinates in a space defined by axes such as ‘bioinformatics vs. experimental approaches’, ‘number of organisms considered’, ‘number of genes investigated’, ‘basic vs. applied research goals’, and many others. And it nourishes the hope that ultimately, the challenge of fusing all the rapidly growing islands of insight into a cohesive understanding that can actually translate into a “cure for cancer” will be met.

Literatur-Referenzen / References

Die nachfolgende Literatur wird in der Zusammenfassung zitiert, aber in der Regel nicht in den für die Dissertation ausgewählten Publikationen. Ausnahmen betreffen Artikel, auf die in der Zusammenfassung ausführlicher eingegangen wird.

Einträge mit meiner Beteiligung als Koautor oder Miterfinder sind durch einen Stern * gekennzeichnet.

The following literature is cited in the thesis summary, but generally not in the publications selected for the thesis. Exceptions are made for articles that are subject to extended passages in the summary.

References with my contribution (co-authorship or co-inventorship) are marked by an asterisk *.

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